WAmiooaI-maz-Thunayomhazamisois w - Detox - Mia's . mrgrames . sweating - lumps and bumps - botox vlillers - migraines wweatmg - lumps and bumps It) OK alk 0 HOPE FOR CHRONIC MIGRAINE SUFFERERS . S to w sometlmes g mummmamjmhntlliuwMMtnamwm i _ . . h ' 15 mmumamwmmMuc-mwwmim Mullet-I) 4 ‘ “mm “mm“ "mm ‘m eflentmml g mmmmwmomwhm-mmmmmnuun _ xponsored by a run _ , ‘ ‘ here this a tweet. I 4, "anti _ hing dine hramd » . t i believe the appropriate 2 t l . _ “Tum“ caught my eye. ‘ l \ l M hashtags would be â€no,“ . mummm lgirzhmzenhdmmmmremaflwmemW l It conveyed the “10“th myhrag. dsorrynotsorry and . cu,†“Bandwigmeg 0“ s MW‘IW‘ an? maneummae . ‘ going through the last place ï¬loBluevale. s g cat “is“ “y Carma "uflou'w'll‘m’ ‘ ‘ ( riinner's mind its she llmmmikitalittlc ahead ' 7mm†mwwmmmmmmawmwwmmmh approached the ï¬llhh lim- ul of myself there, didn't 1? Best " Mormons-wean "M.†mummmm. WWW ti marathon. l slow it down a bit. so back 5. “mmmmmmmmmmmmï¬wwmm - ‘ While OlfllttlINl) drugâ€" l‘,“ towalking Wï¬lmeMMWWdMWMb/MM ! ï¬ling. \h(‘ was dim pmud _ ~ , - Local author Melissa i mmmmtmmwwuww.mmmmmmmm ‘ and dt‘lt‘rnllnl‘d. ~ if: Manz has already registered 2 mmmmmuwcmmmmmmmmwmawmm . Earlier this month 1 had ' a for four races in 2016, hut : mmmrmmmlï¬immummmwmuwa 1 the honour iyes. honoun of has fl?ll;|ltem?‘:l (if gaming i‘ dawwmwnm'nm} »_« a crossing the finish line dead any 0 em. ats ause a mmmwvwamtxm _ , , . , . . a mmhmmmmam~ - iflf'lflflilï¬t'lfï¬ï¬i‘r m1 pm" “we" “m a ; new “new wmmmomwmmmnï¬u-w i 1 Pants, Ontario. PENNY Martz recently released g ngmmw' oi mwm'xaraumm'ï¬ Z 3 I'm second last in the ofï¬- WALFORD her ï¬rst book. “inclusive g ï¬mhwnmdMo-I: In" mu" "a.“ g cial standings because some Playgrounds: Play for Every % _ A _ _ ; ‘ one who ï¬nished earlier still husband, during that time Child.†which hiyilighls the E W“MMMNWMMMW : i spent a few seconds longer differencg one could have importance of all children 3 M|5WW~WWHMVWMM é . l on the COWS?- Talk about driven to Toronto and back being able to play side-by- I, “NumnmemMW “E heingmbbedofglory. for a nice dinner. But it Sidï¬'Wlth no one left on the g “Mum-“NM“.ï¬i-imm- 5 “a, mammwswd my would havebeenamylom “all“? 3’ mmmmumam, manhunt-imam , physical and mental limits I ly meal. wouldn’t my) Ironically, Manx used to ;†"hm-Um!!! g . never would've made it ifnot (19311 “10.1" deï¬ne m . avoid running events "’ mommammmmmumumwn g. V l . . . 8 - for the amazing support of running success by speed, because She dldl’ll (hulk § Mfulmmflflmw. 8 volunteers and fellow run' but that didn't stop me from walking was allowed. Her 8 A _-_ ners h d being thrilled when my IWO'lddChsnSed when she 70 5 1 “ms 0 in ill“ OW“! daughter placed in the Top came ' at most running 2 ' 8 seven and a half hours. while 10 in her division at last events also welcome rosters f memKClmm'c g the Winner took just over week‘s wcsw cross mun, and walkers of all ages and _ “WWW“ g _ three hours. try "m in Bechtel park abilities g Dr. Tan-of; Clinic 0 “I loin-om M. W. 0m 1020 - mump- 0 519-621-4545 a V ' ht, ' d P“! 5 mm M.. (may. FF { on I? “g my ear Her sch“), also won ï¬rst Continuation 14 50mm) our mum . Mucous . satiimbtw . Siam; . 10100 a scum we mum] a Guacams . SauIEJbiul a Siam . mica . [ 7 A, . __< _- _ _ c_H _ _.. _.‘_â€"â€"â€"â€"___â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"1 \\ - N 1 is ‘ l “ , r t, 1 - _ ~ a w t 1 i su- ' ‘ w ..- ';..‘ 10," the My “ ‘z ' . f X; _ ' for Chi ren . Campaign _ ‘ f“. "i“ f" . . .. "1 ~ _ 0,5,“ 1 f a ‘5‘3 .: ex . . A J ‘ In . ‘ ~ _ _. K ï¬r" ,. .. . I z .' ‘t 1" “ a ' 1 , _ ', 2 .. » h :_ t u ‘ 34,000 residents of i i i 3 already sponsor over 0 A“ 3“ , l †t B I ed hel . ut more urgent y no yo r; p. g \\ v i 2 L†' ' ~ a k r 11 “7 ‘ l \_ WorldVlslonislooldngfor“ 'i' l . ; g ‘ , I,000 children in need by g 5, A - . A l J j ,’ . " o LK‘; , _ a». t l r i ;. Sponsor a child today. f " l 877 34CH|LD -‘ q l : 0 ° . . , mdd Vision ‘ ‘ t l f ., www.worldvusion.co ‘ z t 3 0 r ’ " 77 , , , : . 1 l .- . -’ i w ‘ ' “91 - 1 t x R “b“ ’ l . '. ‘ . ‘.' l l 1 _- A». ~ - , \ x ‘ _ .‘ l , l .. ) l , . q , , ,_-, A, c .,-fl._,> “mt ,, /,_‘77 ,,_._N c ,, , _c, ,-. c._.___ ,,__,,.,, CCC, w, w, { i l ;â€"__â€"__â€"â€"_â€"_‘