Ontario Achievements Deserve Applause "ieutt1t.E.?.et._tttt.ez.puiser_i- letter from Robert: Banister; - Solicitors "" Weston Road Opposite John Street WWII, on. CM l-lSll Mario Day " Expo " will be ohnrvod on Saturday, Aug. 'th. On Onhrio Day, our tCro. vine. will Kim: the spouagm u EXPO and, ttser-r', a! the world. . A '"Mem has be.» devel. 090d which, I believe, vi" CR. pron 'he Mid. the poop!- 0! 0mm. hold for their Pres. ving. Mario oar, as a ro- sow, will be on. of the largest Ind mos! colorful 1',',1',tltl'i days " EXPO. More Hun l. Dear Sir " - Notary Futon:- Evomnu M atmotrntrrer1t "" Winston Rd. (at John St.) Finally however, it seems that the mountain has labored forth and pro- duced a mouse. Despite arrproxen de.. mand 'for many. many thousands of new homes in the Metro. area, the best OHC could do was to acquire 621 $9.000 lots in Bramalea - 30 miles from Toronto -- which will he up for grabs next week. By the time a $14,000 or 315.000 This comes as no surprise to us, as OHC lquite justifiably we feel) has placed a $9.000 ceiling on the price it will pay for serviced land. Building lots in this area are going for a prohibitative $15,000 each. Back in March. this newspaper ask- ed henneth Sitters. managing direc- tor of the Ontario Housing Corpora- tion, when and where a typical resi- dent in York or North York earning between 35.000 and $8,000 could buy a house under the H.O.M.E. plan. Suters replied that there should be 60,000 housing starts in Ontario per year and OHC hopes to provide 12,000 "of them. But the managing director did not commit himself then, nor does he appear to want to com- mit himself now. on how a Metro resident will benefit when the H.O.M.E. scheme starts rolling. Alfred H. Herman The Weston Times has yet to'be "house irtrut on 1ii,000 lot, there convinced that the Ontario govern- will be few earning less than $8.000 ment's much publicized "Home Own- per year who will be able to afford ership Made Easy" plan is anything the carrying charges. more than a sop to pacify public Unquestionably a wage earner in outcrys for decent housing. the $5,590Ato $7,500 bracket could After studying the Ontario Housing Corporation's "HOME. information kit" and pemsinx the newspapers. we still see little evidence to suggest that the Ontario government really cad! about the .kind of housing Metro resi- dents have to bring up their families in. mountains NU-LIFE upholmrm Ltd. --] 7 V Asusom: and (my BARguS'rERS Ind SOLICITORS 'reward G. AMthoortte. BA. Cart w, (Juicy. ILL. (LC. 2077 LAWRENCE AVE W. that Went of W's-um M.) WESTON, ON'I - 247-6677 Fraser 8. Simms . BARRISTERS CH 4-5897 BA., qt, in m an - v WWI H.O.M.E. Remains a Sham Professional " Business Directory .qgttiritor "'utstistted " 2169 Weston Rd}. Weston [ by Principal Publiahinx Ltd., every Thursday v. J. Helm-n; ‘President and Publisher J. M. Jordan, General lanaxer B. M. Holmes, Editor Telephone CH 1-5211 . Authorized " Sandman MailLliqgt Qttice Dept- Ottawa, Ont., and foe payment cf poatage in cash SUBSCRIPTION RATES $5.00 per year in advance to any address in Canada Other countries $6.00 Editorial Page nu hm “not Mt. Den-h BO .4!“ singers, danuu, musician: 0nd gymnasts -- " groups in all - will be rr-rted " EXPO from ovary par! of Ore Mvio h mun-in in Place an Nations. They "pram the founding "to: a! French and English and the mph of many ofher "atiorsatists who have in large mmhort, Chou" to nuke their any homo; in On- Oprio. Each is going to EXPO Io "pron his mtthotiasm for (and. and his â€dim. in in future. George W. Bull tit 4-5547-8-9 Barrister Ind Soliciwr '" t Suite Mt The Westhw Bldg. 1920 Weston Rd. Weston, Ontario- And Repairing Work (mar-Mood Piano Tuning MUSIC In preparing a study for the Indus- trial and Commercial Asgoeiations of Vaughan Township. economist Char. " Magee declared last week that government legislation and zoning by- laws practically guarantee owners of vacant property an increase in land values of $1,000 