Ontario Community Newspapers

Weston Times (1966), 8 Jul 1965, p. 2

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Pathology Of Education mining varied "1eetion is re The Weston Lilian has read- " for every_ utter, and. the I agree. And I also agree that the primary grades are the most important - get a child successfully through primary school and he will successfully complete secondary school. No child should ever have to repeat a primary grade. If he is having difficulty absorbing the curriculum. remedial work should be commenced immediately. The school system that falls short of an adequate number of remedial teachers is not doing its job. of course. the present need for remedial work could be sharp- ly reduced if the parent group's recommendations for teacher training,' were carried out and if Canadian school systems began working with children a veer earlier as they do in Britain and other parts of Europe. . As I see it, we need more teachers and better trained leach- ers - not more pweholoqists " suggested by the authors of the brief who placed this requirement foremost in their list of recom- menduiom. u- t... - .... um.-- .---_-_V It does not necessarily follow that all of the 650 referred cases are suffering from mental disorders. As Dr. J. G. MeMurray. head of the aforementioned Psychological Services Department. intima- ted two months no. many of the cases reterreWto his department are referred by teachers who either cannot cope or do not want to cope with children who are different or difficult to handle. And children are different for many different reasons. They cannot all fit nicely into neat little units in the class- room and teachers must be trained to accent this fact. But they can be taught if properly disciplined to classroom rules of behaviour. Indeed, the importance of discipline should be stressed very early in the training of teachers for they cannot possibly embark on a program of teaching without it. The importance of properly trained teachers was not over- looked by the authors of the brief who made specific recommen- dations for the improvement of teacher training. They also urged the Board to increase the number of integrated classrooms in the public schools where emotionally disturbed or perceptually handi- capped children could be placed with normal children under an experienced teacher. And they asked for more tutorial classes for reading and speech_correetiory Dr. F. W. Minkler. director of education for the North York Board of Education. drew attention to the cost of implementing the recommendations contained in the brief which he felt would be "astronomical". The parent group also recognized that the cost would be high but felt that whatever time and money spent by the Board of Education in this regard would be time and money well spent. A _ . -... magma; GaGFiGtfy imam-ted the word ated" for taunted and excused the slip by adding: exmmted ty.? -- -- __ . .. U AL CB . L , 'W.“ M A W. nah-mm cal-tam mend-non: to aunt an- ei-ttr disturb“. mun“: handieamsed children. now loam- ma‘MmmulthonhYotkWoluuu- timtaweeeae.ttrGordoetMeEendriuonttettalfofttgrxtuttot mu Iron the can aid. of the Township who. the brief mm. Netginaltr got tenth: because ot a common awareneaa of the realm {and by my; chilptreq at schoql.” _ . The Ida! mound that in their search to that the” prob i.arsstu-tsatrsoinemtuetethNstethYoe_spr nun-em a! Factual“! Service- and Research. Thmua* thin dealt-taut. tho Intent: burned that beam ot the tremendous hackle: of can - (850). there were‘icuxthy delays and tlut the attention rived to the individual child in attest ind- cantata Reading 11" the heiet, Mr. WKondrick said: "One at the ad and Nominate consequences is that many of our children with “quite ability tail their year or develop serious long range Noble-I. Because awopr'nte help is not available when needed. emodeual and other Means ere "ttttttd.." . nun-m. w... To my mind, Mr. Mekendriek hit the mil right on the head. But in actual fact, the brief makes no mention of exaggeration in use: ot emotionally disturbed children which fact is indicative Mthe need for further rosy-gob. . .. . w, ...... I " (AT B A l l 0 ll COMING SOON ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 3265 Weston Rd. Ree. J. C. Bouvier, Pastor - Rev. A: Bonsai. Asst: Cross Street at Church Street Minister ..