WAWCIMNICII'WY.AWZB. 2015.27 t .IIMIQIII I g; I ‘ - .. ~ ‘ JJc ‘ ‘ Y I I _ i I ‘ I g E I is o - .‘ ’ I: . I"? f I 'v > ‘ ’ . at c %. I» 3 (I “ .â€" t I ...â€"â€"/'"â€â€˜ J.“ y i . . , I ‘ N i iï¬â€˜Jk“ ‘ l.'\l§ l\H " .- . I g I ‘ i. ’g i E g i . l I . I 71 I I .- : g ‘ . it . , 4 ,v 4 E I . , 4 I 4 u h . 4 .‘ i ‘ 1 Bluevate grad Jesse Collins, a linebxket to: (he “Whit! Lanna University Golden Hawks football team, will finalty have the chance to play a full season ï¬ve years after his rookie season in 2010, 1 (ohms had a mynad 01 Inyunes and bad Ind, whtch have IIm‘ned him (0 )ust nine games In he; Combo" career. m w new mm 1 1 4 I 4 ‘ , 1 u I , o o o o 1 Final Opportunity for Waterloo 3 Collins as Laurler looks to compete on the gndlron 4 BY Am» III: now Mr \llfli'fl‘d a mm M |., NR I and Int-“mus III-cu juxI telling me In tatt- It easy " this Sunday against the York lions In lnrnn I hnm’H I: VIII! HI- wnuld hr nut Int thI- n-st nf hIs wphn lhmughnut his (mum (Inlllm hat won In laurit'r‘i ï¬rst horm- game will he agannkt mnn- wast)“ thI- gum! wuh tho had With Iho way the the a|ways~powerful Wmu-rn Mustangs â€II n uh.†“I“ l‘\\t'tllhl“\ hr hI~ Huh \I’I†"I†thrn hl\ had llll k I ()llllnlll'd Newt (.nldt‘n Hawks an' khaplng up through tram Svptt 12. 1 mth â€W “MIMI ldllllvt (.nldrn Hawk» “Imp IhrInmplIIaImm IIIngIIpuIIaL hon-“wrung hIgthIng< â€I've jun had that urge to get but k nut ‘ ltww ( nllIn~ h.I\ plan-II .I tnttIl nl lHllt‘ "I had In haw .I InIIpII- IIIHYI‘ surgrm‘x In “A I1â€()[lhl‘V‘gIlVKhaVl’ .1 Int of slIllt" hr Ihm’r" mid (blh'ns. 1 punt-x Int tux hnm4-Inmn IIuIIII mum nut \nmI' \l .n 1I\\|N‘ ' mu“ nlhnx. \dld MohMpodtMty.wrlflhk to 4 Hut nun I~IIh thr Imhtrn Dumb runny: wouhngnmttvr nf LIIIII‘ .IhnIIt hIs mumps [.IlllH‘r l\ Innklng In Ilann‘t‘ upnn d Who‘ll." mun : â€Imam IHIIHH‘IIHIHI IIHII HH' )0) . mun“ III what unuM haw hm'n hix inunh “an nwdnn n- I 4 w." LN sea-«m whuh IIIIIM I-nr the WatPrlm) Wattinn and hI'IIl‘ 1 III- I] ï¬nalh wt luv hm: 0‘ III Juli (nlhnx IIIpttIrI-II hn hdlnflflng haw gnm- muI h dIflI'rI-nth If It wt‘n‘nt [In A Inach ( hnï¬ Hrrtma Ihl‘ \t’nxnn I\ ,Ihnm 1 Int 1an math In wt It.“ k I!“ tht- hrltl \t‘llt‘lHK IIIIII tlght hath In tht- nth-mung hm mun mum‘s “mm“ 1 mnIt nllIm hum-«n Mn II ILn pm. H4 1‘ «w mhlI- Snnw pll‘H'S mil thdllgl‘ MI LI-r Hnnnw (nnlrnl nu-r hI-aIIsp." 4' and I-Itmt â€Ir 4 wan .Il Hrmrmtx \t.uhnnt LN \st‘t'i knnmng hr vaIIII ho nut Int thy JUN Hu‘fh-r \\ “Inuit" Ilptl\lllt1llll\1hi‘( H and Iwnthtngxn {Imthnll Wan] 4 .m I Imth m1! 1 I 4IHIII\ .I him-mu I IIHI'ytth‘ Inmtnn unIxnn InHIm .I L:m-~...Iug\ \Illdl'lll .II Nth that (nun-x an nppnrtumt» Inr III-w hr nf thr- utmmt IInme.IIIII- Int Iht WM : run! mm. mm â€H wqu hut I In Hnmw |.IIIrII'I \H‘Hl In \‘Itlllll n! I IhIn Hnm‘rsm In hinnd In lmndh' 1th MAIN); (mum Nu Inhn nIIr\ whn ;IrI- InnklnI: In HUIHHH‘ MI I j HHHI‘I‘IH \thit In a nhLIIII hh Mmlt't \ [k‘gn‘v In ( It.“ hing ‘\ \1.II tinndld glad \tIIhtIn Mt'sht‘t \hnIIM H'! (In! In [hr it)†saw.†I [tummy hI~ mun \l my [I Ind m .‘tIIH \\Ith wnu- lth' In hIIrn hvfnn' hr ( nIIM gm .m nppnrtunlh with tthdwks "\Vp’u- bran null ‘\II\H|\I‘ mm Hm» In ‘ ( HHHM Arm†II In Hm I‘ â€WI... uanII 4mm “It I It." Dung Inhx In th«- H \ hr 414% III Hmh‘r It'mn' (lllJfH'fhdt l hunt-s [mt .l\ whn tnnk mm the pmgmm rhI~ wan 1h: -. ‘ gun.†\I‘HHI}: Iht path Int uh,†\hmIIII ham I-II Ingm- |.IIInI~r quIIhalInnI-IIIan-xhnt .I HIghldndvr grad h.“ horn gI-Itlng the “Mr 4 Int nl gum! IhInsz IhIII Imam†'I' It huh I mung InntlmH 4 .nth Hut In 1le wt ‘lt‘w hI-vn .Im-xnnu' In hr h.“ L" an“! Innpnrm n1 lnnks In tramlng (amp w hr tnday |I\ "I‘VI'Y as gnml In Inn I'mII .mII w I nut} H In thr hm! Ind Hum-I2 I nlIInx whn atMntl that hIx knw Is an†.I In \hlbllld aim hr cm the ï¬eld nn an'nIngdav III-WI ax had as wt! [hulk ‘ i ‘. UtUYHIl' In! Lutdrd HH‘ lmrhm in nu IhI Il4' hum N â€I In um Hung In hl'dl up HIM Aft†Whal“ThIIkPfl)r('\1‘rll)(,0"|n\(h? : \Ith‘hnI-x .mp1 hm Imp l wrntmllx upInIlI-d and II'\\I' H‘Il'xdnth‘t Inn-h.“ III-n l In“ III has («Ildt‘n Hawk will mm It)?" mnlar wavm (onflnued on plgr T10 I A -_..__ _WM__AM* ___â€"â€" ‘ A, , W *