Fiï¬ ' a 7 â€MW? "" â€i’ l E t 4 i ROWAme'mWIdIy.NMmbflIS.Z¢HS " ‘ l l K-W - 3-â€" Club a no-go ‘ ‘ 35 f th' ‘ “ 01' 18 l l t j l '; ‘ t \ season l .. a E WAD/inhuman supplied 3 loan of up to i amnifbsmff $100,000. and promised I ‘ accelerated capital work , †There will be a (hnadi- at the Waterloo Memorial ’ , an Basketball League Recreation Complex. but season in 201542016. but no money has actually E there will be no team exchanged hands , from Waterloo panicipat- between the club and the i mg city. . (iBl. founder Butch Garrett Kelly. whowas T Carter announced on announced as head I Tuesday that the Kitchen coach two weeks ago, was t er-Waterloo Basketball told the news on Sunday l Club will not participate in a personal phone call i in the 2015-2016 inaugu- from Thompson. [ ml season of the Canadi- Kelly will continue to { an Basketball league. work with Carter to help f w _. ~ According to CEO With the rest of the . lohn Thomp- I e a g u e, : Resurrection's Devon Hinsperget is taken down by St. David’s Celtic players during the District a championship a st. David's on sort the main whit h aim - ; Thursday. Resurrection won 297 to take the ï¬rst-ever District 8 football Mm“). M mm. mm issues were i n r I u d e s 1 time and teams in t . sponsorship. Hamilton. 1 l'hompson oï¬ Ottawa and : wasnamedas t Scarbor- I (ll-O on Oct. , , ough. l . . . . . 26, a't‘iotitd a h Kellj‘k‘said mont an a 0 new ; Resurrection Phoentx win DlStTlCt 8 ï¬nal 29- 7 mmâ€? me "W W“ i start of the possibility of i season 4 postpone i “V AWN ls! hos â€if i l‘lllt s did reply with a tout h tonight and that showed" said \nt(lt't lie said the § merit The ’ ' 't’tt'1ltlt‘\ltlll downon tlii-ir lll'\l imsst‘ssioii hiit that “Hats off to all these guys ~ it was a tliih and its annount‘t‘ l was all the oï¬t'titt- they would muster great team effort ' hoard will WW mom of his i is on In llit‘ out our lot thi- lit-stir against (hi-tough Phoenix delenu' Despite not plating somi' of thr- work ovvr the appointment l Irt-t lion l‘hoi-iiit llii- tooihall puss Resurrection mll he the ï¬rst to have host tompt'tition at ("WUSSA lnl‘llltl Wlnll‘t and into the as head ioach was stip t i‘rhoiist- tlaimi-d the ï¬rst t‘\t‘l [its its name inutiortali/r-doii the l)istrutH trig latourtti- lat oh llt‘speler‘ Snider spring and summer to posed to drum tip com : triit R thanipionship with a ."i C win triiphv iii the football league that is in said hi“\l1l)l(t)lltl’â€ll‘d Wllh how his drum up sponsorship muniti interest but it It‘ll i owr the Rt llatid s 1 I’ll" s at \t liatids its inaugural season team will statk up and build hype for the short I on lhlll’Vld\ In the summer â€It“ Waterloo “I him the playing the team tvsu e new team "We got a little hit «it a : llw Phot'tiit admin 0‘ to thv i i-ntral ( atholit Iiistriit Sthool Hoard (lt't tilt-d lorttiatf said Snider after the ganw “it “ll we're going to do late start with Waterloo‘ i isi-stt-rn Ontario ( iitissst ihatiipi to pull its st hools out til tht‘Wau'rlmi allows you to game plan and get to this we have to do Il said hell» who is still : onship tournament “hit it slam-it on t ounti New oiitlan ‘sr hools Athlvtit s know the teams a llllll‘ hit better it nght" said lhompson planning to move to l liivsdai Ri-siirrt‘t tioii plate-d Brant \sso< iation iWi “th due to a l haiigr worked well this war and it pl()\‘|(lt‘(l Home tickets have (intano from North tar, I lord ( Ulll‘glaliï¬ hut ri-siilts Wl‘ll' not With that league’s strut lurt‘ some great games" hi't‘ii sold as well as Ulllld to work Wllh the ’ available by pri-ss lillN' l’ri'i ioiisli lht‘ [listtit t it st hools Overall Snider said the two leagues some founders pat kagr-s ( HI 1 [hp l'hot-ntx went into tho gator played With lltt‘ piihlir st hools in â€to are parallel W1lh eat h other in terms of \II money spent on the "\\i- post didn’t have I with a o 2 H‘l ord ionipatvd to â€it" Wt SSAAlmguv tompetition team will he refunded. enough runwai to prop» t (â€my i r, wagon Nitk Snider a ï¬lth war tight rod “I think we (an heat any team front at‘t'tlrlllngllllhf‘ league t'fl\ get it startod I think Rt~surrt~ttion start-«l iiiiit lilt, lip It who stored a tout hilown in the game. W( XKAA. and l think W( SW can heat ' l his Is the best the decision they "11d?“ (1 alter tho ï¬rst hall they roadi- lltt‘lt savs the team is feeling good after the â€it." said Snider t hani‘e to let lohn do a good one because this Wm liar k onto the \( tin-hoard With a (harnpioiiship lht- (IWO&\A thampionship game what he can do." said league is something that one yatd punt h iri hi i lvis Nani her "We played physical and just played is «ht-duk'd for Saturday at a location (after we want to last.’ ' mm m m,- q-flmd as a team Iveriont- did lht‘lt ioh torn-determined l‘hr-t ity of Waterloo (“annular-inn l i i i , v - a