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(Zlouthier said he notices more breaking season. you look at who might be coming ’ flit"??? “all “In my opinion, he's the best hitter in the halls comtng his way since he's been at the toward the end." said Peg), who also serves i league.“ said Tim Pegg, in his second season top of the hitters list, but he's adjusting and as head (oath wnh the Kitchener Ir, Pan ; he Waterloo Warrtors baseball team ts at the helm of not overeommitttng thers, “ll somebody has a year or two left l ï¬ght in the thtt It of II. and they know the Warriors on those halls. before they graduate, you start looking at t tt "He doesn't have "I'm not a hig fan someone to replace them -.‘,r . .. ~ ,,_t . a ~ . ' . . .' "‘ » . .» ..v ; lht t t Warriors drown d tltrtt sttatght mam wt aim ss In "IV OPINION. hes (11017631 of the hn along halls; (mtng forward for the m \t (oupk st 3 t on the weekend one to llrotlt on a (old es lot ll pttt her . .' , hot I m adjusting. sons. were set up pretty good We have a lot , and miserable afternoon at lat It ( out in Park to get hurt out hitter "1 â€191908119. He (100571, satdt‘louth‘ter of young ï¬rstyear kids that are very good i ~ ' s \ A n ‘ n ' ‘ v ‘ - ' and a pair of gaunt \ to Ru rson on Nun and tht \ (t .tll\ have many weaknesses‘ For (I lht “arrtors ha“ thts year. ‘ (Ln have to htt thetr . . a good shot of malt In contrast to summer leagues whtt‘h tan t When ll “t“ .|ll sand and done the \\.tr spots lN't .Ill\t' ll In" “Pr [0 g?! In," ("It ("1d {llt’y mg the playoffs lhe rttn for around four months (HM baseball is l Huts were tilllst â€tell V. I', losing ‘0 Ho lllt'\ make it really have 10 hit their â€mtg top st! teams In the unique tn the sense that the t‘nlll’l‘ season ts [ Hunk and ‘t ’t and f t. m l(\l't\nn rtnstaie he s i . .‘ _ I†team league hareh more than a month long lhat means ‘ 1 [he makeup date lot the hilllt‘tl not set gotttg to llll H l)(’( (“le lf’hl'y Hulk? (1 Inlbtakf’. moveontoadotthlt' the star players hate to he at the peak ol ' . .» . ' v‘ - - « n . , . : â€mt hall of Saturday \ tlttlllilt ht ad†was hard hl’b gOHIg H) Iâ€, If hard. knot loot tourtm tht tr garnt , plan-d ltlt'sdm night at lat U om It Park but ( lotttltter s ment whtt h WI“ he [he htggest thing I ï¬nd vstth the (NM Is : n-sttllswt‘rt' not amtlahle in we“ tune perlornmnt e on Will'rlthIrflm‘ hiv'hallmlnlaï¬ â€œ111 WW hosted by Western that mu have to pl.“ the hot hand it's l Wm, those games Iy~h||141 them, the “at the ï¬eld speaks on Hunt mu slugger Mu hue/t Inuthter llntyersm unfortunate. hut mu t ao't let a guy work hts l (tors have their work tut ottt lot them to stay for ttself, hut Pegg says (oat hes way out of a slump her ause you don't have [ m n“. hunt for the playoffs last season the behind that Is a have recruited to a tune If someone is m a lot of a funk. mu “any,“ lost in the gold medal game strong work very balanced way. ï¬nd someone else " ‘ leadlng (hp way to; the Warriors |'~ thml etlm t sa\s l‘egg thh has set the team up with a good mix Meanwhile the thlrtd tanner Golden I tear veteran Mk hael ( Iouthter, the thud "lost the we“ he tomes to the ï¬eld and of third year students and younger rookies, Hawks are just above Waterloo wrth a 7-4 l baseman for the squad He Is tted tor the prepares he works harder than anybody setting the team up well [or this year and the record. hutWaterkm hasone game tn hand. ’ lead wllh three home runs, and ts set ond tn and II shows†sand l'egg‘ adding a he! of his near future. the season wraps up lot the Warriors on ‘ i batting average at m,- 300 mark He's also myohement wtth unwerstty sport “When you're ottt ret rotting tn the off (it Q 1 t ’ _ t l ,