m.t--ttqttt-t'"r--0w-er'r"" letter: ‘Discharged employee was a hazard' mm 149-†We nod-4m m m we! af Munro uploluemu Door Sir; Th. lttftrmatlttrt and in you: mum: m in mi Ind "tMe of April now was humping and Macaw-M. The brown!†" fhe Itth puk who hold their mowing: in tht Church " the Good Shophord, Mann! Dennis, were ovorcomo wlth grief and shock " the new! death a! their his"! Indu- Min Connie There is some talk that the eight- acre Parson's village site may eventu- ally be covered with housing or a shopping plaza, a fate that has be- fallen many other Indian villages in the Metropolitan Toronto area. But this time. it is our sincere hope that the Federal Historic Sites and Monu- ments Bard and the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority will acquire and develop the property for the benefit of the public and stu- dent anthropologists. ' Here are a few of the reasons why: --Aeeording to Dr. J. Norman Em- ereon. supervisor of sirehttelotrieal stu- dies, University of Toronto, university students and school children who are Baton the white man came along, the Indians camped along the banks of Black Creek on their way to Hur- onia and left behind many trues of their stopovers. Ont of the favorite stop-overs was the bank of the creek where it crosses Finch. Students from several local ju- nior high and public schools have al.. rendy been taken on "digs" and have found many relics of s civilization here that was much older than our own. Professional - Business Directory On the north side of Finch About half . mile out of Jane, evidence of an ancient North American Indian vil- lus hu been found. Innis!" . Solid!" Notary Pub": Evening In commitment "" Woman ltd. let John M.) ~Welum _ CR 4-5â€? Alfred H. Herman "tr I". 1M had d.dleated to always halping when, Art IARIIITIII and soucnou Hum! o. Athboumo, IA. Cart w. Cult“. Tho low for m Children that 10!. had in her heart A man random}! person no on. could find, NU-LIF! Uphdlnring Ltd. , mm Cree. _ FroLfrsitlNo From & Simms Darrin". . Sellei'ors 1964 Wnion Road Opposite John Street Tribute to a BARRISTERS angel an arm and now up In h'nvm Rmrdlon of "vol! rue, thtlr crud, or their colon In each " our hearts the'" live on Com". lomnlnod with her always "II OM day Sh. did pm Patient, qttdersUndirstt, lovlng and kind. KA., tht,, WESTON, ONT --. 247-6677 ASHBOURNE and (ASKEY - - Fannie“ a use Weeton ltd., Weston [ by Principe] Pubiiehinx Ltd., every Thuredey V. J. Helium, Preeident and Publieher J. M. Jordan. General Manager B. M. Hahn“. Editor Telephone CH 1-5211 Authorized as Second Clue Mail, Post Office Dept. Ottawa, Ottt., end for payment of polite†in ensh SUBSCRIPTION BATES $7.00 tr, veer in advance to any eddreu in nude Other countries $9.00 N77 LAWRENCI AVE. W. (Jul? West " Wuhn Rd.) CH 1-19" mm village worth restoring brownie leader Nine-ynr-old Ramona Bert. e", l lrowmvillc Ave. brown- ie, ukod her mother, Mrs. Margaret lone", in wrm a few lino: in Miss Jahnun’i mommy: George W. Bull Comrary M um which w" Indie-Md In your up", the amnion. lnvolvod was not div charged new" ho was I dia. betie. He was diuharud dur. Johnson, Grundnlo Ave. Full gun-Moe , on motor, automatic; Free "ODP, check with tune-up. free wheel alignment check tnd "ti. mate. CtAtrttgg car. ttoo Jan. 'treef Mr. 00ml: IO w" Jan. " Walter’s Garage Weston, Ont rio cu 'rts'i"Ri"-", Barrister and Solicitor in". 202 The Wail": Bldg. 1920' mm» Ila? Weston, Ontario Piano Tuning And Repairing Wm A Rim aa; "u. rib 9-2." Work Guarlntnd GARAGES MUSIC In short, there doesn't appear to be a reason in the world why this site should not be acquired and develop- ed. except money. Since Parson's Village is in North York, the borough mayor, controllers and aldermen, some of whom have al- ready expressed interest in the scheme, should start the ball rolling to bring the property under public Ownership. as numerous school _tey3tp. agree that restoration of the site would be of immense educational value for both the young and old. ---The MTRCA could cotnplement Pioneer Village, about tt alt mile north, by reconstructing the Indian village so that weekenders and tour- ists would have a perfect opportunity to compare our pioneer culture with that of the older Indian civilization. --Dr. Fred