Whit. mason Ind mums dev, cor-ted trt. David', Anglican', church " Sandra Aune Thorn: but, daughter of Mr. Ind Mrs." W. R. Thornbeck, we. wed to) William Maurice Ron. Ion 011 W. G. Ross, early in June. Rev.) Stephen Oliver performed the: ceremony, and Valerie Hume was I the organist. For the wedding, the bride than I noor length town of white silk, with a “Ind-up col- lar. Her train, flowing from the back of the dress, wns ladened with I large bow, and the outside was trimmed with lice. Her el. bow length veil had five layers of netting. The head piece was of imported French lace, and cow cred with rinestones. A single ltrand of pearls with matching earrings and a cascade of red roses intertwined with white cur- nation petals completed her en- Iemblor Her attendants, Barbara Hazell (maid of honor), Barbara Mend, ham, Betty Slaughter and Judy Ballantyne, all wore long yellow towns with matching coats of alik chantille. A green hand of flowers covered the empire waist dresses, and their headpieces were three layers of yellow net- ting with yellow lilies of the valley and leaf petals . The girls carried I cascade ar- rangement of flowers. mauve Chrysanthemums and white mums tinted yellow, ulueu yawn. The best man. Ronald Ross, l Plantation. the bride's mother and ushers Johr Parker. Bob Hil, chose a standard length imported ton, and Warren Piper, had bout. 1 pink silk headed dress with mat. nnniere of yellow mums in theirnhing coat. and carried a shock. llpell. ing pink corsage. For the reception held at the) For the honeymoon to Ottawa Ottawa-Montreal trip after Thornback-Ross nuptials WESTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Westminster United NEW AT THE CNE Canadian National Exhibition Augâ€. 15. cc - how- CK Gmmnd Box Officq (ot the CNE Staduuml Oi Dot-now Box Office in front of OM City Hall, and at kid agencies *roogltc" Mono Tm Too We Kar In glandskmd stage, the whole be“ field is needed to encompass thus smooch. ninsfcr United & Central United Churches Service ht be In†If Ceotrnl United Church, I King St., Weshto PROCES: $4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.00 GR ANDSTAND EXTR AVAGANZA CROSS STREET AT CHURCH STREET Sunday, Aug. 11, 1968 Joint Services at 10 tt.nt. with NEW FAMILY RATES - Chiidrtrn under ta he†pace Monday through Friday. We: F01 comb-mum tickets winch unclude brt'rss'em b CNE orooods odd to above " (or each adult, 25¢ kar each and! A dramatic recroot'tot, of Canada's history boa 1868 My 1885. The exciting years an Canada's homers were pushed bod by a q’r'im pemple and the rodmod mdy unity! T the country from &35 nighWy indudmg Svodays he bow goes on regardbss of weathm There. are 10.0“) coveted seals. Aug.16to Aug. 31 TICKETS NOW ON SALE --Sept. 2 Sundays from M0pm. I L t Moan W Mr. & Mrs. William Maurice Ron and Montreal, the bride wore a pink dress with a white coat, har, ing matching pink pin stripes, and carried white accessories. On their return the couple will live in Bolton. ' A familiar figure appurad our of a crowd of tourists visiting City Hall last weak. Equipped with camera and sports shirt it turned our " be York Controller Philip White. Mr. White oxplaincd that he was showing two visitors from Israel the inside of City Hall and the best way wit to line up with a guided four. Mr. White can in." boast that ho was on. of the kw city or borough politicians to our visit the City Hall churn- tion tower. Fow Metro politicians our get above the second floor of the downtown building and low over visit any morn than two or thr" rooms on that floor. Service & Mould dash over IO year $2.4 million Metro grant to York U. York and James Service from North York stayed on opposite sides of the fence last week on two key Metro issues. It was North York's Mayor