Ontario Community Newspapers

Weston Times (1966), 13 Apr 1967, p. 2

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t 1 I -iiiiiaiiia -e---" - mason + mam-A. 0-1 w.m.u.o.c. "" Walton [and ' Opposite John Street Wotan. on. .. CM 1-1911 According to a planning study and: in the Borough of York, every effort should be taken by the mun- icipality to “encourage home im- This is one of the key recom- mendations made by municipal con- sultants, Proctor and Redfern in their study of the Rockeliffe district. - The consultants stressed that “encouragement" is particularly need- ed in large areas where the single family homes are rapidly deteriorat- ing. but still worth saving. If the York administration and Rockcliffe homeowners need the ad- vice of the consultants, and build garages to keep cars off the streets, renovate kitchens and bathrooms. re- place the tumble down porch, install a recreation room, in the basement, according to Ontario's primitive and barbaric assessment laws, the Metro assessors must note the improvements and in their black books and clobber the over-taxed ratepayers with even higher assessments and taxes. - - A- . , - ,,,.:‘_:_I- __,l u.,..-. m-.....-__e- ,, Surely the lack of principle and total insanity of the assessment laws must be exposed for what they are if one considers that absentee land- lords have their taxes lowered to the extent that they let their holdings deteriorate and homeowners are penalized to the extent of the main- Lester B. Pearson has again de.. monstrated a reason why he should quit the PMship and turn the job over to a younger and (hopefully) brighter person who reeagnizecthat, there are other good sorts around besidetrLiberals, _. _ . . , A The four Grits he appointed to the Senate last week show that Mr. Pearson is such a brazen political animal he should n9 longer be thy. uluuuu no gun...“ .._. -"""rF. one to guide Canada's destiny. He is totally out of touch with the times. Time and again, newspaper col- umnists Peter Newman and Douglas Fisher have commented optimisti- cally on a "new politics" and "pumi- Alfred M. Home: DON’T MISS . . . fl ms and mm -_-W'_re- W "33; am; In I. (M '0‘ at - ll.) r.. . mm. ONT. - Peel has“ & Siam: WESTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTES CENTENNIAL MUSIC NIGHT TICKETS ON SALE AT THE DOOR - Me EACH A Tax Incentive is?! vim-i ' " m 10!. a.) 'ins p.m. .. Wednesday, April 19th Padding Pockets Pearson Style FEATURING Published n 2159 Wesfon Bd., Wanton . ‘by Principal Publiehing.l.td.. every Thursday .. v. J. Henna. President and Publisher l J. M. Jordan. General Manuel" B. M. Holmes. Editor , Telephone CH 1-5211 Authorized u Second Clea Mail, Post Office Dept. Ottawa, Out. and foe payment cf postage in cub _ 8r.Wst?Nl"P2tI BAIT? 1.tepy, in! Professional - Business Directory BARRISTERS Editorial Page iriiciiiaii; Grfarira Vin (Email. Other countriu 86.00 0 ORCHESTRA . GIRLS' CHOIR . STAGE BAND George W. Bull Mt. museum» a 4-5547-8-9 The {warm mo - u. Weston, Ontario Piano Tuning And Repairing Work Guaranteed MUSIC for Homeowners tenance and improvements they make. . Municipalities and rump-yer: have been screaming to Queen's Park for, "Arr, aAopf this lawLWhiclg bonus- es duly sitirtiTorasi speculétoxjs. A provincial election is coming along pretty soon. Perhaps some of the candidates or a political party could pick up this barbaric tax legis- lation campaign themes of things that need changing. The candidate or party that does, point out the gross injustice of the Assessment Act would earn both the gratitude and support of every homeowner who prefers not to see his neighborhood deteriorate into the slums which are such a ser- ious problem in central Toronto. e The borough of York has had a fair bit of luck lately in convincing Queen's Park to pass its private mem- her's hills. It should attempt to put through a hill which encourages people tn keep their houses in order rather than letting them rot. It is a rather sad commentary in this day and age to observe that people who create work and pay taxes in buying building materials for home improvements are the ones call- iiiraTi"iaiilrize the slumlords Who in fact are parasites bleeding society dry. cal reform" occurring in Ottawa. Mr. Pearsorys appojntment of party work- horses to