Minkler, director of the North York board of education, and Charles Proctor, president of the North York historical society as well If this site is buried under a con- crete jungle, it will be a crying shame. given an opportunity to study our In- dian culture soon lose their prejudic- ed ideas of the Indian being 3 savage red man and acquire s new respect for the first North Americans " hu- man beings with I mug ificent his- tory,_eylttTrtttti.disrnitA glk‘heif own. CM 7-6590 Irvinwireum In. hit probationary period be. nus. his dinkâ€: condmon in no? oiittriotUd o'geter. mined by his modlnl cumin-- tion. In this eonditlttn I har ard existed for himself and “How employ“: in his vicin- ity should I loss of conscious. ness have occurred while he was working in an industrial qnvlretrtrttent. We wuold like you to under. Martd thet this kind of I " clslon by en employer is dit. fieult and unpleasant Those tttettltnt ere no? lmpotuous nor ere they mode with any In- fant to deprlvo onyono of buic rights. " in our pollcy not to employ enyono who, because of his phyxlul disability, would be not " ioopnrdize himself or his follow omployeu. Yours truly, G. B. McFodyen, Personnel Mon-yer, C.C.M., A division of Levy tndustrio, Lewrenn Ave. W. MOVED TO A NEW LOCATION Scarlet Albright, O.D. ommmm 359 Keel. St. Just south of Dundn " lvoningsi 'r _A_gp9lncmom tbetween Jane & Keele 249.0041 or hl1'ii"/h 1894 Weston Rd,. Weston 'or'romum Ann Arbor Medic-l Conm J. It. (unis, 0.0. For Appointment Call CH 1.0701 mo WILSON Av: 'r.sldott w. J. OALLICHAN OPTOMETRY . STANDARD SECURITIES lIMITED Opfttmetrist 766-29“ SKYLINI HOTIL IRANCH 655 Dixon Road, Rad-lo, Ontario Phonn 240d631 In. M1.N9t Member Toronto Stock_ Exchange W. J. GALUCHAN mr. "" (STAT! A msuuncl 7664136 INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE Vo.tt J. “HorrymFrogloy, honour. 1//hy Schools should teadrall facets of sex Lite is not an tMy road to walk, ptuticularly for the young person. In his Globe and Mail column. Richard Needham once said that the prime function of the parent is to menu the child for the day when he will be bounced out of his home and will be requirgg to fend for himself. 6ui%hools, of course, 1150 share this responsibility, and, in the age of automation, the role of formal education is taking on In increuing im- portance. There aremany things the school system should be teach. ing that Ire not taught today. 1 think that one of them would he to point out to youngsters that our whole way of life is a rat race and the entire econ- omy is based on 8ex. Children should be made aware of the ruthless cut. throating in politics and the business world, I submit, not so that they will necessarily become t part of it, but be- cause they should be fore. warned and be equipped to cope with it. Everything you buy today is spld_.with Mex. I can think of scores of products -- cars, beer, deodorants. hair cream, soft drinks - that offer in, stunt seduction by beautiful women and handsome men it you believe the ads. On the other hand, there probably isn't a cigarette manufacturer that would stay in business if true to life people like the. couple next door to you were pictured in the ad. I started out this column m- tending to comment on the doeiunentary The Way Lift Begins on Channel 9 Sunday and got sidetracked - please forgive me. 0n watching the hour-long program, two thoughts struck mt. The first was that I had recalled reading soméwhere that it would be an excellent documentary for youngsters. nine years old and up, " well as adults to watch. -hiTriimrytar-om could get as much out of that program WnMn Wench Marsh; Goulding & Co. Chartered Accountnnn 1969 WuOon load " FIAIIR CACHI {can}: A A?!» Chartered Accounnm 1739 Weston Road ACCOUNTANTS Mkip.' REED 241-2424 EObKK'EEPING SERVICE C. W. LEASK runnlblo mu 1199 WI!1’ON " TORONTO " CH 1-H†CH 4.6061 Author replies to attact on ‘William Bercly' made in newspaper book review as the child‘s parents I de. eided, then it must be obvious that the knowledge of the adult, whim it comes right down to the basic reproductive process of animlls and man, letter BERCZY AND SIMCOE As the author of "William Boruy, Co-Foundtr of Toron- to,†may I "plain the sum- Ingly controverslnl result of my research