W "W, ‘ sow/trmunw- - cunt-1315 o Neighbours pan townhouse plan- 1 Minimum the0.12hectare(0.30cre)lot ‘Zoningisputinplaoeior t Olmkkfl from single residence to a reason.“ said Bernie Liehs ' » mediumdensityandtobuild winseltvedintheoommmit- " - , ore than 100 resi- eight two-storey stacked ty for 10 years. “People put ; denmmanywear- mhouualnealledter- Micahimopurchasinga lng stickers with raced dwellings. and a sur- pieoeofrealestate' ‘ the words “No rezoning no facelevelparkinglot. Victor Labreche of l S ializi I . . . i g â€4 apartment' printed on Stalsaid thelot Banned Labreche Patterson and 4 e 4- “ ~â€"~ --â€"- "5‘ them. came out to voice by Kitchener city councillor, Associates. the consultant , p C â€g n m - their concerns with a pro» SoottDavey. - working on the project. said r -- ,._ posed eight-unit stacked BrendaWeston. who lives the stacked houses will i 4 0 Spa Pedi O Mani "if f‘ townhotne ontheeastoor- onLeeAtrermeandjutafew appealtoseniors or couples ‘ net of Lexington Road and block from the site. said the looking to downsize. but i 0 Artiï¬cial Nails mmm city shouldn't be approving admitted the main floor â€" Z ’ About 20 debates spoke the Wheaties which is not level with the oNailArtoWaxing mnegalmtheptojectsay- hmwdtedty’s groundâ€"wouidhavetohe ing it doesn’t ï¬txln with the own planning policies on retroï¬tted to be accessible. community “singe-family nodesandoorridors. and all the upper units r _ dwellings and would make “The ofï¬cial plsn states mad mtbemessibh . L whatkalreadysbtsyinter- thisareaisnotlntendedfor Hesaidthestackedrmdel t t sectionevenbusier. mixed-use housing.†she is compatible with the sur~ 1 E " _ “l‘h'nlsn’tjustabundiot said. roundinghomesandwouid it; oval am bruises." said Debbie Schol. City planner Trevor be designed with similar , i m L W St p card who lives down the street Hawkins noted the area is exterior treatmmts to Mb 1 3 i fromthevacarttlot'Thisisa notidentiï¬edasbeingbeat- withtheeornrrltnity "; i l Wedding & Graduation familycomrmmity" ed imide a node or corridor. He also said “we do not > kag flab 'Ihisisnotwhatlbou¢tt Nodesareplaoeswhetepeo- haveaPlanB'iorthesiteif t‘ l . “431 flay-w; . P“ “Ava [e intofltkisnotwhatrnypar- ple and transportation dwapplieationisreiected ‘ " " ents bought in to 30 years routes congregate. while oor- Weston owned the city I ago. this is not what my ridors are the transponation take another route for the , neighbours bought in to.†routesoonnectingnodes site: purchasing it from the " v _â€"_â€"â€"â€"_ said Andrew Schmidt, who Weston's husband collect- current owner and building a .; HOURS: lives a few blocks away on ed more than (it!) signatures park. â€Thereisrwdty-owned ., Normandy Avenue on a petition calling for the green space in this area." she ' MONDAY to -7 TUESDAY |o~7 WEDNESDAY l0-7 Monday’s meeting was an city to deny the application. said A THURSDAY 10-7 FRIDAY 10-7 SATURDAY Ill-0 SUNDAY 114 informal session for council while another delegate had a Stall will review the com- ï¬g and no decision was made. separate petition with more merits and return with a rec- " Theproposal'storewne thaniwsignaturea ommendationiorcouncil. L S l, â€t. g» 4 :" . ‘ f \ " . 4 4 "than St. N. trite ' ’ I“! ‘ J i was on N213H8 ,, = 7 ' I $1,†. I | 4, 519-884-4200 1 ti . “w: z » w L m W’x rmi" . ‘v â€â€˜r . ~ : kwiootxom , '~ _ »_ , A, ‘ 4 L.’ t “r" 3,4 , , “~ ‘ t . « ~ A A l _ L, o t _ ' 4 , . . . 7, ‘ ‘ ' I Are you tired of plantar warts. 4 We have the latest laser technology that can help. ‘ ;\ f a ‘ Pruvttor Mina are a common stun Intectron that affects all age groups " , ' and rim notmousty hard to treat In our clrnlc each treatment protocol v. xrwt «My trimmed to the potent 3 needs tn order to achieve the best (in!) quaint msutts We utrtrze the latest treatment options and they ' ' t «in â€MM“ trorn the use of chemical coutery rmmunotheroov x "2 murttv among surgical curettage 0nd toser surgery 4 â€s, a ' } Doctors Mural El. El Vrsrt kwtootcom ‘ , X ‘ ~, t 7 not my ‘ to learn more or call fr; , ' , a w E] 519-884-4200 x _ . V , 3 t 1/41} turn/nu, ï¬b- i 4’ t a A -Cusromomortcs/rmuocos 'WMs.Ooms.C<tnos ‘ "‘ matron/ummmamr -0tobottc$ootCon ‘ . , f; -MMIMovFosctts/stm -Sonto(|FootCore I] " ttasorlheropytorPonmdvflon-nctlon A more ,, is: 4 4 -lawarWNoï¬s.Wortsdeorm v . . ?ii N‘.‘ f {M if; . Nd hm W, w) 0/ . ~ , . . v H‘I‘llft‘fl l'lN’fM/ run/(r “(99 Potrust w ' . I r. tim/m/ï¬ra/Iï¬ï¬‚nm n D ISO. DCh. Cmopodlsi r ‘