The old cannon with wooden carriage “as commend I suit- ablr symbo in combine uilh the tug. In retnuniliun of John Cruz-'9 Simeon "ho.tos England‘s tirst Lieutenant d o ' v r n o r of this H mm the British and not the Fienm,ur Indians “ho named thir cammunitv York The old Union Ack. without the St, Pa- trick's cross was carried by the troops at that time' and as the military played sud}: a prominent part in the earlv life of his com munity. shield shaped medallion! shdwin. the old Union Jack were used The two shoulder medallions Ind All the back section of the collar symbolizes the Canadian history of York. When this com- munity “as first established. it tras' an Indian meolmg place. and the “hole country abounded “ith itsh and came: In recognition at this, an lndmn head “a: med nn'one side. and In the opposite Rule. a deer hoard. In the centre front medallion containing lginal founding date. The British Lion and White Rose “ere chosen as appropriate British symbols of York and were considered as distinctive and suit- able for chain collar medallions. The two symbols are used alter- nately on lhe mo sides of the front of the collar. He said that in planning the design of the chain, it was felt that recognition. should be given to two distinct historical periods. Mayor Jack Mould recently? gave " interesting description or: the new Chain of Office that the mayor of York will be wearing., York's Historical links With England Symbolized in Mayor's Chain of Office More than 400 Liberals unani- mously chose Vernon Singer deputy leader of the party to run in the riding of Downsview, a seal he holds now, in the forth. coming provincial elections. The meeting Monday crackled mlh wit and subtle sarcasm - all directed at Premier Robarts. and his Conservative government. York Centre MP Jaines Walker pledged federal Liberal support A Norm York hwyu, who will I!!! nor can i: the mom; provirteial deem. predict that Del lotto Proposes Revolutionary Plan to Solve Housing Crisis is I round York's or- e . ted M Poknd. were 'Lentennm week in Weston duh o. w “my.†presently residing in 2',',d,,g, A ill,',,',,',",?,,, Td , 1:31:83: "meth m gtttemtt sixth member of the tamil had . M“ mehthet .uyed behind. and on m. LIT, tennis! DI) In Sat. Jon. M and M a?†I left a married daughter, the wit. Wanna day Nt., my 1. Mem. "" of Joseph Grunh. Mr. Grunt: bers expressed "We that thig V" Cm" W,†came to Canada to visit his I,†week will provide a continuity to on May. tires. but his application for per I between lhe tmt. “We should no to p lmartent residence was turned‘ Details of the promotion will dmtry- 3nd ask than idown bv the Toronto imming-gbt announced next Tues., Itottsug."said a tion office since at the Minister April " at the Weston 505m?†Mould. "because it " of Citizenship arrd Immigration men's "mu-l dinner and dam Ind mm to In mic than Mun-hm d: said, he dud not f ttt the Cambridge Motor Mote), "overNneett axe-0cm." He stated an monmle tiitlt "hieh he personally trat familiar, The Rana family. consisting of five members, three of whom were now Canadian citizens, had "nomdiseriminatiag selection pol- icy" is contradictory. since "mm discriminatory" cancels out "se- lection." and "selection" eancels out “nondiscriminatory." There- fore, he maintained no policy ex. ism! at all. Ralph Com. MP for York Humber, lut week accused the government of discrimination in admission of immigrants in the Commons. _ My. Cowan gunned his argu~ ment by saying that the term area, it was felt that a rcproduc-v Rangers -- and is symbolic of the tion of his Coat-Of-Arms should colour of.vigortms growth. - be used in the centre back of Hanging from the centre front the eollar. Al thm [moanno-nm. ia, .. I.....m during the elections and Singer had a word or two to say about the Attorney General's decision to tire the chief Metro,eoroner. bot Ontario Liberal leader Nixon stole the show by presenting gov. "tttent Oscars at about the same time they were being awarded in Hollywood. The collar is mounted on a‘medallitln afcuralerlyr background of green Tehet --', the crest! or seal. whi the colour of the Oreen's Yon-kl used for many years Robarts according to Nixon; won the best travelling story; award for tailing to explain why; in af My we tt-protr- lam: td urban and reeimsal tie whom†tor mt they in - "dt-,tru-eraetdeiiare to “can": mm. TheutteraleaetdidateMrYork, (owan Blasts Marchand For Immigration Bias The Weston businessmen} " sociation is planning to celebrate Centennial Week in Weston dur. ing the lot week in June. " the Borough of York is holding Cen- tennial DI) an Bat. June " and Vienna‘s any BIL. July 1. Mem. hers expressed