the $15.000-a-year Senate club proves that Mr. Newman and Mr. Fisher are much tog optimi1tie. , New Democrats, Social Crealtors. and, more important. independent people serving Canada, not one ac- cording to the PM is worth being a senator. If the four new Liberals serve full terms. taxpayers will have to rough up close to a million and a half dollars for their wages alone. Public funds amounting to this sum is too high a price to spend on spent Liber- als. tttr Of the G {1635; If Conéervativea, 1730 Weston Road Wuhan Cl! 4 Walter’s Gar-go FULL GUARANTEE Motor & Automatic 'tret Wheel Alignment . I "I! Courtesy Car. Hat-up "" In. 31. CI 7-... ACCOUNTANTS Marsh, (holding Chartered Accountant WESTON TRAVEL SERVICE C. W. LEASK 1m Weim In“ and’ 1912 Wm M. - (In The Westlaw Bull.) GARAGES BOOK NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT GQING OVERSEAS? JIM! ROTH. MCI “I Din-1.4. Ind-II. man. "no. Ill-Ill! In. “I”! Member Toronto Mock Exchange 3. mm mm. may" Phone 244-5324 CI! 44061 CI 1-1110 letters Harry Dawn and his I“. hava lived at their Palm. Cretan! address for many yaars, aver sing. Palmo Cr. via: a muddy streak across a cow pasture. All mas. year: they have contributed heavily yo the 1mm of this araa, m0 only from hair substanlial homo but also for many you: "‘rrom their lamina“ " Palm. _ and Jana. When his original hem. burned down Harry decidul to build largo mtenrgh hr his "wing family. As his sons and daughters married they lived with than mil "my Rather 'lun man, u OM Mun dun-Mod man ht mail» “in th.ts.the combimd in. tent of husband and win, W W' In homes of their own. Eventual- ly the My Mun bot-me emp- msotrf-ir- "an. In thou you; this was common match. This "Dion has not been ell-“mud over ttte your: and by now ther Sclrlat Albright, O.D. 1894 Weston Rd., Weston Inn-tori Syndiuu Gun-mood and growth saving: and ittitmqttt plans. 369-1721 CW1?! FMUBON ill-M MM 6656. 31.. win "rttttd" . - lunlm By Appointment J. R. Currie, 0.0. “Please Don't Put Harry ”Down For Appointment Call CH 1-0701 Sir: INVESTMENTS OPTOMETRY & to. 766-2946 have dovclopod a val“ inter. In. All. when they should be looking all" the inure": of their later yurs in pen. and otmfdrt, their why of lilo has been mounted. lt sums "ml in vial! of all m Circqrttstart. as, it is only natural iustie. that they bo allowed lo cen- Nam. The circumst-mes are these. The strip at land extending down Pelmo to Jane from the hespti-I puking area is not an integral pert of the main Pelmo Park residential area. The Pelme Park Retepeyers have been very effective ht leekin after the interests of their strictly family life area. But their situetien’end their requirements are not the sum us this strip mar Jam which is properly pl" of the JIM Street an. Ind their nquirc- mum should have no force in this "on. In fact they do not roprqu the interests oi the lawn Palm. Cr. proper” swoon. When Hurry and his wil- First ”tiled hare, the entire an: was an attrutiva rosi- dlntill In. with plus-M homes and open fields a" to tin south and an attractivo green belt of tho Black Creek are. to the north. This situa- tion in longer exists. To the south, Weston has allowed a long row of block apartment blacks to cut them all from the single family district. On the north the gran belt has dis. appear-d Ind upland by 400 highway. Squared Wu" is it" mum-Ms of the Pol-no Cr. rlsidOMs, no long" a first :lus residential urn. in net thin-r" new is too valuable TIME TO PLANT Choose from Canada's finest selecnon M shade and dwarf trees at your neat-en Sherr dun Sales Station, Visit us soon and also see the wide variety of evergreens. shrubs. roses and vmee BesutetoirourrTtEEeottyof colourful Centennial gm catalogue. Trees for summer shade for singlc family dwellings and is bound in be "and - " in their way of life. At this or lam to high rise nonn- mcm. _ Harry Down and: no uhool childran in Palma School horn his building so no additittna1 burden has ban placad on dis. "in "nay-rs. lacuna of his undllharbod occupancy war many yuan, been» " the chamd charadar of the district, bat-Ina of "fur-I iustiee, Harry Down and his main “their later your: in the ham. they hurt so long onioyod. " tttey luv. ht ro- turn to slush family mom this would mtt be possible. As . friend and neighbor ever many