1, iz-wmmoculnram- rumba to.zot5 ‘ w 0 l llSY eaver tests ltS met e i - t appears the beaver abilities fallsshort here. ' who’s antics I've been . r a { ‘ lme. it's well document» following in nearby i l t » ‘-‘ ’ ed online that the world's 1 Kiwanis Park does indeed ( l \ l 8 largest lX'flH‘l dam, in :\lber 1 possess some intellectual ' ta. measures more than HS“ ‘ chops to match the physical metres in length and can be ‘ streng1h of its teeth. ’ seen from space [be little guy Is a prob- - But builditig inside ( ll‘t Iem«solver. to say the least, limits without a permit is l I initially had my doubts is; just askiiigtor trouble 1 when regular jaunts through .' “ Besides. the dam is being , the park revealed that the - 3,“ constructed at ti point where i beaver was attempting to 3 the Grand River splits in two . take down a massive willow ‘ around an island Building a l tree despite a wire fence ‘ dam on one side won't stop ; blocking easy access to the the water from flowing. l Grand River. location is everything In l Shortly after the tree PENNY this world. and that's one l came down. I noticed the WALFORD lesson this beaver clearly l beaver had begun chiseling 7 , J didn't get. 1 off some of the smaller intended, to create several Still, it seems determined branches and eating the new access routes to the l†“"55" what H started l ‘ bark off larger ones. river, think it's this stubbornness t 1 "W W I wmmm“ Evidence at the scene led They. too, are littered â€â€˜3' “"1â€â€œ "19‘0" â€I“ ‘ m l m Mm a m me to postulate that out with broken branches and "W“ : furry friend. its initial wood chips, I “‘0“ ll WWI" belong l ‘ hunger satisfied, was Day by day, the Willow before the bearer needs to I , attempting to drag tree tree is slowly being dismanr be trapped and “40‘3““ ‘0 j . .1 ‘ branches to the river, but tied A growing pile of fresh- 3 more remote area. In â€W l †VTï¬â€˜l‘t‘ couldn't get them through ly-cut sticks at the river's meantime. l‘m minwng 1‘“ l , -.-.‘â€"/- the wires. edge reveals that the beaver hands-on experience learn I \L Wood chips and broken is building a den and a darn â€â€˜2 about 0|†"d“(mdl branch bits near the fence not too tar upstream lrorn emblem, tell the tale of an epic strug his massive conquest. I recently spotted the ‘r ‘ 4 glt- \Nllh much gnashtng of my those unaware my work of another beaver Ht i .n ‘ teeth entrance to the den Will by Rim Parkt right beside the L 4 . (hewrng and gnawmg underwater, l‘he beaver will main â€all ' :13?†the brant hes into smaller use larger sticks for building 898‘ â€l“ ‘lUP‘lmnt 1' -* pieces seems to have led to dragging the smallpp tastier tree falls oh. never mind ‘ .. Tug».â€" V, ~er Hm, limited suttess. but clearly branches underwater to ' l I! t l ‘- I:“:)Tax‘ 99‘ VP“ mmm Cl.) ’ l“. l£;UJ!Z} the going was slow stick into the rivetbed‘ 31%.; 5 So It appears our local ensuring a ready supply of WWI-W51». was representative of t anada‘s food when the river tree/es '" WW9,» ~ A A national emblem did what over .>\ freelance renter, Hugger ‘ ‘ fl,†\4 so many in Waterloo Region ( mild this beaver t'\t'r and mmniuntutlmmmu l‘ “w 519‘888-7777 It . .l ‘ have been forced to do In build a dam clear at toss the ‘lll’ll’l’h‘lwd 1" Him-rial "A [high Orin-it r‘ '.'.'- I - recent months â€" look for .i (.rand Rim-r7 "Wl'U’VW/ONI mklflt'rtl'b ‘ x I J quirk-t mmmute As much as I‘m rooting (â€HIMIHII/r’t" waterlootaxrca __7 ll branched out, pun for its survival. my faith in its 'I'II’H’NWH‘W’T“ “V" O l HER ._ H or. _ . Attention Denture Wearers & I. \ II'1E . l w“... Those About to Lose their Teeth! ‘ The ONE that really works for you. a . .Mshudevelopda [evolutionary ’ . ‘ New technique For teeth In A Day ‘ "up?! than] all your teeth replaced with an 1» ' Solely Lose 2 7 lbs A Week Guaranteed innit-m W VIII-removable on†at our appointment! Mart lnotutnovnn! ’ 'Ocmmpymlcnh'rfl ‘ MWJQN‘I'bcituhnandthehkc , 'lndtvdooltzed Pr rams For Men‘WomenG. ‘ ttyouhawtmtatlyowtmhounatnumm l I I 09 0. mm Mp M to I ‘ ‘ wants to you eat a uni with r a“?! conï¬dence, with the but implant treatment at an i ' Omck 8 Easy Results Using Grocery Store Unbelievable price! l 800g)" Food 8. Habol Supplements , Call now to book your r _ < free consultation! [ rm NO 0mm ,. __ i Q 'SM'N-CONSUIWS ‘ a ARVANITISQASSOCIATES t , ‘ ' D I N T I 3 T I Y â€"-Yâ€"â€"â€"â€"_ r 293 Mankind l)r.. Waterloo - srmmnmi . " ° ‘ 9 ' ° " l waterltmï¬â€˜lm'holtmtm ‘ , t t u .