per housing site every year With land inflation spiraling at this rate. how does the Ontario govern- ment ever expect to solve the housing crisis? Dr. Magee said one of the answers would be tn assess and tax land at its market value and tax buildings at half value to force property owners tn put their land on the market at reasonable prices. Until the Ontario government wak- es up and faces these facts of life. "Nome Ownership Made Easy" will remain a sham. In short, the HOME. program, so tar as atypical Metro resident is con- cerned, remains a total farce. If the housing problem is evpr to be solved, the ridiculously high price of building land in and around the Metro area must come way down. According to the economist, thou- minds of acres of prime building land are tied lup because of governmental red tape and the lucrative returns awarded those who hold land for sptyuletion. Unquestionably a wage earner in the $5,500 to $7,500 bracket could manage $120 to $140 monthly pay- ments on a $7,000 house, but the $170 to $190 payments on the Rramalea house offered for 824,000 is much too great. The (Mario Pavilion and 'he OMIrio film "A â€It. " Stand" have been received with .Mhusiatm by visitors h EXPO. We are indeed proud of what the -ris, er.ativ. and industrious people of On- hrio hive accomplished in our Pevilion. It in a credit 90 their abitities and, in I most exci'ing fashion, inform; ttte world of tho runny ttotstandirtg achievement of the Mario people. . Weston Pull (am on radar, mm. In! - chock with tum-up. and wheel alignment and: and ml- tttttM. Courtesy cur _ "" 1m " CI 1-m- Westnn In writing this letter, I am Walter’s Garage Marsh, Goulding & Co. Chartered Arrannunu ACCOUNTANTS C. W. LEASK Chartered Accountant 1730 Weston Road 1989 Weston Road GARAGES 6.55 Dixon Road, Roxane. Ontario ' Phones “byâ€: In. 241-2891 Mmhor Tornntn Stock Exchange J. "any Frn'loy. vii-nun S. J. BROOKS & to. SKYLINE HOTEL BRANCH CH 4-6061 (Tl! 1-112. INVESTMENTS urging 'hat our public modi- nko this opporhmify to pob. lish and broaden! Mimi-ls and special foafuro norm Mll- ing of ttse usemplishmom; of the hoopla " Ontario during th. first century " Canadian Coo'tder"ioo. The achieve. muvn are many and than. the qualms. of our ulnar-Non. Your: vory Oruly, Two wee tots. cavort- ing on Ward's Island in the nude, Are the talk of the neighbourhood. The first reaction of most parents is: What Scarlett Albnght, O.D. Optometrist 2936 Dumb: St. Watt mundu _ Keeirt twain†By Appointment if! QIOOI Dr!" in“!!! Immune. For Fivprv Purpool There hat been considerable agita~ tion among area residents for the in- stallation of a crosswalk across from Smythe Park, on Jane Strept. 1894 Weston Rd., Weston Many children, especially those from the apartment houses, run across Jane to use the park's facili-» ties, and don't bother to use either of the two lights, both of which are some distance away. On June 14, Jeff Gurczenski. R. was hit by a car on Jane and suffer- ed scrapes to his hands and face. Al- though released from hospital after treatment. he was required to stay in bed a week with shock. More recently, a car went off the road and hit a pole, irr order to avoid two children: A year ago, a petition was cir- culated among the residents and 500 names were sent in to the Metro traf- J. R. Currie, 0.0. For Appointment Call CH 1-0701 ' G. it. RICHTER OPTOMETRY INSURANCE Optometrist John P. Reborn, Prim. Minister. Bare Bottoms and the law t. Agency 500 Want a Crosswalk And everyone w as laughing about the pol- ice telling Johanna Ter Woort, mother of Marc, 18 months. and Lisa. 20 months. that she arurher husband would be sum- moned .because t h e i r children were allowed to appear in public in the nude. _ It is the customs of a country that help devel. op its Uses. harm are they doing? The innocent babes are just following the natur- al feelings of all of us when we are hot and want to be comfortable. This was my first re- action too! But there Have been some second thoughts on the matter. From infancy we train our children to abide by the laws of the land, This is the way we pre- serve law and order in the community.