O ‘ WATEluDO ornament-mind- . November 12‘20l5°3 N 0 W 0 P E N ! ! ! rd , ,, ,_ - ‘ ‘ llllttl\ltll . O \ O Q Q Taxi Industry and regron atodds 7“ over delayed taxi bylaw review {a}? B!‘ Mitts“ MURRAY that move would transfer taxis into the "i" ' lvt/rttii-(‘timnrcle 7 auxiliary category and would put them on g 1 par with UbeL e l t'spllt‘ months of tsorls on the " llie bylaw should be fair to all or fair to ' , region‘s iii-ts tan litiais the taxi none " he said speciï¬cally of the require» ~ , = industrs and the region tonttntte to merit that sen-n per tent of the region's â€" he at odds over some ol the tuntlamentals. taxis be accessible by 2017 and to per cent ,- , [he spokesperson for the region's taxi lit 2021 with no requirement for the auxil- alliante â€and Maxwell. is still questioning iaryt'lassiï¬cation, the hams of the bylaw and whether the lliat requirement alone. he said. would ‘ region has the legal dl)llll_\ to treate a new tost the taxi industry“ about $l million. _ " . . ' , A «lassifit anon of \('hlt Ie for llllt'r when HO per cent of accessi- 3; tailed atixtliars taxis “ tile taxis are currently under- , . ' "\\e lime entered into the We have utilized A theatre of the absurd " Maxwell - "We‘re suggesting pulling ‘ v said of the draft lixlaws torrent entered In“) the existing bylaw off the ,;- a" form. the theatre Of table and working toward a ' A . f In an internets he said the " clearly functional vision." ' ‘ ' c auxilian taxi tlassiï¬tation does the absurd‘ Maxwell said. ‘ . iv s‘ n't exist in the llighwai lratfit l)‘vid Maxwell “I believe the region has “a .. , Act, and the htlavs doesn‘t fit Virilptpc'rtn't flurhp been talking about the big a, With the Ptihlit \t-hit lt-s '\tl or r,.g,,,,,,,1 “Humanrwâ€, picture all along," Regional ' . < th legislation regulating at t es ,i,.r,,.g,,,,,",1mï¬ "u, (â€Ierk Kris Fletcher said in "at: mm " M" "“£’1:2“12.‘Z$‘1‘.f'13§?;",‘n1 the m. m mama: the m «om-we to be a. m m we mm» m of ~ ’ " "W , ’ the new text law r ulatt ride haili services like Uber taxis into two t Iassifit atrons about the regions ability to by eg rig "9 '""°'° metered taxis and auxiliary taxis treate a new classification of whit b irit ludes liiriotisines lllit-i taxi represent a difference In 20151'0llld gt) into April “We are not done In any Way. shape or telitt lt-s and spet ta] transportation otopinion "There‘s a lot of information to go form we are still open and still talking},~ H'ltlt in "we have the authority ll) lit t‘nst' the taxi through and we are still hearing from some Fletcher said. Both t lrissitit at ions would require 52 Industry We have a difference of opinion; if 870mm" Fletcher said. lungaging in that dialogue is a key part of million in tornrnert iril ll-Iltilll\ itistiraiit is what he said was correct we would have no Ont“ of those groups is limousine opera the process. said Regional Count lane ‘ 1 (4's and t Iosr- t in oil on ordttig \\\lt‘lll\r authority to regulate vehitles for hire" she "H's- Whit are “vehemently“ opposed to a Mllfhl‘ll r hoot-wt onls metered taxis ltd\t' .i ( armed said illltllllg the region tontinues to work bylaw that would require its vehicles to Mitchell, who chairs the region's lit‘eris- 1 number of llt l‘tlt es armhole and at t t’ssl out sortie legal subtleties to look at the best have cameras installed. mg and hearings committee. said they will 4 llllll\ requrrvrnents ss.i\ to lorriiai the litle and the best was to lflett her said she also needs to renews a also tontintie looking at other jurisdictions r Hansen said basing the region s lislass address .i number til different issues new private members bill that addresses for ideas and direction on addressing new f on an outdated lt‘f liriologt irit-tt-rs trout that It" Iudt-s working out how to meet elements of the sharinget'onotiii‘ and torn tethnologies and ride sharing serVices like 1 the twins ts sliortsiglited .irid ‘ iriiiid boy at t t-ssiliilitt‘ requtrernents and dealing with Wattles slit h as â€her and Airhnli â€her intlttding Toronto and Edmonton tiltnt; †prelioolted rides terstis hailed rides " l hat may have an iinpat t on the "(hit hope and concern is that the fort \tid the List llttltlsll\ is H‘dtl‘s ht trlht' “\\t- l|.t\.l‘ sortie t hone dhtltll tiptitiiis miinit ipalities ability to regulate those sinner is prtitet'ted and the ride is safe,’ she matters into its otstt hands \ll'ltllit'ts til tlit‘ tllltl their-s lots ofopininnsout there " companies" she said, “ lhe l.iiidst api- is said Nhe added the region t ontinties to waterloo ltrwott Lin \lllvtllt t‘ the group ‘\ flood of ptililit input has (ll-l.i\ed the thangtng." isrestlt' With the idea of how to regulate the retirest‘ttttrtt' ‘t‘tl‘ lot at t it!» i ttlllltttltll‘N llr|\t tiriielttit- for the tlt'\\ lislass that also seeks Along Wllll tontitittally rm (“WINK â€ml†l""“‘â€â€˜ and " the l""""“ P should “PP '" ‘t’lll‘tl and will H‘lllttu no tt is should tlit‘ to regulate iidt- sharing st-t\ir es Iilr-lllwt front triiistirners antl stakeholders another to regulate \(‘h|t l|'\ for hire, so that the l\.ir\s\ll1 has“ it mitt the «whats tan 4 its \t t writing to llett llt‘l tstirlt on the st"! til formal tonstiltatiotis “I“ he st hetl rules don't (hatigt- .ii rtiss tittinitipal hâ€; sit t .ittott Mint.“ ll out hula“ nliii ll stall rllllii‘tl to t tittlltlt‘lt' t'.ltl\ llll'tl lâ€! 301“ tlf‘f‘ mm more Dtst(.N - lllRNlllth . on (in . at illltht . ARl . Mitt lWARl - tiNth - ( ustoM intros - (ANDttS - Pltlows - ttGHttNG - CLOCKS ‘ 1 l A \ . in ' ‘C W i â€9519†it tits" mo f u’ hr'hfl i l I l . , . . ,u_ J , _, ..,,,__._A_v__.,il ,________.J flaw uudtodlldnign (OH! I “(that (On/nudwlll‘ovqn I l)! (do! AV! K"(lï¬(l‘ At ï¬lm A WQSIHW'" ' AMA“