nope that this week will provide a continuity between lhe two. This is not the my to show our non-discriminatory selection policy, Mr. Cownn said. Five members of a family met immi- gration requirements. yet the somin-law of the sixth member is told that he does not quality. The MP for York Humber main. mined that since these people (Continued on page ttl Businessmen Plan Centennial Week Hanging from the centre front; oi the Chaini0ftice is a large medallion aecarately reproducing the craft or seal. which York has I meet the requirements, he used a lands and forests-air- craft to get to a Conservative political meeting. Oscars also went to the "Byy1Cartadiart' " vertising campaign because it was nearly impossible to tell what the ads were about, and the Minister of Tourism for starting a museum which war supposed to be com- pleted this year for S5 million. but uon't be completed until 1969 for $40 million. 1illiliegtartCrhrna Thettyirtttteairttmemtiattt. -'tntamiseveesrCHadiaatpro. Ontario mammal». qhidt h when. "ysisinea.atmteerroed'-titq Theeeisnodtmtageogeapitat ".rvittseiisri-inetatseiititottotruiiftsomasutr gin-l his. gum. More the lack of Dei.zoitsqtPiieudtosssiandeetiltitiveprieeotservieeat You: Can" W S h ' W h on May. “We should no to private b- dey- nnd ask than to simply [public housing.“ said 31-on- lick Mould. "because it takes your: Ind yum to " "titat tin-cud! I There "is I serious housing 'shortage. sard Alderman Bell Nobleman. and discrimination against tenants with children 'should be Insulated against. “Birth control is a good "in: Ibul " cm go to nun-mes." be I said, I Rev. Lecnard Geary, borough In! York alderman 3nd Anglican ‘minister told York commit that apartments are no place tor child- ‘ren. He said it just isn't the best place to raise them and suggest. ed that emphasis should be placed on building more houses for fami- u lies since children are out of their environment in apartments. Mr. Noblomnn‘u mum, mom!- od by Aldonnnn JON"! Trimâ€, urgln. the provincial â€arm '0 mm dtseetrvtt- on†man with shut-n his. rs. hud -tmqd.tuet In mn- " a minister he make: many madman. all: and ms "0. problem. " raising children thou. Also older people living In Durham " Choir NM " I". ftnd ll» mrlee d chlldron run- ning up and down tttq lull- on! ruin. triereios mu! amt-vim, he â€and. (which may tak'g mGGsCitii', plan goes to the other commit- Cleric-Alderman Says Apartment Blocks Are Poor Places To Bring Up Children After 1eosiye studr by plan- BUREAUCRACY minees of Gumi for 'mtroiCiiferEiiE 1300mm Ann It m1 l When the borough parks com-l, The parks commissioner re. ‘mitee made a request to council l;' cently said that DDT beetle spray l for 35.000 to continue last year's: is one of the only methods known ‘modest tree spraying protection to save the famous shade trees. ‘program, Alderman Murray Chu/ Council rejected Chusid's sug- l, sid objected, stating that it would gestion and decided that the only. ‘be pointless spending funds to way to make progress would be proteeCtreos headed for extinc- to double the spray budget te ‘tion across the whole province 1810000. The idea “as then sent _ The "elm disease" is' a mi.nut.e; back to barks committee for fur fungus growth carried by bark) ther study. ' Rdrry Down said yesterday that if the charges made by the North York bylaw enforcement officers istiek, he will Be forced to sell (since he and his wife cannot at- Iford to maintain and pay taxes ‘on an ll-room home. Mr. Down purchased a house on Pelmo in 1941 after leaving Timmins and "id he had to rent rooms to pay off the mortgage His house burned down in 1957. five years after North York passed its zoning bylaw. but as 'rt'-dpiaeirertuiremoreintew tiveuseaflandtt-isspeemit. tedursdertttezmengaut build- ing bylaws, public hem must ltetteldaetdbeetseeeotutmsee oreoaeessimrmusttteapproved trreouneilartdttteo-rioteuri CHRYSLER' - CARS AND CANCER However. the month of AprilCencet tiid itâ€. [ ence for the time being u ell the automotive alesmen of Weston, at deal-ttirq I." e cee in the industriel canvas of the Wooten one unit of the! Can-dill: Y'didSlt : c peizn. Industrial fund raising cheirmen is John MacDonald Hall at the It. .0 same name. l l ' _ 153"" . _ . The car dealerships participating are Belmont Chev-Olds Cruickshenk Hour: Md., *tjr'iik ('3‘ [ Ltd., Grant ti. Brown Motors Ltd., and West End Chrysler-Dodge Ltd. Poi.“ Q to: atric- to right as folllows - Bob Sutton. Bob Reed, Archie Wright. Grunt Steppe-OI. , . 