rommn l ‘ mums o o y . . .-. - Region facmg budget pressures ] -‘--- “a“ ‘ humble-lat the Howard and Hayward transit andGl-alid Riverban- ; ‘--- “ Q ' FordteOtmnlcle area in Kitchener. as well as sit expansion. Council I ‘ “ENE blamedservioeto Conesto- approved an urban tax l “m ‘ lththeearly num- gaCollegeandoï¬eringastu- increaseoflSperoentfrom ' f ' A \ hers in. the Region dent puss similar to the one 2012 until 2018 to pay for of Waterloo is provided to the region's uni~ those costs. Part of that was ! - as ’ looking at a budget increase versities are under consider deferred in 2014 to 2019. , | \ M -“ of 2.31 per cent before any adon for 201& According toastaft report. in Mina ‘-‘- service improvements or Councillors will also look 2016 total taxes collected for ‘ uniqu‘ ---- reductions. at adding an additional 244 the project will be $303 mil- t ‘ 2 '--- The increase does not hour ambulance and lion. ; .. ---‘ l 5 "0 include the police budget increasing its contribution to Strickland said collective andalnrmnta to an aim $16 the Capital Levy Reserve agreements. as well as | 50 [MN â€mu million needed from taxpay- Fund. So far, the improve- assessment growth. are ’ en. mentswouldhaveataxrate majorchallenps l â€mu m ms10N “This budget will not be impact of an additional 0.43 "It's easier to control y dissimilar to past budgets in percent, those expenses in a high- [ . C9 "Gm can†terms of challenges,†said “We'll have to ï¬nd other growth period. Weare having 7 Coun. Sean Strickland. who savings in the budget to growth. but it’s below our 10- } chairs the budget and bring that tax increase year averageï¬'hesaid. T administration and ï¬nance down.†Strickland said. Employee compensation » committee meetings “We “That will likely be hard amounts to about 30 per ‘ i have some work to do if we for us to achieve, and to cent of regional spending in . l , want to bring that down.“ achieve that we might have 2016. Staff estimate assess : E . Each one per cent to make some changes to ment growthat 1.75 percent ‘ ‘ increase adds $18 to the some program delivery and for 2016. But even that might average residentlal property maybe not approve some behardto reach. Dyersaid. tax bill. based on a property enhancements.“ “There is some risk to get l assessedm $302,000. lo a presentation to to 1.75 per oent.‘ hesaid. l m 103 99 Strickland said he'd like to regional councillors at the Dyer also pointed out l see an increase in line with end of October. Chief Finanâ€" CRT fare revenue is down > m. a" ’ inflation. about 2.5 per cent. cial Ofï¬cer Craig Dyer out- this year and could leave the . Butcouncillorsarelooking at lined the factors putting region with a $2 million f onGANlC MELT PIERCE “NED bringing forward several pressure onthe2016 budget. shortfall. There is also an l SPLIT mung xvii“, impfï¬nrements. lncIudeJiwas a budget imnflationary adjustment to ‘c ' put rther pres- pressure is region‘s trans- e region's waste collection ICE “HOVER sureonthe2016budget. ponation master plan â€" the contract. adding about W0 K Gwms Increased bus service to funding strategy for rapid $900.00) to the budpt. "u“ 7 5' N5uilel7 " 7|I||| .:“:: DNNEHHS ’ ' “ I “bad-r ‘ : .. , â€M H‘ 519-884-4200 , 1 ~“.. P‘ . , F J ' l “fl“m kwfootmm 1g . ‘ . > l‘ ,J(l‘lr}LJ$M â€a t 1 st 99 99 mvwmvsmewsmumeomromr j ' m . m " M m b H An orthotlc is c devtce speciï¬cally designed to realign and restore the natural toot lUflCllOfl Putting the loot tfl'O a correct 00de while weight bearing wrll improve 6 0mm “Bum 00W], your overall skeletal alignment (knees, hlps some). otten elrmlnotlhg the speciï¬c cause at your porn hot rust the symptoms Pom“ STAKE “IE CAST CAB Custom mode orthotlcs ore specrflcolly desrgned for on lnleduOl. matching the 1 contour ol the tool and occommodotrng unique loot structure They are used Mien "“ they are medlcolty necessary In order to treat commons such as plantar toscutls | We. 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' . ' to lean col POM v . r ’. mm ._.~ ‘_ 51 m" “Que? ' 1 r j i ' e V. r