Ch“ ’ “ink on know about «salt7 - leopee Tube Park Wins v - . During the winter months, do you know Water Efficient: Excellence Award W y lake the quiz and test your knowledge at The Region of Waterloo would like to pumpingeosts and greatly retltiees the amount www.curbthesalt.fa ,_ eongratulate (Thieopee I‘uhe Park on ol stormwater running into storm drains," ‘ a; ' 5) winning the annual Water lzllieienq’ szcellenie said Water Servites l)ireetor Naniy Kodousek. s â€3 Award, whieh was presented by Regional ( hair A number“ partners were involved in helping _, 2 “ 2... KC†SV'I'mi ll†September I “h tï¬lmopee to tomplete this proieet, with (Zhicopee Tube 1 i 31 huilta system toeapture snow and rain run»oll Park at the centre, serving as an example 3 , 4‘ trom the hill for reuse in making snow m applying eonservation principles and * l'he Region helped fund (Ihieopee’s efforts environmental stewardship. i l“ build 3 large retention pond below lhi‘ Ior more information on the Region’s ‘ tube hill, which has resulted in over a 97 business no rams for water efï¬ng“ ’ visit ' i per tent reduetion in munieipal water needed WWW.regignsmawflooxa/conservmiz,_ More â€It doesn't mean a “if“ walkway 7 i] to make snow l‘he hill prevrously needed over ‘ l ri000 eubit metres of water for snowmaking, we me, i httt needed only 927 Ctthit‘ metres this past ’ ’ . .. . __ m was 1 season The savings are enough to supply the E ‘ water needs oi nearly To homes for a year, ‘ Reiduce the risk of water freezing on E “We wanted to be very prom live in being \ nveways and walkways by managing ' good stewards ol the land and using strong where rainwater dunno. Fewer Ky areas mean l (onservation print iples. " said (Ihieopee's ( A less 53“ and 33er walklng i (;eneral Manager Bob llJITISi "So we took a i‘ 3 M'SMYGIG‘I“... " leap ol faith With lltlS proiet t, biit we knew it . Direct downspouts away was the right thing to do and the experts told from walkways or us it (Ullltl be done and ll is working extremely driveways well We toiildni be happier " _ 0 Clean eavesdroughs of lhe Region was xerv interested in the water 1 A _ _ ‘ leaves and other debris sa\ mes that tould he at hieved Will] iliis Chair Sterling presents the award to . Keep storm drains clear lm W†lҠW‘l‘“ WWlnl/“l â€1“ "1h†hfm'l‘l“ (Jiimpee (JM Bob Hams along With other †I lie projett \.t\e\ ("lii‘rgv on eompressor pro/pt] partnpn Learn more at wwwcurbthesaltca. ' ’ ha ' 7 - Yard Waste Collection 2015 What 3 Waning. "idiot": on our waste program 3835,“ m h “we, â€Id Styrofoun - Sivrol’oam ol any kind tannot l M Cambridge 8‘ Waterloo, Wellesley, I (“W he tollei'ted in the hliie box Smaller pietes | WOO'WiCh 8“ North Dumfries Townships | 0 Habitat tor Humanity drop-oil lot home “k" â€a“ PM l“""""~“8“ "ll†the garbage A I Kitchener 8. Wilmot Township l building materials dropoll hm lor rem ling large pat kagiiig (hunks is available at the Waterloo Sllt‘, (.ate 3 | Mon Tues Wed Thurs F†| 0 Bike retvt ling drop oil | 0m 1 2 ' a ( ompost and mulih Will be available until M â€is - Broken glass and lenives tan . s;â€";§g¢‘;w~;$,‘:mt the snow lalls, while supplies last be dangerous for reSidean and (olleflion teams ' 12 13 14 15 15 l M “II, ) 'l< if left exposed. 'lhese should not go into the hltie l â€ibwfllï¬faï¬â€˜m» l m ‘ »\ lini'nfl'ï¬ T -" I tlh ‘ lullrlll‘)(l')l(l(fz‘gl'lll‘tl box. All sharp items should be wrapped in several l 26 27 28 29 30 l \A'(iterloo (( ' Me (I ) w iste (site: ()ffl(t'kh().lll8 layers Of newspaper, taped Sh“! and placed m the ‘ " ‘ ~ ’ W ‘ middle of a garbage bag or (an. l NOV- 1 r I " ' 5 Tim?" I Monday to “May, it 30 a in to 4: 10 pm ‘ l 9 to it 12 13 , Bumbag a a: a a - you, Have a cola-man morn? Please (all Please put all | 23 24 25 25 27 l our 24-hour Customer Service team at plastic bag | mm waste (Olll'lYlOn ends l 3 1057714400- (cg bread. Veg l f " ' ~â€"â€"*â€"_â€"*m , | and outer wrap I Christmas tree collection I "a“, "it!!! w “a“ to "I “It? such as packages, of January 4 to ‘S' 2016 on (all vottr ( itv for details: diapers) m one bag†| vol†garbage day, l (I? shut, put in blue box | l ( itv oi ( aiiihritlge with newspapers. iii) (at it, an ‘ | Holiday curbside collection ' l m in km llt‘llt'l - Waste 3†m _ . l l â€wâ€, H, no (olled‘ton on | 3 l a 7“ 3 1,47, Cambridge â€" 201 Savage Drive, (‘amhridge ‘ | December 25, 2015 and lanuary 1, 2016. l i m H, “mm“, Waterloo â€" 925 Fab Street, West, Waterloo For those tilt/0 weeks, Friday collection 3 | 4) NM» 3 l It) Waste disposal hours- Mon to Sat, 7 a m to 6 p m l | Will be on Saturday, I Fees: Minimum $5 fee to dispose of waste L_._â€"-â€"â€"___...__.-â€"J ‘ ,. r. ‘.i.m.iei‘m. "l ii um ‘ Huirv wry-u." “lulu-I I!!!“ him-n i “mi sum“. m. â€I “a"! llhtu'ruv wish \Qr\t\.|g|’n\tlil hatlilnli tow-um -1" a i ii w , e ~it i A li‘»‘\'»tl\'n“ ‘s'~ll\'\“ w i ‘. i» i lii‘liiilriiil-Miut "(Pillow kiiilnmi t‘iiiaiio NH. Ht \\.itrv\eivur‘ llatth'aglnt -l' ~ -lli'<‘n\' H i ‘ ii ‘t itti in iii a tLL M -t'b'»"vititi|l,u impiun‘ †a en 4:'tl'l"‘l'“\\"l' it.“ i Wll“lt\l|1(IfVl'):ll‘l\tl'Wv""lllNll-l Q; Msa l't‘utl‘ttlwllt'lirt‘t | wish “vs“ llflll'llt'lwlltll'N'tJWall’l â€myâ€, N, lm‘vervtleitgiape tiring vegetable based this Environcws - October 2015 f, WW, ,,_ fifi . _____â€"________â€"â€"â€"-