l - t i Wmm-MMI’.NIS'II : l I I t F. O 0 1 mdm her VOICE ? g 1 O i O 0 l O ‘ Waterloo Jessica Watkm isn’t letting blindness deï¬ne her in theatre world 1 811800me I ‘ Chmm’dtSlaff ‘ , , I f»~ “ï¬WM t' , . SantaClausisooming 1 hen lessica Watkins theatre teacher twently told her ._ " J WdasstlieGreekwordfortlmtieis'toseefherdmâ€" ' ‘, tatownNOV'ZI ‘ mmwdtotubfmm ‘ ' 11reannuaonmClubKâ€"W8ntrtldausl’ande ‘bUSï¬f‘Omeplefofgï¬lheMasmfso'MOm' "m r BsaforNou21.mrtlngat10:30a.matKlngarid 4 ance Studies student at the UniverSity of Toronto is legally , l Cedar m In downtown mm blind.She’sworkedhardnottoIetherdlsabilitydeï¬neher, t. ' mmwmmï¬mmmmm. The “13“?er "all“ ls cunently “38°, managing a P9" ‘5. ria Street. the same route as the Oktoberfest formance at the school right now. and shes been recognized ;- > m pm“, there. n will continue down Victoria l for the different perspective she brings to the production ‘ fl, " to Weber Street and end at Erb Street in m i from both her instructors and her peers “They say thank God Children are encouraged to [mm along their let- Yï¬umhffl’vyflumhkfaflflnsdmuseywmmkdwa terstoSanmasateamofCanadaPostletteroarri- ' lot of Us wouldn't think of." said Watkin. "I do that everyday .. er: will be M08 them an m m oflby because that's how I get througi life.’ _ “w Delivery†to the North m Watkin always had a love of musical theatre and perform- Those attending the W are mm to ante. but m a teen she thought about studying marine biolo- ' bring an “mm toy to, an m M“ gy until her eye condition. called familial exutative vitrio of Columbus and tlierter‘loo ï¬re W“ retinopathy, made it impossible The gentic condition is annual -Nfl1by3 for Needy m- “myâ€, AM sharedbvotherrrwmbetsotherfamilyandcausestheretinas theFoodBankofWatethoReglonwflhavevolum i to detach. While it can be temporarily repaired through laser his.“ teen collectingfood and cash donations surgery, the procedure has proved to be less than successful ‘ in pri-semng her limited vision called The Cosy Notebook at cotyriotebookwordpressoom. "I wanted to be a marine biologist but I realized I couldn't But it's The Muddy Mary Project. at muddymary.“ that B her After Hours @ The do the science behind it." said Watkjn. ‘lhen I started taking real baby as she promotes thework of mm â€hm set for Nov m _ A choir and drama classesandwasalways bigiridramain high lhatirrludesartlstslikeherselfandtheworkshe'nbring- ° school and mnning the drama club and the choirs" ing to the stage. exploring the world for those who have phys~ After How: 0 The Library, the Waterloo Public ' Ihat led her to the University of Guelph where she started “teal disabilities “I want to not only write about my story. but Library's signature fundraiser. "is set for Nov. 20, W ‘ sllldy1ng knglish literature when the theatre bug bit again. different perspectives while having a voice for disabled artists 7 pm. to 9,30 pm at the main branch. ‘ t "I took some casual theatre courses and found out that I in the theatre," saidWatkin. It's an inspirational evening celebrating local 1 i was war better at it." said Watkin Wllh a laugh ~I was able to For instance. she cant see friends or people waving to her speakerswho will be Mummies“ mm l ‘ amt "late on thoughts and I found that it was my calling, or make out who 5 saying, “hi.“ That can lead to some misun- ‘ from their extraordinary experiences. Add in deli- ‘ "it really struck a chord instdc (ll me. and l was able to be dentandings. I dons campés from local mutants and caterers. ~ ’ out on my own and indetx-tident ' “I can‘t recognize faces.†said Watkin. ‘At least once a year I cocktails. and draw prizes and it will be an evening I i thin oi that experience was also being aw.“ from her mom have tti post a status on Facebook that tells everyone that if to remember. _ ‘ l and dad t with and left. tor the first time and making it With you haven't seen me lately I can't recognlm your face. If you Tickets are $40 each and include food and one i out all the supports thet pr()\'|(lt'(l her She learned how to see me on the street and think I’m acting rude because I don‘t barticket. For more infomiation. visit www.wpl.ca. l llttllgdll' the world With lllllllt'd Vision and create her own see you it's not personal It'sa battle formet‘vet’yday.’ . l ‘ spat t- within ll " lht'dlt‘l is sin b an independent thing for mt“ She‘s also has to advocate for herselfand ask for help along Author launches bOOk ‘ and lN‘lllg able to write and be on stage. and being able to the way There was a recent controversy at an east coast uni- Ill-Iht' on mm (in isions is a big mason why I wanted to keep setsity about reasonable accommodation involving u hear- on Am Arm Nov. 20 ~ doing ll ' saul\\‘atkm “And I'm going to keep doing it.‘ ingrimpaired student. but Watkin said she doesn't ask for _ ' l l l stranding that llldt‘pt‘llllt'nt t' has been a big part of her much because it isn't all about her disability, She recently I‘here W1" be a book launch for “El“ T5}: The 1 tourney as she moved to lororito this year and found out the worked the fmnl (ilthe house for the Show. and asked the girl l AW" Arrow and i Came" 1" Aeronautical Engineer I built-rues of Imng in lht‘ big t it» she gets around on her doing the box office to use big, thick markers so she could I in; by local author DOV“ Waechter, NOV. 20. 1 pm. 1 (Win, but has taken the odd taming turn and ended in up in a read the receipts; "Ill need help. [get it.‘ she said at 404 KM! Wing, at 510 Dutton Dr. Waterloo ‘ (lt'atl t'nd lnsll‘ad ofht'r dt‘stinatmn Dom tell her parents stu- said the turning point for her came on Canada Day There will be a presentation in the Rotary Adult ‘ t llut she managr-s to retrace her steps and son herself out. when she panicipated in a (BC podcast talking about her Centre Community Room at l pm" followed by a (rt'lllng lost is happening less often as she gets used to the experiences. The interviewer commented on her self-conl’i- book signing in the adjacent 404 x-w Wing t it) and she has good fnl'nds who an- helping her extend the dence. It struck Watkin how for she'd come RCA-FA loony-e _ ‘ "it‘nlal map she keeps In her tit-ad, and the places she is able ~It was a life chanm triornmt and I even referred to it “in For more information, visit to go alone my blog,“ said Watkint ‘I didn‘t have to pretend anymore â€" I Mainrierscalecom She‘s dot timi-nted some of those challenges on a blog hadfourid rrryidentity.’ 7 ’ *,,_,_ I O l " " a WE HAVE MOVED mm . y «- YOU BETTER' ‘ / Come and visit our new location in uptown Waterloo 1 < -._..,. s , ï¬ 55 Erb St. E. Waterloo 519-884-5361 l _ ‘ K , swam“ TR'UMPH m so 40 a 50“ OFF suoe ZONE! - l ' ' f B www.runnerscholcowot.on.ca runwatholdenmet \ l L1 ,A,,,, , __â€"____â€"__â€"A___,‘ ,s,,,,A