- Rev. R. J. Boggs, BA. Malt" on 1-3533 Study CH 1-1571 SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1965 Union Service- with Westmlmter United and Central United Churches Seriice " 10:00 A.M. '--%tBqmBgrt0t---6ttruar,JtatrCt- 1"0a---rroeen.qroe- “Mind's..- m- (that 8:30:11; . “Man . 121mm: - "I aaa or CHRIS! 10.00 am. Sunday School ”:00 LII. - Mullllg Worship Ttoo p... Eve-ll; Worship Wed. '20. p.m. Bible Study SUNDAY, JULY 11th a mu. The Bible I: On tomp1ete Authority than“ - Jill!!! Hum SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1965 By Joy McAllister SUNDAY MASSES 47 HARDING AVE. Tttst-ttrut-ttist ST. JUDE’S 11.5.1554,“ an. I. Kenneth Noble and...“ - an For the 4th consecutive year, Richard Poitier edits this col- lection which continues to in. elude not only prominent and established writers, but also those relatively unknown. Award winners for 1964 are: John Cheevers - who writes about escape from tedium: J. C. Oates commended:- Pllll STORIES OF W64 - The o. Hoary Awards (F) “numb "They're An unusually vivid biography of this colorful pair of actors, whose real life romance has en- dured through many years of stage successes. Their warmth and vitality have brought them great popularity and lifelong friends, such " Alexander Wool- Ieott, Noel Coward. Tallulah Bankhead and a host of others of the star-studded profession. Liberal photographic illustra- tions. THE ARTS or SPAIN " Jon 6-1de (709.46) An appreciation of Spanish art from the Altamira Cave et ings to Picasso, written by a distinguished art historian. He reviews not only painting and sculpture, but architecture, cer- amics, textiles and many other forms of artistic achievement. With nearly 200 illustrations, many of them in color, this book is considered the most dis. criminating and useful introduc- tion to Spanish art now avail- able. THE QUALITY or COUIAGI by Mlcioy Mum. (ITEM) Writing for both parents and STAGE STRUCK - The Roman- ce of Alfred Lam and Lynn Fort. nm by Maurie. Ltlitow (B.L.) Army Airforce Navy league Standings - who subject is in old man who could be saint or fake; and Margaret Shedd. who has I moving story of a mother who believes she recognizes her mis- sing son in I newsreel of Ameri. can war prisoners. Readers will no doubt find added enjoyment in putting themselves in the Judges' position and placing their own award winners from this uniformly excellent collec- tion. Yuk but“ and with In: two hits helped the “min 06 In... Fin balm. Bob Chen had we hit ad sacred tour cl m1 We: run. luck hm toe North York, one at them being his first home run ot the year. Mon. July 12: Milwaukee Sports " North York. Tues. July 13; Westmoum " Milwaukee Sports Wed. July 14; North York " Westmount. Chwaruck 1.000; Akelaitis A44; Ley .444; Bayes A00; R. Clarke .344; Popowich .343; Ellerby .315; Green .300; Wilding .291; Noble .280; Street .250; Keen. han .250; Sinclair .250; G. Clarke .230: Gordon .142; Hin- ton .117; Cow .000; Barnhouse My: Two vacuum-x “ammun- fulderBmtA_ieisamtpitetr. erNey 1(ande York t6-S.AHtaitirtt.darmr. but. "out: an can double. lnd m linu- and playing (burial in the oqtfield. Terry Kenna “met out ix North North York 13 Westmount 10. Milwaukee Sports " North York 5. mum Sports " 10 North York 5 10 Milwaukee Sports 9 North York 8 Westmount 9 Milwaukee Sports s Westmouni NEXT WEEKS SCHEDULE LAST WEEKS SCORES (Cu-m4 from no I) MILWAUKII WALL“ MILWAUKEE SPORTS BATTING AVERAGES 1800 WESTON ROAD ALL MUSICAL ENQUIRIES WELCOME!) - NO 03LIGA’I'ION M & J MUSIC CENTRE MR. JAMES HERMANSEN BECAME THE SOLE OWNER MU_SlqN,,)tfs_TRUMEN'rs -- RECORDS PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION GROUPES & COMBOS .. INSTRUCTED ANNOUNCEMENT 113 Ill EFFECTIVE JULY In, 1965 The world motor racing cham- pion's own story of his meteoric rise to fame. This young Scots- man describes how his interest in tractors on his father's farm led him to competitive events and finally to the Grand Prix circuit on the other side of the world. Photographic illustrations, and appended list of competi- tions and special awards, as well as principal cars used in various events. THE TOMORROW TAMER by Margaret Laurence (F) young people, the famous ball player affirms how the quality of courage is the most import- ant asset one can possess. Of its many forms, he culls exam- ples from the lives of such out- standing players as Ted Wil- liams. Joe DiMaggio, Roy Cam. panella and others. JIM CLARK AT THE WHEEL (1%.7C) How do you throw off a stigma? "Word of mouth is the best way," Guy Reeds man-gei- of the Weston Odeon Theatre ex- plained. He told of one elderly