mm-Mmcm- ll _ o ' Agreat Thanksgiving side dish ' | E. H“ “- GI E . elldous as they may Had pepperto taste Dbe.thele‘snodeny- w and WONHhatte-lym'ksfwyu! ing that the humble Preheat oven to 350F . - . ' cassemlecansomeï¬ma 1“ “fl positionanovenmckinthe U W! emu: ms ? 8“ a bad rap. centre of oven. ' - Is it a piece of ovenato- Mahmskllï¬tglng'wd TRANSFERI‘URFREE. table bakeware or a one-pot , stove ova [indium meal where everything is F add the oil. Oncettgte oil is ° W m 2 ' 7 I“ Amman“ mixed together and sewed : :' shtmmerlng. add e leeks- MTG! - as a single dish? The term ' ‘ ‘ gosh until the leeks are soft . PM M's hasahirtyloosedeï¬nition ' , translucentmiyitto lo ‘MWFGM You can take the old- b. \ minutes. Add the 811115 and m aim ' school retro deep-dish con- Q cook until fragrant. about cept and revamp it to ï¬t a ‘ one minute. Taste and sea- . M & Reads ‘ [no Grow‘ySbt! "mem'day “we _ b‘" ifs , > 9°" “than and m Bandit as third We ‘ all comfort. delicious and ‘ †While (2th are COOK simple. To make a tasty _ i118. wash peel pom casserole. you'll need not WME thinlysllicewith mandoline. FEE w m only an amazing recipe but In a urge saucepan. com» mm 1 l also a well-stocked pantry limos“ bine the cream and stock '5m ‘ l and amass a alas arm-ac and place on the sum 29s Marsland Dr., Waterloo - 519-744-7011 1 for the cook, to invest in a mandoline medium heat to simmer. ‘ Some of our essential slicer (But please use the Add the potatoes and 600k ‘ t‘asserolesmaking Ingredi- guard). forï¬vemlrmtesthenseason t‘nts include chicken. ï¬sh. Any way you slice it, withsaltandpepper. ' l veggies. grains eggs and casseroles are a wonderful Binder halfol'the pota- 114 o 1 dairy- spices. unions. garlic. way to sharea piece ofyourâ€" to mixture to a axis-inch I A 1 condiments and yes even a self with someone and make mebahflgieekdlsh. top with half of _ ‘ lew canned goods like beans the dinner table a little more mixrure. ‘ and tuna And of (nurse. colourful too. Repeat With remaining u t OW n i don’t forget the dish itself. mum-gin potatoes and leeks. Ladle » 1 In our Fundamentals of (MalnGanvingS) any "minim; cream mix- 4 DENTAL HYGlENE J (Hiking program. a covered w “I"! W the gratin Mid (OP J casserole dish is part of our 0 3 medium Russet with Parmesan cheese. , o 1 “up w m sf mammal mama- Transfer to the m At Uptown Dental, we re not partisan, we are: 1 kitchen tools (and we cor» '3 mediumleeks. while (005 “mudlhilpmaloes are “ tamly stock a variety of andlldttgreenparts ten er an I 9 mixture is . - - ,/~ »\ 1 French~made hakeware, only. rinsedandcut in“) golden brown and bubbly, leeral Wlth our time! \\ from cast iron to ceramic.) llZ~inchpiewl about 45 minutes . - - . 4 i Ideally choose one that has °3garlk dova. peeled ngmrgtm the oven come. lat"! With our pncmg. 1 handles or at least a lip on andmlmd 10 minutes . , a ' . t . _ the side to, m, M or the mm) r a“ More “a â€L mm mm as we welcome everyone. i oven and ensure it is oven 0 l cupwhipptngcream ' l we . , cup mm..." . Green as we er‘nploy green practices 1 Today's recipe is the per chicken' MW new: WMBG M d ' ‘ tact Thanksgiving side dish stock MWWUM l 0 entlSts' I ardpatrsï¬wellwithanymt °l12mpgrated WWW} MM ' Wthinnerynuslicethe Pamlesancheese WaSGMnaSLN. I potatoes. the better this dish or (lnryere “fl" Mum 1 becomes. soyou mid“ want -Saltandfreshlyground “0211519544772, ‘ 1 I PAYDAY LOAN SETTLEMENTS k i 1 DID YOU TAKE A PAYOAY LOAN FROM THE CASH STORE OR ‘\ \ .‘ .‘ 1 r . . \ a ' » a ; F l ] msmoms m ONTARIO on on AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 2011? |\ ‘ , » l F F‘ a J C l Uleth r'ï¬ ' ' ..__ 1 Class Action Settlements have been Reached tor Borrower: lrom Ontario ‘ 9 ‘ f/ i locations at The Cash Stun and Irishman: ' f ’;u\ 0 D E T O i a w W' “a ». w s m m atrmgu‘rummlzmmï¬ WRUOm 708m ' TH E H O R N w M w my in mm mm awye'a for Borrowers wt“ seek a court Order aoomvmg "m armament: war/ted new ' at Ont/1m Donowwz t'Onrarro Settlements; the method of l 0 31! MN) W- MM‘WM lundï¬ to mmwws l ‘Sememefll Dlsttmuhm Plan ‘l and me tees and , a , z , Groom»: tr; he paw} r ‘ lawyer', l "Counsel Fees ') V‘V E D O L l l ‘1 IMPORTANT DEAOIJNE a mu have a “of" to owed ll you do not agree with the proposed Omano 7mm, ts 5mm Dtstnbution Plan or request tot Counsel lees gunmen-unpub- ‘ an"..- "M 2&- "n w- Ind“ "you msnloootectyourmsthleamttan obpcttonbyNovembetQ 2015 we â€hâ€. or ,W.,;:,,........, $36|315 [$12 n'wm “I I.“ m FOR DETAILED llFORIATlON mu m ontanocashstoresettlemem com OR CALL 1«8tX)â€"2630489.ext 608 ' " ‘ ' ‘ ' ~ . H - A i A m w A