yours I, and many others I am sun, would ioin in this "not". wife would be allowed ht re. MEDICAL BUILDING 2160 Weston Rd. tat Church St. Truth: Light) DISPENSING OPTICIAN , Owns! . Prmriptim Completed - Repairs - Duplication: & Fittings Shut-ln Service NEll J. MOREAII CHAS. B. WHITMAN. Polmo Cr., Wum. 2484821 Maybe We Should Too -iiili can.” 1. taken the drug under the m tion and Wu! ovsutra'caxrt"ienqtLqliidF, "XS-let-tch-ty, Buttt-i-,i-tasademt-inrasther are,hamtt-trwqtrint.ttt.ueFtd-.buriMtt- 'tsatttaaeverttt--tmtttomt-,Mtt. I-stirs-dal-tWare-utter-its, Tutotttruary,atttarseimidttt-th_eittatar, drug,andamastrettetttaa-dtrrFtutmtttdttis iiutoludritfettru_ttetti1rtdividyuartdetr, __ 1ti.aart'tmerl--rir9tta.GemtNbatawa. stmtattu'N.rr-iti',udqsatdtt-t' Ana ieadinx the former t'ragiiqtgti', viva, I have vary little tear at the drug which I" _ y thought mtuttt.asttreatamertaestomartastherr.Mtl Leary was fired from Hon/ad [or his "tg-lr un- orthodox views and ho claim that thou! I) Fe. of the um'. vanity“: leiulty is atrtutgertt1y ”pond to an MD research and promotion mum he has set tor Ilia-0|}. Despite all the lumen! and loud opposition to ISD however, Mary claims that literally millions pf US. college students have taken the drug and be new that all this talk of people under its "ietnuegtee committing sui. eide is utter nonsense. He says there are only about two documented am of Nickle in the short history of use at the drug in the Us. oneotthesewasap-wttoshouidttaeetteenina mental hospital end the other we: a mental lymph! patient. Mary acknowledge; that seven! other: have been killed while under the influence of the drug, but their endings came because they had believed that they could ttr or were somehow immune to the automobile. . Gui 1071?“; Minnow?“ to do the mm; which 1am their deaths. -. 7 - _ bury. who himself has Mien light and heavy does of ISD several hundred time; describes n 'trip' as I kind of utopian hell. Under its effects sights, sounds. odors, feelings and thougth are magnified thousands of times, and its user experiences 1saliueimrtiom anguish. tear, love and paradise w emotions appmmly undrenmed of by humans in their normal lives. Attempting to describe the experience of love and an under LSD. says Leary, would be like trying to tell a child of four the emotion, plenum and joy of live experienced by adults. ing (he-drug on patients in,mesttaL2teteitai _ T" tee In the article I read, Deity claims that 'the trip' and experience of LSD-has solved major problems for many people, but he left, or at least I thought so, a good mmy valid questions unanswered. 's, One, for example. may be correct in auggesting im although we are technologically well advanced we still toririiiaCiiiiiiG- iiidrrk more opiisiG thln actual research into their feelings, and, rrylu _ob_uined by ted.- One, for example. may be correct in auggestmg that although we are technologically well advanced we still live in the dark ages so far as social progress is concerned. Will ISD cure a sick society? I very much doubt it. leery says'that he allow his (2“me teenagers to take the occasional 'trip'. Are his children. and by impu- tration, all other children, so deprived of love, security. religion and human experience that it will be to their benefit to experience ISD? I think we parents know the answer for that one, MD no longer frightens me. If we think of the hun. dreds of thousands of Canadian; who are alcoholics and (Continued on page J) What are AgtttL'Jtmi' friends tor if you can't borrow 50 dollars till next payday.' Caught short hem een paydass? Or need some extra money till the end of the month? At the Asstytiates, a $50 loan for two weeks costs only 47¢. and it establishes your credit for a larger amount when you need it. Same day service, too. So if you need $50 or 5500 or more, stop in and ask our manager about an Associates Payday Loan. Matter of fact, what's wrong with 'phoning right now? _ . ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 12.3 blames the great anti-13D can!” on the " mo Weston Rd. (South ot Lam) hone 241-4411 1939 ""rd',', Ave Wert (at Jane) one 033.5717 mm 511mm: Ave Wm (West of Dufferttt) Phone RU 1-0646 "Visit Expo 'trl Wrtt, Astor-inn "any" " "an (AC...

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