10h , lntosh. Ray Mann. Allan Meccabe. Wally Smith. Verne Brown. Tom Hum tt _ I“ Johnny Burns, Bill Lehman. Al Mater. Brian Miller, Hugh Zimmerman “d. V , ., He’s Been Renting 26 Years New N. York Prosecutes Him Mr. Down added that 10 of his immediate neighbors have all written letter- in support of his case and he can't see why he would be violating the l.4w by rev-ling rooms in a house facing Highway 400 to lhe North and a lore yum- of Weston apartments on the South. Cost of attending ctrnventions tyi steadily rising and at the board ot control meeting Wednesday it man decided that delegates now nved $35.00 a day to cover cost ot hotel accommodation and meals. Travelling expenses and registration tees viould be in ad- dition to this. §_35-A-Day living Allowance teats m d property and help is executing this program, hm the reatmettdrthisistt-"rt,due to red tape, builders eagt't de vebp the property themselves. HOME, manned Det lotto. will have the tune {run-aims t.attf by builders meaning to beetles “hick eat into, elm trees. The fungus then spreads choking the tree. The parks commissioner re- cently said that DDT beetle spray is one of the only methods known to save the famous shade trees. Council rejected Chusid's sug- gestion and decided that the only way to make progress would be to double the spray budget to 810.000. The idea “as then sent Then suddenly this year said) Mr. Down. in s p e e t tr rs came around and advised him to retain? a' lawver, He has been charged) with violating 'he zoning bvlaw. ! The pe day expense allow- :nces provided by the Borough soon as his new dwelling was erected, he again began renting (See letter to editor Page 2) I The other group the junior l Kindergarten will be established l for is the wesund immigrant chil- (dren who speak little or no Eng- hish and require special help he- lfore entering public schools. Controllcr Phil White made the motion that Yorks expense allowance be brought up to Tor- ‘onto's and should include York department heads as well as elect. 'mi-representatives. -__ - _-__,- .e _ _ Brookhaven Drive Public School. which now has four 't cant classrooms and where " per cent of the homes speak a on York had been set at $25.00 a day for elected representatives. Mayor Jack Mould uould-llke to have placed those attending convention on an honour basis. that is their expexbes “ould be paid with no set limit stated. This would mean they could go first class in everything. North York and Etobicoke al- low 34000 a day, Toronto allows $35.00 a day. Scarborough - S22.. 50 per day plus an additional amount up to $30.00 if substan- tiat_ed bt- Tcettts, _ - These classes will be held in the most part in the westend of North York where many parents are struggling «for survival and the children receive very little um education. Detzouostates-teroverw mm wouidtakethebtt0 bythe homomtexr4miinateaemiees,it East York anit York have been the same. __ In addition the tol1owing,ext penses are allowed in all boroughs: registration fees and Due to a report adopted by the language other than English will Metropolitan school board, and be the initial school. datiys passed br e-e-det,:;,",:',',',',',,- in the ie,',', 'IST, North York board or "rflit'v, wittittie gm†of Palm Pub- it would smut minim junior lie sefioork align»: for am pm kindergartens will be in openiignm. - ' tion, as of September 1867. ' , There are m Bdtott& wittttntt E Kindergarten: This Year For Westend Immigrant Tots .____tn" _ T pr f _ A total of 51 convemi a are listed which would be of i tereat to York representatives. veral of these are to be hel in Mon. treal where accomm mom will be expensive beeaus of Expo. The convention; coy a pretty “id: area, from th t On io parks association to be he in the Royal York, hotel i Toronto. Aug. 19-24 to the U . States conference of mayors be held in Hawaii. June " l, and the 3m "N0tli1 110'le iriifitiiti" of parks and rec tion adminis- tration to be d in mm England, M ", 15m There are revs: admin qeittttntt vacant classrooms and applica- tion can be made if portable ae- oommodation is available, or it aeeortumttNeimt h "We near- bytmarmttNbatsis,orEaaa&rs tion is apprwed tor the school. With the percentage of home where language other than En;- lish is spam set on in buckets, the following are the gthtttlB eli- gible: Cornelius Parkway (7.0); George Anderson (SAP. Dunes- bury. (3.2); Gnodiekl Are. (4.8). Rardington Public School (5.2); Joyce Parkway. (3.2): Ind Maple Leaf Public School (4.8). On Mon ay York council paged the boa of control upon "that delegate to conferences and smg'mars. paid $35 a dar plus a shaman of expenses to the expenses, d that they submit registratio fees and travelling treasurer. community d at“. A - travel fees in all use. " gluon tetrTis WEI?" t Combined our 241-“! 241.581 15) clan.