isuuihkioo("women-Wu. tum- it gets I El [â€" L .m a o , â€"1 â€" ' PACE ° ° Build ' H a l% s L. l “L. DraftmgS jams Direct Weight Management Nutrition Cr-ntvc--. ‘ ‘ _ _ â€" ___-,, DraftingSPAClz. a startup Builthrect team. allows them to see the plan h I k founded by two University of “In a really shon period of and get comfortable with it. I h ‘al Waterloo grads and operat- time. after seeing our demo “We saw a huge opportu- e ONE t at rea ly or 5 ing out ofVelocity Garage at Jeff (Booth. President and nity to take all of those cona ’ f the Communitech Hub, (IEO of Build[)irect) said, straints and put it into a WE VE MOVE n , announced that it has been "l‘his is awesome and we computer so that homeowna acquired by Vancouver- want you to be part of our ers could have layout ‘ based Buildl)irect. an online company'." options, and they would be New US...N€W Y0u platform for home int rove- Nenni er and covfounder left to just do the fun stuff p l A g ' ' d l‘k k h l " d ment. .aura ustin are exctte to l e pic t e co ours, sai 298 ~12!de D12, Waterloo ' 519-744-7011 ' ' ‘ Buildl)irect made the be pan of a Canadian c0m~ Nenniger in an interview purchase for an undisclosed pany that. “is still small with the Waterloo Chronicle ’ Safely Lose 2 ' 7 lbs A Week Guaranteed amount, enough and running super in February, _ i _ J 't's’ For the University of fast â€"just like astanup.‘ [he program has already 0 One-OnOie Personal Cooching N ‘ ‘ Waterloo Velocity company. The new design centre been in Beta testing for a few a which helps homeowners Will house a lO-person team months and has already 0 individualized Programs F0! Men, 22.1.9 design rooms with its soft within the year. according to helped design 1.100 bathr Wm 8' we?!“ ware, the acquisition means Nenniger. who is looking for rooms. as of llebniary. They . t' ' l)' " ' ' . ‘ ' ‘ ’ , lJW - cm a. any new Using Grocery 5m FREE NO OBLIGAIION $303553? W "m W;§jۤ;:;§?efg,°gf [he ;,;:g;;;g;,;;w 0;: 8‘ ‘0' Bought F 8. Herbal Supplements ’5 MN, CW “We'll be headin up the process that vou need to go “We did the co-op pro 8 . design centre team," said through to get a renovation gram and we were working at Beth Nenniger, CEO and co- done, we'll be there to help different Jobs all across the ’ ' I founder of DraftingSPAtllz. you, and this new partner- country and around the we re there for a†your transportatlon "EEdS. “We get to continue to do ship wtll enable us to do world, and we kept doing a r ’ r, what we love to do. which is more with that." she said. kitchen and bathroom laya \ v y ' ,q automating the home design l'he application that the outs," said Nenniger "Wed .5" _ - space and making it possible DraftingSPAtIl: team devela compare notes and l‘d say l ' for every homeowner to be oped helps homeowners did 14 bathroom layouts this : their own designer,†plan renovations. like batha month. And after you've t t It was during (ZOHHHU' room remodel, It allows done so many of these you > nitech‘s Techtoberfest event them to recreate their room malt/e that there is a formula 3;? gâ€" u ‘ , Q last year that Sid Paquette, using the existing dimen to these things Ihere are E _., _~ __ , Director at OMERS Ventures, sions. lt fully renders their only so many ways you can » a“ # l , ‘ introduced Nenniger to the vision into a JD model and ï¬t a toilet in a room." ’. ' ' , - a I 6., .- t . . a , ~, » . . ,. - . . _' l .- . J , _, i : . _" ~ g l “ ' A ‘ - -, - ,, 'r - »- .. . /¢""°>~ - ~ ~- " ~ , ... . /" a? '5‘ gas ... a i. as . in? 1:13.!!! â€A a†. “‘ Iflk'j/ ,6 â€" f 5‘s '3'!" a: F ' ~ x :wy , ., ~- “am" DENTURE CLINIC . - . N Vellor: ‘éi'ï¬i 7a.. .‘ . - -u- , - & Dental Hv iene Centre (â€To ' g a 7 fl '. . { ‘ ' 2 “mum‘s ‘ Mobile App tr: e: to Serve the . a ' W- H R I ' B A ' iI ~ KWArea 41:. ea -time us rriva s. King a. Scott Mun Valor: Dam Clinic Free on Denture Ctinic & Dom â€you Conn , V 1‘ _ , . . . 0 ~ tSScottStrooLUnitt thMStrootNomyMtB f‘~‘:rltl»~'. > my, . mormmzm WW.0M8b.N2J1X39 l" ‘ ., M‘519W m:519â€"95+4022 .. ‘ ‘l- " ' NearMadtetPtaoea-u-m‘ lnShoosZZPtazii . ,. . 1,7,. ‘_ Q .Trit‘t‘il‘i'V‘ , A 4... .___, m â€an: i <- gt. Mon-M I .. II 2;: â€"> ‘- 7 TVQI'Vv elm-59m 7 5 . ll :1“:..‘."- e ,, \,/ Home ed. M l :"'""'