- How will children understand at tour years of age that WESTON TRAVEL SERVICE "" I“ u. - an no Wdhw Ills.) BOOK NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT GOING OVERSEAS? Metro was not at all interested. saying that particular area had no need of crosswalks. One resident said Metro traffic de- partment took a survey of this inter- section - on a rainy day - and found the pedestrian traffic did not warrant a crosswalk. The Haney Ave. anrJane St. in- tersection is an ideal site for such a project. __ _ fit commission. York has-an obligation to insist on another survey ---. this time hope- fully on a sunny day. Borough coun- cil should ask Metro to at least take this step. without delay. We note that council is asking for a crosswalk near the municipal building. There is a need for one at Jane and Haney too. On a hot day hundreds of children will cross at this point to get to the pool in Smythe Park. Phone 244-5324 they must remain dress- ed in public. unless that training has been Mart- ed in the begihning! . In Europe it is Q nor- mal and natural custom to allow more nudity on the beaches but here in Canada, te have n't reached this stage. of ac- ceptance yet. After a Walk around the island beaches we can understand the pro- blems and difficulties facing our policemen in trying to uphold our laws on indecent expos- ure and public disorder. If a. law is bad or outdated, we sho u I d work hartrto have that law charmed -- hut not by flouting it. . We should do it by the legal process; so that it is acceptable In the majority of the people, not just the few. MEDICAL BUILDING "oo Walton Rd. tat Chum. " 'rratne Light) DISPENSING OWCIAN NEIl J. MOREAU (hulls! - Prtrrerlptiotts Completed - Repairs - Duplication: & Plump Shut-ln Service Marion Gundy 248-1821 Heritage _ "67, the "0m. in a lifetime camping "will" for those Girl Ovid†and Rangersi who worked so hard "my might) In on: of the chasm in: " 90.? " was an event that was worked for and mum-d on for â€we. you" " MARION GUNDY , The Girl Guide's public rel:- tions department have asked Lynn Gillman to tell us her im- pressions on the two weeks she spent on Morrison and Naimel Islands with 2,000 Guides. Lynn was a participant in the Girll Guides of Canada "Heritage' Camp 1961." and now it is iust enofher gum! experience that will be talked about around the camp fire for some time in come. For two glorious wreks there were 2,000 girls and leaders liv- ing together, working and play- mg, meeting old friends and mak, ing new in an atmosphere of friendlies which makes it im- possible to believe that "sislerly love." and "the real brotherhood of min" tell arump, is not felt everywhere., " was mailing to no girls from British Columbia, the Prair. io Provinces and the Maritimes. "How good it w“ to use my 'high school Fronth' lo speak lo friends from the French "dim M the Girl Guides. W. "um hrgether in .fho St. Lauren“, nag Io- goth" "amid the amp fin ind in": how she] w. w." lo be the". One Guide's Account of ‘Heritage Camp 1967'.. . John St. 1$ist_lte lt _ISO Montcalm Beyond any shadow of . doubt, Montreal is I tar friend- lier city than Toronto. Store clerks sinile at you, people go out of their way to give directions and they'll our] on a conversation in the subway station. Has a native TorontottUn over started a conversation with you in the King and Yonge station? People with these remarkable traits are contented and contented people never drop bombs into mail boxes or at- tempt to " up bitter resentment between English and French. In my View. Montrealers live in I great city that over- shadows Toronto and can match cities like London and New York. They're a lot more mature than us in little ol' purl. tanical Toronto too. ft is not a sin to buy beer in a grocery store or to