Sor- Vlt'e who sparked MPtm into pm- siding York University with R 52.400000 civic grant. Payment is to be spaced over a 10-year period starting in 1969. Metro would like to see the money used to help build a building for the School of Public Administration. Guess who was touring City Hall? York Mayor Mould was definite. ly against the civic grant to the university, "1 was on Metro when we turned it down before and I am still of the same opinion." he told Metro executive committee. York lost out on its bid for a grant in 1965. Mr. Mould": contention was that the Metro nrlmmisli‘ation had enough financial probloms and rp, sponsibililies uithoui entering mm a pattern of providing uni. versities with money. On a pre- l\‘lOuS occasion Metro granted the. University of Toronto $2A00.000. Mr. Mould considers that finan- cing of universities is a provin- cial and federal government re- sponsibility. "We just haven't got the funds and I don't believe that the home owner, who has enough burdens. should have to start paying out building grants to universities.' he declared later. Other members of Metro executive were also re- luctant to pay the grant to York University but considered that I moral obligation was involved. The. second isgue was the pay raise. $7.000 in two stages. to Metro Chnirmnn William Allen, No on; ohjetsted to a pay raise, the issue was how much of I must. Two mayors. Jack Mould from Mr Mould sand Metro Toronto shouldn't, my ins chlirmnn less than the '30,000 being paid to thel new Ottawa-Carleton Metro re gion chairman. He supported the two stage nine to $86,000 by Jan. 1. 1969. The first "In Is $23,000 retroactive to July 23, North York's "tttes Service thought the responsibilities and work load of the borough mayor: In: just " ire" u that of the Metro chair- man although he "conned that the position of Metro chum-n might be one Hep up the had" above "at " mayor. ii w» and itat the former , mount â€emu; Ullllcu _-plbb..v... "A The bride. Sharon Carmichael.‘ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William I Carmichael, Foxwell Ave, be-1 re a _ came the wife of Robert Vin-tut! har. I son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Vir-l mosftue. Yorkdale Cres., Weston. I St. James RC Church is setting l for qusgh-Wood wedding date The sun mono lrinuy Mn .1. up wedding d Kathleen mm. Won-uh Ind lime! Wil. mm Wood which took phce in st. James Roman Catholic Church, Annotate St. on Satur. day afternoon, August a. -is bride a. In; daughter at Mr. and In. Benjamin Wonsch, Sheppard Ave, W. _ Tumuthemno! Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wood. King- horn Ave, Lambton Park dis. Viet. Flowers bedecked the churn-M u Father Ptliger performed the; beautiful marriage service, Giv- en in marriage by her lather. the bride looked lovely in a floor length wedding gown of satin peau de sale. The fitted bodice had wrist length sleeves. An el, bow length veil framed the bride's hair And a cascade of white orchids and earnatirms formed the bridal bouquet. - Matron of honor was Mrs [Mitch Beery Walford. Two sisters oCboys 1 the bride were bridesmaids, Mn] The A recent wedding of interest to many in the community who know the happy couple is the wedding that took place on Sat- urday afternoon, July 20. in Mount Dennis United Church ' Floral decorations of white gladinla and yellow chrysanthtr mums decorated the church as the minister Rev. Malcolm P. Smith performed the wedding ceremony. Organist was Milan Crepp, Given in marriage hy her fa/ ther, the bride was radiant in a floor length gown of white lace over peau de soie. A centre inset panel of peau de sole fell from the empire waist to the floor in front, The lace over-bodice had long lily point sleeves with gath- ered lace at the back