l so-wM‘ERuX)CIlW-l‘MD-mbal7.mls ‘ l I ’---,--‘-‘ --..m.L '. f-v. _â€,-----â€"-â€"p----q---‘ ; l - ' . fg?’ . tutu-ktâ€" ,_ . »_~-.»~‘:u‘ ~- 7 . s j . 3.5 - - ‘ a (l w I: anget , i ' l‘ " h f A: 7 of. ' , « ~ in " lEAM OF I HEWEEK i ' ' - £47348 ' ,t. ., 1 i , I tut armor a; ‘ i ; _ . taxi EMISSH)‘; . E i " if“ ‘ 3 . t; 5; TEST i r l Economil M639 ., ‘7 , ., 1. - ,. r l I i an...“ _ f " - A“: if? ' '“" = i I ,. . , r. ._a , a. ,i_, ii: . W2}. ‘ ._ an?“ ‘ _ T 55m553m‘ t W" " l “<- -a e N has i ' ' . "Liz t . . f .. l ‘ . At 5-9" ‘. a . ’ M , I a? ‘ ' . i , ‘- if - â€is: air ‘ rm " ! ‘ 3.4; The Waterloo Chronicle Team of the Ottawa Stings-2 for the victory. 1 WOW Week is the Waterloo Wolves mayor atom From row: Kyle Pereria. Mitch Sim- ‘ l team, which won the Rochester M lnvita- mons. : tbnalToumamentovertheweekend. Second row: Caleb Hunter, Carson t. I - - - - - NOTICE During round robin action. the Wolves Bernhardt, Galin Moir, Josh Dierickse. ‘ i ï¬nished with a record of 3-1. posting two Nolan Reason UamVVitmer, Tyler O'Ham. ' ' ; shutout performances â€" one each by Third row: lackson Heron. Nolan ‘ L m â€" m m m 1 Mitch Simmons and Kyle Pereira. They Romhild, Zach Arnold. Aaron lain. Damon ‘ ‘ r advanced to the semiï¬nal match against Radley. Brandon Kong, Dimitri Eleftheri- ‘ l CITY OF WATERLOO COMPREHENSIVE ZONING the Amherst Knights orNewvori. eats. Matt Anderson. Eventually. the Wolves prevailed in the ("oachesz Andrew Enron, Todd Hunter. r [ BYâ€"LAw “NEW mum 246-01 championship final. defeating the (hrisRadley. Bryan O'Heam. l , 111mm mnemorwurmimcmm u _, it,» ,.__, . â€a f, , , we†_,._.,,,,_, â€mm ,r l E W,Jaritnrytl,2ms _ .: / . ; At a the to be “at“ \ 7“ ‘v i wmcmrummcmcumnwmmm ' i The CmrlottheCorporation oitheCityotWaterloo willholdanlntonnal Public Meeting c E on Monday. January 11, 2016, regarding the muniapal comprehensive review of the City's ; Zoning Byâ€"laws pursuant to Section3-lotthePlanningActThisreview will establishnew l zoning regulations tailored to the City of Waterloo that: (i) implement the City's Olficial Plan; a a 0 l in) reflect current municrpal and community urban planning objectives; and (iii) align with E d lto rI al 0’ r current municipal standards, gurdelines and policies , 1 \ You are invned to attend the Inlormal Public Meeting No deCisrons will be made at this meeting its purpose is to present application 24601 (City at Waterloo Comprehensve n Zoning By-Iaw Revvew) in more detail than is contained in this notice. and to obtain input 38, e S a train imerested Citizens on the City‘s Zoning By-Iaws We encourage the public to prowde input into this importam matter individuals may make ' ' verbal representations to Councrl at the public meeting. and or submit written / electronic p ro u C I O n O lce S comments to Widow-turbos; The public is informed and notified that names. addresses and comments may be made public a I 5... Will be closed ’ Nymwldttomkalprmnhflonhw.phmctlstl747mmto l tmarm.mytt,2ms,oothatmmylwanh ’ nudehphuyoumhw.lwntbnumwyotmwmmu Dec 24th numuancmmmmmwmmrwmwm - about the Mtg. plus cannot Um mm at 519.747.“ or email ; My we.-. “a...“ it E Nymmmabubmmhnmï¬no.mdlumldmmmnmw â€EM“ “All LRll)†CHRONICLE ? mm.mmmcrmmmmmom,mmnmm . ' 1 amwmmnoammcmcconwmiommmymm 630 Riverbend Dr-.#104 279 Weber St. N-. Sarto 20 5 slow at 5193054551 on 2200 or omit Willow-tattoo.“ Kitchener, Ontario Waterloo. Ontario i P. “9.886. I 550 TTY I 866 786 39“ W."lt('rl0(),(.t/ niblicnnticr-s _'_â€"_â€"â€"_â€"____â€" l i ,. _____. _