sip an alcoholic beverage at 12:05 Sunday am. when things begin to liven up in the night clubs on St. Catherines St. instead of closing down which is the case " 11:30 pm. every Satyrday on Yonge St, Nextuime rod read thai the "iiratists Ire aboul ready to take over the province, try to remember that sensational stories are often manufactured to sell newspapexs. Howe-nyouhlmmtotlnviu named thanâ€. ofrtmsehCtrtadianrare-tiatswhetsallyoueeadut the am pm. the dry: ts “Daniel Johann inu- um matum . . " Quin: Premier blah on". . . ., Premier Job-non pains separatists . . ., threatens to bunk away trieii"iidCtirisoiitttiy..."ardsoan. _ . A: I uud to read this, two questions not: in my mind which an papers never answered. 1. What do Quobecers really want? 2. How may of them rally want to set up their on country complete with independent tax machinery, armed toms. border guards, cutouts men and torelgn " “in dopartmeot. Attir a week in Montreal during July, than questions, so far as I am concerned, no longer require anawen. All told, I spoke to more than 150 yontrulem and not one betnyed em a trace ot rmntmegu toward my being a WASP too stupid to learn even I little heath. . IWith some I convened about politics. With omen, the topic wu the weather and with the rest I and directions; All of these questions were answered with the utmost courlesy and I smile. Imagine yogmlf , tourist in Tommq with a foreign tongue "Sorry mister. If you can't speak English, t haven't got the time to figure out what it is you‘re trying to nk me." When I add thee things up, crackpotn like deGaullo and radical: like Johnson. no longs- Mghten me. The Mom trealm I mm are a happier, friendlier. more easy going people than their Toronto counterparts. The Quebecers I met are a lively, fun loving people who have had their roots in Canadian mil for more than 200 years. Are they going to give up I country of virtually un- limited opportunity to follow some fanatic-l nut who swears he can deliver them to the promised land? I doubt it. The" will be M Whip ot "We in Monday, Atututet l, when In: been declared " Clvic Rollo-y by the Maya and Council ot thr â€much in! North Yon-l. Pickup will ho marl. on yonr an! mum ott"eetlott (In. Til-Mu. Ann-at 10. Tran with“: qrb1t in In mun-l III “PM“. w.e.odtr-tgtts.irti-rttiiitVeoeti-tmrtum to bank afoul-dande- by tuning modem with ot. 'awaaatddedaeiitu.ttee1rttrtie. - - __ During my stay, I spent two this on; the Expo me and five days wandering about the city. Communal "as rennin. man “than In request- eretohaHMiwasutttdoomtmtttth.Xt_r-tg ttrt-ttg be holiday. Moi Ono Was a ' MIMIC“!!! M-l....Att.'tNtaeitr. _ r',ukUuinituttGeutti-tttr.ertrretunen GARBAGE COLLECTION IT'S NOT THE SENTIMENT. IT’S THE VALUE. or win else would no my people be tMr.r- ine sport shim Ind -- we have on mate at half View for Christmas "new"? Borough of North York MN JOHNS MEN'S WEAR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, BOROUGH OF NORTH YORK “Our Chief Guide. Lady Baden. Powell visited us and what a re- markable woman she is, still standing straight and tall in her uniform of the Girl Guide move mam, still setting I wonderful example for us. "I am glad I was able to take part in such a well organized event as ‘Heritage 67.' It was worth all the effort it took in reach this goal and for me it was the ultimate!" Proceeds from the carnival an to be donated to retarded and ttther handicapped ehildrtnt's organiza- tions. on behalf of. all Embicoko residents and playground child- rm who take part in this event. "The Etobicoko reereatimt do. partment's playgrounds are hold. ing their nnnual parade and pen- ny carnival on Wednesday, Aug. 9. at Central nrenahm Montgom- ery Road. The parade will begin at 6:30 from the arena. It will involve all TO playgrounds. and will de. Piet “Cumda: past, present. and future." - ' The penny carnival will be held after the parade, inside central arena. Playground Pgm. Ends With Parade 8. Penny Carnival