It Is easier to cut cheese with a Wire. warming the wire makes the operation easier. This also applies when a knife is used. A note of caution - if the knife or wire is heated in hot water, be sure the utensil is completely dry before cutting, since cheese Will tend to mildew if a damp surface is left on an unused piece. 8IC°ND SICTION Wire Cuts Cheese gnnuuming From the horse and buggy age, our estab. lished tradition of qua- lity and service in ments apparel . . . now . . . a completely renovated premises for your shop- ping convenience. During this special oc- casion on May 9th, 10th and 11th, a Warren K. C o o k worsted sport jacket will be given away FREE, without obligation, to one of our fortunate customers. Our hostess on duty will be serving te. freshments at . . . "was, and FRI. 15 pm 9 pm SATURDAY 9 Im A a pm ONTARIO CRIBBAGE CHAMPS: Branch 213 Legion members Aleii Dobsoii Peter Nabozniak, Gord Moore and Bill Beach, pose proudly with trophy or winning the finals in the Ontario Cribbage Tournaments. THE OPENING OF A COLONIAL ATMOSPHERE IN WESTON fabrics bv Sanderson, Woeller and others (lColttttatltt mans shop (Weston & Lawrence) tlLIPHONI " 241.0101 1874 Weston Rd. S. WURZ 1190 Woman Road Mount Dennis Si; It', sumac». I‘ll! To CALL GORDON’S SERVICES For All Your Window Cleaning . Gonna-u Clem-Du Inning West." For Ovor N You; 763-5439 . 781-376] 763-377] Custom Upholstery 53-5439 - Til-376! Why Don-You'd" ll Vour Willow . Mm Clan-Up! Wm Fer o- " You; I iWeston card experts are A team from Weston Legion are the top cribbage players in Ontario. They entered this year's Royal Canadian Legion champion. ship held at Orillia on April 27 when some 56 teams from all over Ontarid competed. The team scored a remarkable victory by taking 11 out of 14 games and scoring enough points to win. The Rangers were District This “as the first time a pro- vincial champion has come from the Metro Toronto area. "D" Metro Toronto champions last year and have now added the Ontario championship. The Ontario champions are Bill Beach, Gard Moore, Alex Dobson Ontario cribbage champions WESTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FOR wmmoiifiiiistsijAy 11:00 mm. - Morning Service 9:45 am. - Junior & tntermeditrte Sunday School 10:00 am. - Pu Bibi. Class ":00 mm. - Nursery, Kirtdergartert, Primary, Crib Corner O EXPIIIINCED MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE . MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATIMINTS O TAX PREPARATION, ALL RETURNS El PASO RESTAURANT Colonial Dining Room SlMPllEIED BUSINESS SERVICES 1050 Albion Rd. at Islington Ave. N. BANQUET FACILITIES 241-1571 Minister QROSS STREET AT CHURCH STREET ROAST BEEF . . . ROAST TURKEY or CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS " Soyhrnk Avenue, Toronto " SMALL BUSINESSMEN Sunday, May 12th, 1968 may we help you D. W. HOPKINS - 133-2051 mm our complrle sorvicr r harp prlpt'd â€mu†enjoy our specialties and Peter Nabozniak. The charm pious received automatic wrist watches and a tray. pionship, the other members he; Before proceeding to the skill ing George Adams, Bert Wood,ltests at the actual rodeo, each Doug Arnel. and Dick Clark and ', bike was checked to see if it WCIT' accompanied by the branch 5 was roadworthy, and if it dititft sportsofficerâ€Hank"Smilh. !pass the rigid scrutiny of the As a result of this wm theitester. the owner could proceed Rangcr's Branch will play hostlno farther in the tests. A good to next year's championship which i, number had to be disqualified will see some three hundred Le- on these grounds, and it is hoped gionnaires come to compete. [they are now aware of the con- _, .dition of their bikes, and will "LTL-LLC-rc-aL-re,.-'"': bring them up to standards. Alex Dobson and Pete Naboz- niuk were runners-up in the singles dropping only one game and were presented with suitable pl'izcs. The Weston Branch entered mo four-man teams in the cham- pionship, the other members be. ing George Adams. Bert Wood, Doug Arnet, and Dick Clark and were accompanied by the branch sports officer "Hank" Smith. Rev. R. J. Braggs, B.A 241-9533 Mrs. Calhoun, divided thin section into five areas, so that the load would not be too heavy on my one individual. The five area captains were Mrs. Chez Uyede, Mrs. B. Churchward. Mrs. M. Stephens. Mrs, D. Preston and Mrs. H. Claus. Each of these ladies obtained sewn volunteers Ito canvas their area, utilizing a Metal of 35 women. I St. Timothy _ by . the . Humber ‘rAnglicanl Church. nindon and 'Weston Rd. will hold I rummage [ sale of “am thing and everything" next Saturday, May ll from 10 mm to 1 pm. i The sale is sponsored by the churTh's ladies group. Co-ordinalor for the Maple Leaf area (Rule to Jane and 401 to Maple Leaf), Mrs. Vi Col- bourn, announces that canvas- sen for this area topped the to. tal for 1967 and this year collect. ed a grand total of $1,006.41. Official taures have now been released in the recent Cancer Campaign held during the month or April, in the Maple Leaf Brett. I understand that Mrs. Col- bourn, and her next door neighl bor, Mrs. Elsie