WATERUX) WNW ' Thursday. October 22. â€15 O 5 Out of the Cold ram s u to “""""'......""",...â€""....~ W'f' " W â€"- f w p p a... .- .-.,,. - » liars. 3," ’ ,'ét“s~ l»" it, “ï¬t wind meet the need of the homeless if“, x -. u " ,, “4 ~ a ‘ff‘ï¬.“‘.“- {it in , .. ‘ ’* ‘ 5 - fl Y I ' , - m‘lmeslmirsoN and a place to stay for the anticipates about 80 people 3 ’ a ‘ 3 it“ 7 ' " “i ‘ ' ‘ A ï¬lm"??? “l"ï¬v_ï¬ region's homeless every will stop by her location. ' ~ , - ’ . .~ night of the week at local First United Church, each ,’ , “ H . ' .s Out of the Cold fitnrehes, week for a meal â€"â€" about the 't ‘ \ , ‘ Attlti’lCi ramps up for same number as last year. r- ; I . ‘ ' its l7th year, it will be 0 They were averaging about y , ' ' the first time it won't he The, real QIISIUQF ll people sleeping overnight " F New 7 ; ‘ ' k , offering overnight shelter. 1571 1 Out Ofthe when the program closed mag “y , ' x, A h ' ' "n; ' H O N DA But organwers are still ' ' ' lastlanuary, r * “e ' ~- - â€m P»- , putting otit a (all tor volun COM' â€S llOllSlng The region provided 51 - a t“ WWW “771011th WW? teer help with its eniergenn ("Id personal million in one-year funding ‘ . i V . ~ _ Y H Ht) \ D N â€N‘d] program. supports " to provide transitional sent» , , ‘ " ll ~ til-i: UH “a“ t ' t i Power \\hll(‘ the elimination of ' ices last year, includinga 45A E i t ‘ the meringht sleeping , tathie Stewart Savage lied YWCA shelter in Kitch~ â€ï¬t 519-746-7900 JflTEâ€"f, option has tedut ed the on dealing with t'lier. number ot iolunteers need lot/ll homelt'flnest l'he region also launched ed to run the program a 20,000 Homes Campaign ts hit h will non ooh serve last veari volunteers to find housing for the most hot meals shots niovtes and began dropping out of the vulnerable members of the > ,/-v-' , A“"' ~ , offer toittpatitonship to program citing more com- homeless community, // i‘ > “ those ll\ trig oti the street plit‘ated needs of the homeâ€" Between Nov l. 2014 and / _ \’\_ organizer ( athtt- Stewart less Illt‘ludll‘lg an increase in April 30i 20l5. 50 people “f /- “_ v {1 t _ “\ sautge said lhl‘\ still need mental health issues among were moved to permanent if L L) [I] ft) } j ; j : f \ 3 help lll lllt' lott hen touting those using the st‘n‘ltt‘, an housing. and 0an 12 people \ ' A ' i J‘ meals increase in dritg use and a tor four per cent) of the 319 \ ' _ / \t)lllllll‘t'rs are also need lat it of proper training for who accessed the YWCA \\ , ed to greet and welt onie volunteers shelter relied on it regularly "‘\- ‘AA, ,. ‘ †guests sotierxise and part“ Now the program has and stayed more than half ipate lll ext-rung dl tivities been redut‘ed to [our Iota the nights II was open from and to lit-litlt'aii trial the ttoiis eat h ollertti a hot Nov. l, JON It) Ma ‘3l. 2015. vv end ot the t‘iighi I meal and rt'Ill-lllllllz open Stewart Savagz' said her DES'GN YOUR D N SOFA, (oiitpated toollit't wars ontilalmut 10pm rolunteers are directing LOVESEAT on SECT'ONAL tl s a lot tenet whom-erst lhost- sites are Ntttling tl(il(‘ guests to either the said Ntmsatt Noam» who \\t'lillt' Mennonite â€with House of lfriendshtp. the ‘ J! ,‘ {f estimates she has about or} Xattirdav "i.“ NtirlingAvt- N‘ \W( A or the tint-ROOF ’ t‘. I ~ ' {1 ‘wlllllllt'i't~ this war Hill] kitthenen NI louis Roman youthslieltt-r ‘ I , ~F.\ ]‘ pared to almill goo last war (atholit (jhurt‘h tSunday, at She also said the option "I ~ ' ‘ “t'spllt' needing lt‘wt-t Allen St l< .Waterlooi. St. of reopening the overnight 4 ' ' “x ~ - †' hands to help she doesn‘t Matthew‘s l otheran (ihurt‘h shelter attXHC ‘hasn't been ~. \ §\ * . 1 ‘ “an! to sllflt‘ the volunteer tWt-dnesda). 34 Benton St, discussed on a large scale" a; _ ' Q s spllll slllt e many who kittheneri and ï¬rst United but her group at First United ‘ \ 5 \ ’ helped get the program nit t hurt it il‘tlday It; William are keeping their tots and ' 4 the ground are tum in their \t W , Waterlooi are trying to keep volunteers , , this and are team to step lhe meals offered h» interested in the program. hath sortie of the sites include rust intase. \t its height “1 ill tllN‘l homemade soup sloppi “ nlt‘ real answer isn't (in! .llt‘ti at ll “it Minus through int-s shepherds pie and of the (old, its housing and not km “NW! and \\att-rloo salad personal supports." said and proxidt'd a Vsatiti meal ‘stmsatt \.i\.igt- said she '\tt'\vart ‘savage AVAILABLE IN BOTH 1 t G t M . FABRIC Sr LEATHER 1 Start Here. 6 5> 6 §§> é § 55 $ t ‘ s gs , - . ., ~ ‘ l me A J . 1 5 CD “ - \ 1 ‘ t 1 ea y w i 5 m1 rm! mam BAKERY CAFE â€I, W i . _ Ms- - ., mm EcoPIusl'r Q1 i *.'.- .â€" 1 Breakfast 0 Lunch 0 Snacks & Treats 1 . l , 7m-SpmSomrday8am-3pm t ' _ fr n I 620 Davenport Rd. (at Northï¬cld). Waterloo iii tin in \ all†pit/a 3K an ltt\\ iht \ll('l'l ltitii \\ atrihm l ltittitlaw 5l9â€"888-8265 www.thehca]thyow|.ca t ! .ut wit i/Aitttwi/tthm cu “in? H i"-‘ t" t l l A“ ._ M