’ " ’ Mi†777,777,77â€"_â€"H____7#â€"________â€"_ WM'Mml.ml5-7 - Parents rally for childcare centres . B'Mantu-Ait money. They received a region. ...l can'tbelievethat teat 0mm BrflwChmnidt reportinSeptemberwithfive asaregionweaieevenoon- t - recommendations from sidering getting rid of the ; egional councillors KPMG. including getting our best care and development > t asked for public input of directly operating child around." said Bill Mueller. He m ere 1 before making deciv camoentrm added the region should aim t sions on a service review. The recommendation to emand its child care pm- 1 and they certainly got it last suggestsdevelopinga plan to gram. not get ridof them 1 week phaseoutthechildcareoem That would make the THE : More than 30 people moverï¬veyearsandusing region better and attract 1 spoke during the meeting. in the savings. about 52.5 mil more people to come here ea 1 front of a packed council lion in provincial funding. to and stay here. hesaid. “Don't j chamber. Most of the speak- expand the number of subsi- take a chance with the chil- mun“ BAKERY CAFE 1 ers spoke against a KPMG diaedspacee dren ofWatei'loo Region†1 recommendation to close Thereiscunently no wait- Parents who spoke said : the region’s ï¬ve child care ing list for subsidized spaces getting a spot in one of the B‘e‘kfut g Lunch 0 Snacks & Treats l centres. ‘ Closing the centres would region‘s ï¬ve child care cen- _ “When we learned coun- force families to make tres was likewinningthelot- \\ eel‘tltrx s "not wpnr SJHIHltH 8.11it - 3pm l cil was considering closing impossible choices. said tery. 1 purgen‘tzw'a were aï¬imtr; sitchener resident £ndrea “Many oflus here tonight 620 Davenport M (at Nonbï¬dd), Waterloo 1 y 5 0c . ow mu 1t .iemens. " e nee more can swap ta es 0 our ar- . . possible that the region options not less,"shesaid. rowing adventures in the (in the LeeVallcy plan am chestmsjomXaterloo Hyundai) 3 would consider destroying Delegates spoke about Wild West of child care.†1 W WWW-(Ml .a . . tr . such a beautiful part of our the quality of the child care Alysia Kolemsis from Water» 5 9 5 yo f u 1 community " said Heather provided at each of the ï¬ve loo, said. 1 Heartfield ti ( .1iiihrtdge «entres. which have attained Other recommendations motherof three the triple gold standard of from KPMG report include m l " [his is the ï¬rst 1 hilt] 11m- lht' Rdhlng the Bar program sharing information technol- and ~ v†_, ._, h ‘i1 . , 1 t‘\pt'|’lt‘llt e that I\ tor tht‘ past 12 wars The) 0g) mth area municipalities. i I l l .1hsolttt1-It north llullllllg also spoke about the |ohs stopping direct delivery of i 4 hit" that would he lost it the ten l.iiiployiiient Ontario servic- a l .1st l.11t1111t\ tt-tzttttml tres “ere t losedt and the $30 es restructuring the road “ '~ â€" » tillllll iI .1pptmetl home .111 thtltlieii that Wtitlltl have to iii.ittitetian(‘e agreement for ’ tilll\|llt‘ tttttitmttx to look 111 he put h.“ it on the regions the tritiniCipaIities and tipti- i _ , tltt‘ ‘.\tt\ tltt‘ H‘tiltrtt is 11111 muting list tottitrigthe mm nit/trigtheairport‘stotiimer- 7_ ‘ ‘.\ltt‘H‘ tlit-\ ttttlltl ht mutt 11.1ltlrt'll .tlrettth muting «itil hilllt‘ (ount‘il “ill make ' , with tent and whete tlttâ€. Hits proposal mules llll‘ <1llllcll[ll‘ll\l(illtlltllllllnfll 7 , A“ m 4ttt|l<l titllt‘ll'lttll‘t wt. on upset ttsttttt1/ettolth1s tiit-etiiigoittkt J] â€"-, --o; . ‘ " a ' l 1 a Y - Hd\ L a happy and safe ~ -" 0 an . . . , a y . "Ilianksgn mg and BlindSAre Us Callgfogsgogztshome service. 0 ktO b c rfc S t ( jam? do“. mm.- 2998 Manitoti Drive I s ' Kitchener nurse ,/ WW, . (5 “111th 59» it Q†MW“ e 1c 61 . , ,, o o 1 4“ : V711? Cat erine Ft e f "as 1 . ' h 1 ; i ' " l MPP Kitc encrâ€"Watcr 00 t t 4 t “a! ; Community office . ~ . . . i! ‘ 22 King \lrt‘(‘l \t.11th. l'nit ml ‘ . .t . kt?“ ‘ “11min“, (my N2! ma ' , 1) ..-’1‘ ‘ “Hm-3s t.“liusto"3s lhb' /‘ _ a! ' ‘3 it . , . l‘lhdllthlf \(\(il‘l‘ltlp()n.tfl ff {- - - ,- ',,}fl l , t ‘fv ’ m' “V321 ‘ “- wwwxathcrtnchfcxa -, 1; - 3 â€l f, ! , 7 «(flail f g. ,’ Duwtll(t.ttlll10 VthlQllOU lttxl not) ltltltly‘. †hung“! :; mmummfl. â€h3 . 1 g ._ v , m ‘â€"~'â€" ~ «we . i t i . a ‘, , I c t. .g;_ cm: 5198884777 51 ‘ 5m“ - N" Howl t llllflt‘ .il -i-l./; ‘ _ . w;1terlootnx1.(,;i - M ,A