Bullcn, Brome' Rd., have accepted the task oil checking all the receipt books for l an even larger area, so their) work will still go on. g HUSBAND VOLUNTEERED 1 Dae to the fact that I volun- teered my husband Greg's ser-l vices to be chairman of the Ma- ple Leaf bicycle rodeo, and he was able to enlist the support ofl many public spirited men of the) area, the affair was planned, and) was staged very successfully. ': on my one. muwmual. The ttve their "Walk tor Millions." If you urea “mains were Mrs. Chez didnyctuauy see it, you eouldn't Uyede, Mrs. B. Churchward. Mrs. believe it. These youngsters, M. Stephens. Mrs, D. Preston and some with only one shoe on, Mrs. H. Claus. Each of these some indeed with no shoes on, ladies obtained seven vol.urtreers looking quite bedraggled from to canvas their area, utilizing IWalking. Io this poml. some 10 total of 35 women. l,,. ll miles. Were all smiling. Thanks to the many hours putiThey were tired but a really in by these solunteers, and the: donations of the residents of this! W area, the Cancer Campaign tar' 1968 has been a huge success. _ , This rodeo, sponsored by the North York safety council was planned to make our cyclists aware of the rules of the road, and to find out if their bike was roadworthy. While the weather was a lit- tle chilly last Saturday. the wea- therman was able to keep away the showers, and the boys and girls turned up at Maple Leaf school at the appointed hour to take part in the rodeo. Grade 6 students. both 11 years old, Aileen Conan and Bruce Slye were the top winners, re- ceiving a "finalist" badge, and are now eligible to compete in the "Safety Open House," along with other winners in other areas, at Centennial Centre on Saturday May 25. I am sure that these two young people will be boning up on their rules and rid- ing so that they will make good representatives for Maple Leaf. Thanks to the Maple Leaf home and school association. orizes were awarded to the top lhree boys and girls. Prize win ‘L-rs “ere. Aileen Cowan. Susan Wright. Carrol Rhodes. Bruce She. Frank Baggetta and War "on Heath. WALK FOR MILLIONS ll “as an inspiring sight in deed. last Saturday. to travel along Laurence Ave. during the afternoon. and see the mass of The first section was the ques- tionnaire. which “as given at the school, through the co-operation of principal J. D. Helston. In order to be awarded the Crusader Cycle Club membership, each section of the test had to be successfully passed. Maple Leaf came out with five :.urls and 26 boys getting the award. Church rummage sale Organized into fire teams WISTON. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 9, t960 35 women raise $1,000 for cancer research Arrange for "tended credit terms on your Essa-mane CREDIT CARD Reg. 15.45 9 9 9 /"JCrrc, NOW ONlY . INSTALLED "rc.".': Choose the right shock absorber for your car from Atlas-the number one replacement line quality; or from the economy-priced line. Both are preci- sion engineered to give a smooth ride. sure control at all speeds and greater stability. ENjiirlEi% SHOCK M$0lltlirilt$//iri_i_'i'_ Completely Self-Adjusting Complete Car Care ferrite T PUMP ISLANDS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -- 24 HOURS A DAY l: tl _ _ Il-:?,),':)"-;::',)'" l One of the most inspiring as- " . . ‘ ' rN . _ pects of this "Walk" for the walk, ', ertttitted lot, walking for In ers “as the (act that everyrshere ause. lthey went, the general public Before setting out on the isalk, were there m droves to cheer they had rounded up sponsorsithem along the Ma} The tit. who would pay a net sum torlJohn Ambulance. the police and each mile they nalked. Depend~ithe ollmal: at the check points ing on how succcsnlul they were,H all played their parts well. and in obtaining sponsors. some “are; helped make " a reuardmg day, walking the distance tor n little} It. shouldn't be to long belore as 10 cents I mile. uhlle others I the contributions are all totalled this had up to $3.00 and $400 rid mg on their ttttt Ire! For those that had In an! up bvtore the course ut 828 [mu-s has completed, ll wasn‘t the mind that game up, only that the Iect gnu out. Uany “in: plan to par gaw out. Man} “th plan to par umpate 1n the "alk nest 3car know now that abut the mast important factor in this mara- than is to be well shod. MEIER] 1i/yrrtii7lll"h( CHECK 2252: 4.88 Bumper to Bumper m . In“ L". . “on. Uno- PM. "Q lAIIWAY and the charities involved will know just when this "walk" I“ mm!!! as tar act" money " concern- ed. The anwer. bouever. is ar ready kmmn as to the worth pf these )oung‘lers. “ho willingly gate ul thew “me. spirit and Ame leather to those less (onu- nale than themselves. Congratulations to the younl- sters (and oldslers) for I job very “ell done. While l cemmly can": print the names of all those in our area who participated in the walk" as I don't know them all. I nould like to mention I few. Both Craig Barker, Dorsey Dr and Rusemary Finis, Cleo Rd, completed the 32.8 miles, and Lyn Shipley. Wootton Crest. and Arnella Brissel, Brome Rd. made a very good thawing. PAM â€VIN