Weston resident who came to the theatre one afternoon. She told Mr. Reeds that someone had said the theatre had been com- pletely remodelled and it was not the way it used to be. He showed her around the entirely refurbished establishment. Sev. eral'nights later the women was back with two friends to see the movie showing. "Weye dealing in a service," Mr. Reeds said. "We only give them entertainment. They have nothing tangible to take iway ever prominent tiger some Lions get together to plan strategy. Seated left to right are Harold Brookbanks, new Getting Rid Of A Stigma Is A Battle For Manager DISCUSSING WHAT TO DO about the "The wind of change", its im- SUMMER SALE 20% OFF Skirts Serrano Washable Many Colours To Choose From Blouses Cotton Print Easy Care Personally Yours Many Other Items At Great Savings LADIES WEAR 247-3938 2145 WESTON ROAD AT CHURCH On M Summer Stock MUSIC (ENIRE In order to create the atmos- phere necessary' to) entertain. meat ttll the seats were pulled out of the theatre and replaced farther apart and in staggered line. "It cut down our seating pact on West Africa, and the teortfliet between the old ways and the new. These stories deal with individuals attempting to come to terms with "Freedom" in remote fishing villages, teem. ing bazaars and construction sites. Great warmth of charac- terization, and brilliant captur- ing of atmosphere of the Dark Continent. "There are no panties flying now," he stated. In fact, he ex- plained there is no necking either. "People come to a movie to watch what's on the screen, not a show going on along the row. We are polite about it and if we see any of this sort of thing going on we ask them nicely to stop." He said if it does not then the people are told to leave. What age group does a movie house eater to? "All ages." Mr. Reeds replied emphtttieally, "but the group we are concentrating on are the adults. We have to throw off the image the theatre had before we took over." with them after paying I dollar and a quarter. People want va- lue for their money or they won’t come back. We have to give them two or three hours of good entertainment." $4.00 4.98 and up 241-: president, Jim Trimbee, past president and Dr. H. M. Le Gard, the charter. president. capacity by about 100 seats but it makes it far more enjoyable for the customer and provides I better view." On Saturday August 7 he plans to dispense with the movie alto. gethefr and have five groups all perform. Those attending may dance in the aisles he said. Hooligttttisttt Guy Reeds com. bats with firmness, the stigma he fights with good public re. lations. Mr. Reeds has embarked on e program designed to give young performers " audience. At Set. urday mntineea he allow: a local group a chance to be on I stage and have their performance watched. Either before or after the movie and sometimes both he gives the up and comers halt " hour to do their best. SUMMER SALE 248-1821 MEDICAL BUILDING 2160 Weston Rd. (at Church M. Trattic Light) NO CUT FINGHS OI TOIS. Mode does a“ him when you "or! the “gin. You mm the blade with a Uver at the handlu. Stop blade without stopping Inginn when moving our rocked driveways, cdiusling cutting height or n- aming and "placing gran bag. (“AN CUTTING. Fowl-Vac" Homing vacuums gran up moigM tor slkk “icing “Moo? clumping. GIANT GRASS BAG, optiond ilMIEllgM no. "Nu. Md-Mllnol'nhubnd- ummugmw DISPENSING OPTIC“)! Oculist . Prescriptions Completed . Repairs . Duplication: a Fittings Shut-In Service 247-7875 1935 WESTON AD. IT’S "ADE-UP "I! " ALL SPECIAL PRICED TO SELL EASY TERMS NEIL J. MOREAU Photo by Bill Henderson NOW ON GORDON "lllll WWW“ Illl%llllEt man Ell tllllllltll. MW mum-mu mm: mm WWW 1illtllfll u “m 8mm. “new: nun E 259 Lake Shore Blvd. E. THE ODEON WESTON WESTON TRAVEL SERVICE inginAgtt OILS mama PARKING AT REAR tf THEATRE 1831 WESTON ROAD -- 241-1821 IS PROUD TO PRESENT Don Morrison AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT FREE 24 hour burner service [kg furnace cleaning BOOK NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT figures to be the funniest. Wildest, Way-Out Western you ever did see! ...Sm [my 0010MB“ in COLUMBIA COLOR GOING OVERSEAS? ma [min-ac. Are. W. n Weston M. LOCAL [IPIESENTA'HVB Phone 244-5324 /t figures! EM 2-5777 Illil COLOUR! Saturday at 5:00, 7:20 & 9:40 Matinee: Mon. to Fri. It , pan. Only Week Nights " 7:00 a 9:05 Sunday 2:00, 4:20, 6:40 Ind 9:00 Res. RO 7-7695 Mt /ii

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