If by "Christmas" you mean the Christian festival of the birth of Jesus Christ, then the answer to the '-question is also, surprisingly "NO". To those who celebrate Christmas as the Birthday of Jesus, Commercialism is merely incidental. It is helpful but only in a secondary way. For them the heart of Christmas is plain, undiluted joy. As an expression of that joy the /. . . . givmg and receiving of gifts, the carefree carousels, and the mirth of merry making, are wholly appropriate. So far as Commercialism adds to the expression of that spirit of joy is all to the good. Commercialism at Christmas time should be If you mean the pagan festival of Mid-Winter, the answer is “NO". Commercialisfn is of the very spirit and essence of this type of "Christmas". The orgy of eating and drinking, of spending and spreeing which Commerchlism thrives on, is wholly appropriate. For this kind of celebration, Commercialism is essential. You can't have too much of it. I suppose the simple answer to that question is yes. There is too much commercialism of Christmas. So what? Christmas is not the only season that is over commercialized. We live under a system where we are pressured all the time. not only at Christmas but at Easter, Mother's Day,, Father's Day, anniversaries - to spend more, to buy an article whether we need it or not - because somebody else buys it - to conform in Is there too Commercialism Toronto Christmas? It all depends upon wh i c h "Christmas" you mean! It there too eommereiaitunt Toronto Christmas? It holds hope for all me cherish _ BANNERMAN "was. Pk THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1968 But the developing t's buy, buy all tlkiiri"ii"iil'i...'i.ii. 1935 Witch Rd. much in a much in a The issue as I see it is not Commercialism or No4lommercialism but a Commercialism that is primary and predominant or a Commercialism that .is "Commercialists" cannot decide the matter for us. They will go on commercializing whatever happens - that is their job. The choice lies with the consumer. We ourselves haye to decide which Christmas has first place in our thoughts and desires, in It was at the dawn of our era that the pagan festival of Mid-Winter was first invested with Christian significance. It was given this significance by common consent, because people recognized and accepted the deeper truth embedded in the Christian celebration. That deeper truth is this: The Festival of Jesus the Saviour derives its meaning from beyond itself. It therefore carries meaning to everything else. But "the festival of Mid-Winter has meaning only within itself and it therefore carries no meaning beyond itself. supplementary. of concern to us all. It gives unmistakable evidence of the way our civilization is going - not forwards to a GolderrAg.r-but backwards to a Dark Age. as we think the Christian understanding of Christmas demands. We can remember that Christmas is the festival held in memory of But - Christmas can be for us individually and as families, what we want it to be and what we believe it could and should be. We can spend it and behave ourselves during Christmas DRIVER TRAINING an out actions. to keep in line and to do nothing to rock the - boat. 1 don't think we ate going to change the system by disagreeing with it. The pie-me of commercialism is too strong. l Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to tender number, will be received in the office of the assistant secretary for the supply of vehicles and instructional staff to conduct a driver training program for school students at various secondary schools within the iurisdiction of the board. The lewd: or any tender will not necessarily be eccepted. Tenden close at 3:00 p.m., January 7, 1969. F. W. Mlnkter. B.A., D.Peed., Director of Education, KC. lone, B.A., c.A., All applicants for .this tondor shall be lie-mod, by tho Ontario Department of Transport and the Metropolitan Toronto Licomlng Commission, to provide a complete stud-M drivor instructional training program. Detailed specifications and tender forms mey be obtained upon application to the Purchasing Department, 50 Spring Garden Avenue, Willowdale, Ontario, 2238330. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR THE BOROUGH OF NORTH YORK [HIDE Chairman Rev. R. J. Bogus Weston Presbyterian Church l can’thide for you. But I know myself, which "Christmas" holds within it real hope for the future of all we cherish and enjoy - including the Commercial- ism of Christmas! a way that we can understand, something of the love of God. We can try to put into practice the teaching of Jesus, especially whetl'le said, "it is more blessed to give than to receive". Happiness is a state of mind and when we wish one another a Happy Christmas couldn't we include in the greeting a prayer, "May the spirit of the Christ Child be with you and yours?" our spending and our merry making. the birth of Christ, that the incarnation reveals to III. in Westminister Church. Donald Reed, Minister 'i"i'Ri'i"ii"i_iii.i. I enjoy seeing tiny lights :11: $2.": brightening up all our sshrytttttt THE WESTON TIMES Of course there are those who are hoping to make some financial profit from the Christmas season. But on the other hand, there are also those who, when they see all the glamour and glitter, are reminded of the real meaning of this holy time. Who knows - if all this commercialism awakens even a few hearts to the real message of Christmas, then it may well be worth the effort. Perhaps this also says to us that the Church should make a greater effort to present its product - The Saviour of the world. Personally, I really enjoy seeing all the special lights we place around our homes at Christmas time. Walking down the streets at night with their thousands of tiny lights' glowing - for me this changes the darkness into a friendly place. How dark our streets seem when eventually all the lights are removed. We would do well to remember that untold numbers of people saw a new Mar in the sky, but, as far as we know, only three men were interested enough to follow it. Bethlehem was packed with people, but only I few came to worship the Christ-child. Yet from this humble tieginning the news of the birth of the Saviour spread until it now covers the whole earth. aiur at". One peraon may well Hy, "That i rather poor grammar". Another may well any, "You don't always hit what you aim aC. But a third may say, “That's true . you will not hit a target unleaa you aim at it". In the final analysis, to use another common phrase, "You find what you are looking for". “la there too much commercialism about Christmas?" In endeavouring to answer that question, my tint thought is - it all depends upon your point of view. For instance: suppoae I quote the old phrase, "You hit only what you imr at". One Dem“ mIV well “V, "Thnt in rail-- - St. John's Church. Harvey J. Scuse Rector UhrisoGs rural: till the air with joy. IV " "who their mun. emu-n“..- PATRICIA ANN HOWE]! SHOP 1659 Wm Road Phon- 244-9351