scoop neck- li'ne forming a full length train, extending down the back and trailing along the floor. A short veil was gathered to a head-piece (SF-whiteâ€forget-me-nnts. Sharon carried a wedding bouquet of white and peppermint carnations, Barbara Ross was maid of hom or in a floor length A-line gown of embossed-rose design yellow jacquard, stand-up collar. short sleeves, and empire waist from $28,000 salary "did not do justice to the position." _ _ North York's mayor Insisted that the Metro chairman he in attendance when the Metro PXP- cuttre discussed a salary boost for him. Other executive mem. hers disagreed and squelched the motion of Mr. Service to bring Metro chairman Allen back from his private office. The metro chairman vacated his seat at, the 225 BRAND NEW tEllillllfft Rev. Malcolm Smith officiates at Carmichael-Virtue Nuptials WEST YORK 762-8171 762-8l7l G.M.A.C. FINANCING AVAILABLE OlDSMOBllES 8. TRUCKS Phone (NW o 0105 was sr. CLAIR AVE. w. (Non Koal- IO.) CHOOSE FROM Mien new}. land, very "we! “owe! girl I m]! banks! ot whi very sweet 'ietwee girl. carrying 1 ml bake! ot while was. The attendants chose floor length - oi lavender chiffon with wrist length sleeves and short “it; gathered to matching headpiecu. They carried bow queta ot white daisies, The mother of the bnde. Mrs. Wonoch. looked attractive in a street length ensemble of pink linen with matching headpiece, white accessories and a gardenil corsage. Mrs. Wood. mother of the groom, looked churning in I munching hat, white accessories and gardenia amaze, A friend of the groom. Ronald Lombard, was best man and two other friends, Peter Smith and Charles Bertrand, were ushers. Donald Wood. brother of the groom, and his neighbour boy, Mitch Van Russell were altar boys for the service which a train extended at, the;Sydney. Muskoka. Sharon ('hnsP back of the dress to the floor. la travelling costume of RTN‘n The ‘attractive bridesmaids, and yellow linen with matching Marilyn Virtue and Mary Cole.1green coat. beige accessories and were full length rose-embosstdH?1sy corsage. Upon lhmr return green Jacquard gowns in match/Sharon and Robert will take up ing style. iresidence in the Woolner Ave _ . . . _ ...-A.-s.u. [mm Rt "7rtiraltemiants each carried a cascade of daisies and wore mat- ching daisy hyfbantis. Miss Teri Solomon. made a very pretty flower girl in a sim, ilar rosetmbussed “hue jar quard gown with a green velvet ribbon circling the empire waist. A daisy headband and carrying a small basket filled with daisies, white and peppermint carnations. Mother ot the bride, Mrs. Car. michael, chose a becoming street length ensemble of pale pink brn- cade with matching coat, hat. and accessories, Her corsage was deep pink Carnations. l, Mrs. Virtue, mother of the bridegroom came in a street. length gown of beige linen with coat of deeper brown lace, beige accessories and Corsage of yel- low carnations. 'executive table when the mem Ibers started to discuss the sal lary question. -- _ Best ushers, dall Te: white d nations I The North York mayor may harp wanted Mr, Allen around 'when they were discussing sal. ary but later in the day of the executive session he argued ‘zagainst the Metro chairman being (part of a committee assigned to tdiscuss‘ in private. “satary boost ifor members of Met 0 Council. low carnauons ____ Best man. Douglas Leach. and ushers, Donald Lynn and Ram dall Teeple looked resplendent In white dinner jackets and rod can nations. The I'm-mum um held at tht, Royal York Plaza Restaurant with outofhtwn guests frnm Haml F ion. Preston. Port, Hope and Oak. ville. For their wedding trup In Port _ ----- OF THEIR wedding reception waq THE BEST SERVICED CAR BY FAR Phon. was held at Restaurant , glas Leach, and lynn and Ram l resplendent in