lo your rospodod radars. At the sum. limo I wish to comment upon the oplnlon of Mus Doris M. Fin- gorald, whos. thorough review of my book appeared in Tho Richmond Hill Liberal on Ap. ril ll, 1968. There are many kinds of scum malarial available for a local historian. I have built my story upon primary ovi- dence, where" Miss Fllxgar- ald sum: in prefer rumours, family fairy lain, and old his. toric: containing bland or dislorlad viaws. For example, let u: look first at the glori- 'ied portrait of Philip Eck. hart", painted posthumously by his grandson and new usurping Bercry's position in Miss Fitrgeratd's slory. Philip Eckhardt, like many others, became in the eyes of his worthy grandson a color- ful superman, whose geneal- ogy had to be different from other ordinary Markham pion- earl at German descent. The truth is that Philip Eckhardt's name appear; together with Horny etc., on the official Philadelphia harbor list of landad Immigrants trom the ship "Catherirta", dated Aug. ust 3, 1792, which printed list is quoted in my book, note M. leruy'a vary thorough rs. aorda, preserved in the Na- tional Archives in Ottawa, leave no doubt who built tha German Mills. They were the hired ur- penten from the Niagara Iree, whose names I quote in my note Mr. Moreover, how could Eckherdt have assisted the Upper Cenede Govern- ment in 1792, when he was until 1794 In Williamsburg, when his sign-tun appe-rn under I memorandum (my note 46). There maybe some general truth, though, in the Eekhardt etory, Le. utter I797 Eckherdt mey have hauled loge and built thin and that for the Government and u- sisted the lend wrveyou to tn" their lines through the bush. For I counter belence here: Some distent relatives of Berexy worked out e gen- eelo'y, where he in made into e Count of the Hensbure Dy. nasty. with e right to their Auetrien throne. _ T I mnlnnin tUt similar dis. Oorviom a! hen hppur In mo" M our loul htetetries. and ToroMo is no "e.ptlort here. Repeatedly Min Fm- could used such poor gour- cn "him! my new uvldonco. WESTON TRAVEL SERVICE m: Wm Rd. - tin The Wmlnw Bldg.) BOOK NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT (ft', GOING OVERSEAS? Guess Who's Coming To Dinner? Plum 244-5324 must be only slightly greater than that of his offspring. It this is the-ease I further rea. soned, no wonder so many peo- ple in the adult world have serious sexual problems and so was due to desire of land- granting officer; to incroaeo Not even the simplest and most solid tact: are recogniz- ed, as for instance my finding that Berczy was born in Wat. lerstein, in Swabia, in 1744. Instead, Miss Fitzgerald' re- ports what somebody inst guessed over a century ago: "Barn . . . in Saxony, in 1748." 0r, Beruy "was thrown in iail" in the Genesee, which wrong statement you back to Simcoe's correspondence. Sim- coe had picked up the rumor probably trom Mr. Powell, who in turn has confused the iailin‘ of Berczy's peasants with the leader himself, who in tut was out of sight in New York when Captain Wil. liamson arrested his settlers. More important to note is this distortion: "Beruy took his cue to England without success," whereas the truth is that the imperial Government advised the Executive Council of Upper Canada to ra-grant Berczy the 64,000 acres, with the condition that the local council find "hit allagations to be substantially true" (which they were). Briefly, Bererr's famous: "tailure," bankruptcy, and debts were simply caused by the brutal otrtfisotiort at his Markham development by his compati- ton, the Governmental land speculators, and not by Ber. cxy's Irtee"rtpetertee. Danny was a master also in financial iuggling, and had for a while his debt; nicely covered by wealthy Montreal merchants. According to Berery's detailed list; already in 1802 Markham Township contained over 700 people, u. when the great in. flux at Mennonites and othera barely had started. WM! happened lo Iorny after ho hid boon skinnod and burlod? Ptoplo who know Mm Intimately, Illa Jacques Vigor and Baron 'ehafutisky, COR. llnuod lo lovo and ldoro him. Dr. William Warren Baldwin, ono Mill" few - Childi- ant, In I!!! still fol? so "reno- ly new th. inlunlu done to Horny "no ho lwico brought the can lo lho aflonlion of the Elrl of Durham: "gran wrong was don. no. only lo Dore" hm ollo lo pooplo In Towmhlps . . . for N deprived tht “Mom-M of Markham " a bun of char-cl", oducnlon Ind rank in socioly n In head and gunk, and the your»- mom of a connocllng link be. lwun Moll nnd tht pooplo . . . semi was wind on" mending $60,000 . . . popular ball“ was that dung. (to. In Oh: land granting pulley) (Continued on page 5) Il) i) mnny high school and college students wind up with venere ttl disease and uninvited preg- nancies. Sure much of the problem here stems back to the parents who, most agree, should freely converse with their youngsters about sexual relations and answer frank questions with frank answer; The result is that today‘s teenagers with their eye make- up, padded bras and "sexy" ears consider these the most important things in life and quite naturally their curiosi- ties are tempted to go the step further that they are totally equipped to handle. Since so many parents are n equal to the task, it seems to that it is high time that our " l system lays out the facts of 1 so that children don't get a istorted picture via the televNon tube and back alley talk. When chikigen reach puber- ty. they should be fully aware of the risks of pregnancy, the [act that sex without proper precautions can make a tragic mess of the most fantastic mir. acle in creation. But many of u! know from our own personal experience and that of many others that perhaps a good hill of all par- ents are incapable of free dia- logue on this Subject because they themselves were brought up when sex was to have child. ren only. In front of me. I have a copy of Family Living and Sex Education -- A guide for Parents and Youth Leaders. It is written by Dr. S. R. Lay- cock and is published for the Canadian He alt h Education Specialists Society, Ottawa. It is really a review of cur- rent literature available on the sex question as it affects child- ren in Canpda and should be stocked in every library. In the back is a list of books on sex education that come under these headings. Books 'svmwgv', In" Ave. [whim ‘OIonmvk‘, Yong. " . Toronto 'Snumdown', Hahw" 2. Cl-mon 10n¢acvn'. Nvghwlv 7, Unionwlm SHERIDAN NURSERIES should be planted now for beauty in season long. See Canada‘s finest selection of these and other varieties of flowering and decorative shrubs on display at Sheridan Nurseries' Sole; Stations. Bo sun to no your FRI! copy of our colourful cordon CI'IIOIUO. Hardy, Shrubs for Hedges DALI: ITATIONI Sheridan’s new Iymbol a! “who nhono 259-5095 phone 481-18?!) â€on. 812.0161 â€on. 2'7-2153 for Parents and Youth Lead- ers . . . Books for Children Under Nine . . . Books for Boys and Girls 9 to 12 Years of Age . . . 13 to 15 Years, of Age . . . Older Adolescéuu and Young Adults . . . Again let me stress that many parents are set in their ways and will not exert the effort required to dig up the material listed under these headings to satisfy the healthy curiosities of youngsters. Since many facts about sex are fun. damental and basic to all hu. man beings, Ontario schools must, I suggest, start teaching all children the beauty and pitfalls to’watch for in male. female relationships. Last year, a mother of two young boys delighted in tel. ling me that the junior high school where her eldest at. tends, was going to launch a meaningful course in sex that would be entirely coeduca- tional and would include films, lectures from area doctors, tours of local hospitals and studies in textbooks on embry- ology. bodily growth, sexual behavior, the meaning of mar. riage and so on. Last month she told me that most of the course was either modified or cancelled because several parents had strong ttb. jections. She said this disap- pointed her and her husband, not just became their child- ren would lose a great deal of liberal education that they might otherwise have attain- ed, but because the 1053 would be [alt by all the children In that junior high school, who have a natural right to a great- er sex education than is offer. ed in the hair spray ads. and the know-it-all drop-outs who hang around on street corners. If schools adopt a liberal sex education. policy for all student age groups, I expect that they will head off many brokmmges and prevent many "unwanted pregnan- cies."