,, i , . , I0 - WATPRUX) CHRONICLE . Thursday. November 2!) mi r. W†‘ h 300Kb d W l W . _ , WPL as $ u get gap ; f; A . 114.11 ' 5 l ' I“ 9 ' t“ Continued from page] per household funding of Opened in 20! l. the ' - , ~, 512062. or about $5 I mil- 22.000 squarefoot Harper 7 _ l t. W ' I'he extension WI†give lion. for the city's nearly branch library and the ' ' _ \ ': . the city and l‘t)llll(‘ll an 415,000 homes. accompanyingYM(’Acost an 3 “4 opportunity to review the , estimated $22 million to W i ‘ , ' ': ’ library's ï¬nances as part of “Adaybe ure cant build t , ‘ ’ ~, the 20l6 to 2018 three~year n In 20â€. it was re orted I i ' ' , ,‘ budget process aï¬brd that‘ the city has the most Expert i < The extension includes a _(;ounmgn¢pmm sive library system per per- : ' ' "3“ W I. _-- SHIFTS bump for inflation on an musrdelibrarym son of the triAcities the . "a and the city's 50m percentile largeorexpmsiiera operate operating costs for library l = W funding‘ and 3101888 for m the Harper bramh services more than doubled ' population growth. from $30.83 in 2009 to “15.24 i The $300,000 budget gap (ilark also said funding in 20l2. with $2845 of that is on top ofthat added fiind- levels have not reached attributed to the Harper D ’ ingsaidtllarke expected levels in recent branch library. m t ï¬t The 50m percentile fund years. For example. adiust- Cambridge spent $45.63 ing formula means staff ments in the Municipal Price per person while Kitchener r . . examine eight comparator Index from 2011 to 2014 and spent $47.57. f M†W cities and fund the library on unrealized growth expecta- (Loun. Diane Freeman f a per-household basis â€" to tions within the city led to a suggested her constituents W fall in the middle of those reduction of 5352000 in on the east side don't need a , other cities expected library funding over library as large or expensive 1 W Other comparator cities the past fouryears to operate as the Harper ; _ W l include Ste (‘atharines Cam» library board chair Karen branch. but they do need l Stay warm Wlth up to $650 In bridge. Kitchener. Kingston Scian told councillors last some level ofservice. l W W W and Guelph, week the city should considv “Maybe we can't afford i incentives When you Upgrade YOUl I the library has already er puttinga hold on any talks that.†she said. ‘ i ‘ taken steps to cut costs in of a future Pastâ€"SM? library (Zoun. Mark Whale) said i heallflg and COOllng system. W recent years. according“) the unlll the financial concerns the library should look at set 2 letter to council. 1 hat at the Harper branch are set ting up a location inside an . RECE'VE $250 intludes the elimination of tied alrt-adyrestablished building. I ‘ fl\‘(' staff positions and [he City currently has stKh as RIM Park. to saw on i , , ~ > i ; i it . ' - ; expanded responsibilities for about $7 5 million set aside costs. A ' ' ' ' ' A ‘~ trianager's, the outsourcing of for a new library on the east “ lhere are lots of corpo l ‘.' ' v ' ' build-ng rnainteriantth side, but no operational rate donors who would love i reduted hours for staff, and funds to pay staff or keep the to In\"?§l.- hesaid. ‘ the elimination of several lights on l'here is currently ( ouncillors also dï¬hf‘d part time positions no libran i'n1t‘t' on the east staff for further information Based on the rillth per sideol the city on whether or not some of RECE'VE 3250 OR $400 (t'nllk‘ talttilation Waterloo Int‘nlnthlnglhl‘ numbers the $7 3 million in tapital ‘ . , 4 P ‘ pros‘idr-d the library “llh for a new expansion. libran sanngs tould he repurposed - “ 4 - . SI I! 21 per household in staff are working under the for operational funding if W , - - . ' W JUI') â€" about $8 thillion assumption that a new needed ' ‘ H ' ‘ ‘ lhe library has suggested librars Will tost about the ( lark said the llhl.lr\ is the t ity bump that funding same as the Harper hrant h open to exploring the idea of a to the Hub pt'rtt‘nllll' ln does to operate about establishing ii lihrzirs inside Jtil’» that would have meant SWIM!†per watt Ni i.iri said RIM Park 1 Am up ta $3.25 a 33: NOW HlRlNG :: PE »- W M “W m ' AZ Drivers 8. Owner Operators for r†t \'.\’I'lllf r is New Terminal in Cambridge , --~;:v‘mi a t “A fit Mi Mi , f wu‘wrw rt L ‘ ’ C i) u-J'flz-w“ r - ' »r*“"» . w W it it J , I 7, if going towards t t ating SOGRON AVE“ CAMBRIDGE Pit. 519.658 rir “I r i t it m; We it If Mr my i? nukes sense to invest in you i; MM we ‘ w tut beaten; and (Milton systems mgmwfl‘zfl'fzzfli ~ . _. “a; Mimi-y I ' ' or“ r mil ‘iir + f arms ~ i‘ w M ' ï¬x m , \ i-iiit out more (If wnhydro corii/hveic \' $749 ‘ l . V s" N , . ,. PMKIleN Panama W if W .........,....... HONDA 3 i wmorioo North Hydro Inc (I ' ' n has†m ~ “ " " ‘ "" "°' ‘ t www i-whtiutli i iirii _,, i i . . . is . r . Q 4 HONDA l 4 W , i,“ , W, i . _. W * minimum) L3H amt-i pow†I W- . , - , , i i » , or ‘W A .W l ' ' .W,...i A. y W i,..i ': L “with ~ W .W W i v 519-746-7900 Equipment ‘ L.‘â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€" "“ ' """â€"‘“'~""‘-"‘"â€""‘â€"’1 - . r v , . > , » » A A , a A,A M