l Forty-two friends and relatives Ronald‘ gathered It a Blakely Ave home nd two for the shower given her by Mrs. th and( Doris Cunneyworth and Mrs when; Shirley Jennings. of the; Other showers mew given by " boy, I bridesmaids, Mrs, Judy Bond and a altar‘Mrs. Audrey Mekee, Dixon Rd and maid oi honor. Mrs. Beecy m wasiWaliord. Nagel Rd. a. m. am! with my on! ttf m. not attending from Florida, lichjun, Windsor and 103% poietts tathy'rteaeelling costume was . street [math drag of yellow chum with “is! length sleeves, white mmiu and I cot-age ot white oeeliiss. Harvey and Kathy are spending their honcymoon m Europe, viewing London. Cray Pans and touring Italy. vilpgl ttsehr return they will take up residence in their Bloor St. W. apartrneett, “Kathy' m the recipient of my lovely, gifts at recent bridal shower: given in her honour. green coat. beige accessories and daisy Corsage, Upon lhmr return Sharon and Robert will take up residence in the Woolner Ave apartments. Jane St. ONLY 20 DAYS [EFT TO SAVE s-i-MIK MUST 1lAtAllE-r, NOW SAVE of High Quality Branded lines of 41:13 Wear NORTH PARK PlAlA STORE HURRY! Ilillllllfr HURRY! UP TO SHOP NOW FOR FALL AND BAcK.To.sCH00L un meo w. " Kooh in oh. tkrttt M III- Wuhan beenvuyhuyhulyt Yes! no)! I“ “I chum; a any dwelliq for â€than win a w, - country home; _ anew-1k: for an." traged:, iolU ml“. a. mud swept bay; subways for war _ , I sets and the bud. and bustle Ci/ty the will of a“... w the city for a pllce where cowl“ were P"" torttodiq POI.- tages rest peacefully amidst the ( age who tlisp-d msV in - trees with shuttered eyes closed my and gory. I m I.†h forten ntonttssofthe your. Lonelyo" He 1: In M"'. d I" - ly winters? Perhaps But _iiiiin?i:,t,t,egTaigtaiNt't','.tt . I parts-tsip with them moving no one finds the Utopiawlmd m. a... h Ii . I 'i, Ye Golde Carriage Nursery School mules anyone interested i to their open house, on Saturday. August IO, from 10:00 am. to 1.00 in the afternoon, one i; simply “chum; one group of problems for "sothrt But I have found over the years that half the tensions of living can be dUpeiled by know. ing that what you are doing is what God wants you to do. The happiest place in all the world for the Christian IS the will of God. ', Thirty children, from three to five years of age, are ably super- ;\'1sed by six qualified school 'teachers all year round 9mm†mung-Mn _, Located at 821 the Queensway. the school features the largest outdoor area in Toronto. Its at cent is on metering ereativtty in children. especially art and music, The open house will display what the children have made. vote-trt-----,-.'---" Open house a! nursery school at Keele and Lawrence 6 Mi. AUGUST 31st. AT POINTS 10 PM by Woman's Dorothy Chm Kiibwn 2ll I and 2 " sons. :90 outerwear REGULAR dress Ind - S ties. pyiamu . . . I voMory, Don't min ovum of the your! SPRING i uneomtoetable, Looking over Wm one . conscious of the multitude d tteb. Iennae that m the ttkt-. " 3we wish wbein mmd : God's will it is win to put out our [ u-pin'tual antennae, that ,Atiarreeo lels prayer, for God delights to {answer the bean that is My (seeking him, } And ye in“ seek me and Bod ‘me. when ye uamh for me - 1all your heart. Jeremiah â€:13. dare "and, mum“; wa.tgowiitegGod'aat+ He weresomeior*odingP- age wisotrs-dmtVttt_ my and gory. I luv. In.†you. Hench. sou Mita..-. amitisepersonuhowiiitAet- into partneeetiowiththern yin they ever mm at “It. And there is no hangover. And the spirit at We on“ of love. Mm. joy lad pole- -- that Mate when may but I "cum mom ll this " I firtat sport nice: n suits, into“. in†[ Weston Times its, all wathor "I, slaekt and t [ HALF TH! El Everything liquidation -- shirts, huh", tho emir- in. a the dunne- SUMMER move people read the than the week before each week