l ‘ , W , “'5.“ ,W l2 ' WAI k,l(l.()(l CHMNICLE ' chnesday. lune l7, 20H ' ‘i‘t,:,',t" £l,‘*"‘ "“t’ "" M C kin th erfectsteak ,' .. .1†, ix. ()0 g ep MW“ here are few things as starts to smoke, add the I satisfying as a perfectly steaks. Cook about three to - A F th 7 Da a Letter to Dads seared thick-cut steak ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ four minutes per side for a er S y wdmabrtmtmlt'rtspcnst. ‘ â€I l l i “l l [5†n)(:dl;lm-l’dr€.’ï¬VQKOSlx mm- It mu hast-tit vtsttt-il us already and It “you are worried that your nails may get â€I“ Carameltzed crust ‘5 « EJQZJ'rfgegéï¬goigd,:;;: wit rt‘ thinking tit “hill in gm had this l-ti damaged Whllt" away on a trip or event, attar where 3‘ 10“ ("f WW" steak 5 3i ferkthe steaks to a “a“ tent â€in s [his [rt-tiling him to it spa day at Ruby volt have just had them done don't worry. flavour 'S’h'fjmg- 99â€â€â€˜8 f1 / iv with wanted f0“ 32d allow to Nalls is the [R'rlt‘l l gilt‘ ll uni an- d dad, hits lhort‘ is no need to purchase a lull bottle of 300d sear ‘5 “mlâ€? tfyou NM 5 rest while 't)u make tht‘ hand, or lllllllt’ tltid t't-ittling this, Wt' would nail polish for your tourh ups, At no extra remunibt’ra ft'wtips. g" . _ ) likr It) l’t'lllllld Hill to lt‘lllt'lllht'l’ to takz- t'dl’t' thargv lat) lend our t‘licnts the same colour an:l[::ky: it; 238313;â€: ' â€Uta at \itiitwlit-s its pt‘tlll tin-s and llldlllttll’t‘\ bottle used for tour manicure or'ped‘tture “st‘rt‘aming†hut'hcfml't‘ you I_ , ~ ' StepZâ€"Making All' no longtir gust Int unman .tmtntm’ \t» to ldkf' mth sou so you need not worry You drop the â€(wk in Season ‘. ‘1 , thepan 5am this.l‘Zillion:l)lltltr\\:‘\i:ktitintHIXHrttnitttl ion lti :2: rtttirn [ht hottlt [ht next time Mt see your steak wrll with ktï¬ht'l’ ‘ .‘r 3;?" I'll)â€; hints; 10“?“ Hr lum- lN't‘ll an this hiisint-ss tut nwr ls Vour tltiltl haung .t Sth'lal want or â€I Emits"::1â€(jtl::‘(?i’i‘:gmj‘;1’: ‘ “‘ ‘ :1£:!111:1T;r:3vu)f)i ‘u‘hil: is: :iw '.t'ill\ lltl\\ and iw um him mm h tntin- hirthdax nut) ’ We also otter kids packages )1) 9 u .. V , ‘ ‘ , , ‘ . tllt'll llt't‘tl In to.» iiitw ill tht-tt hands And fut-1W";lel’iHs‘tlldi\Ollt'ant‘htltle‘ll’Um rt‘tnt‘ntbor to rust the steak ‘ Digl§N&A-MAIEI\E and f()-ld~:_(?d xahh‘oru‘ti â€TIL: lt‘t‘l lllt‘ lllllt'\ liinr t hitngvtl and ll is mar.- our Fun for Klds, Birthday Fun or Pizza Off the hell] for at least ï¬vv null-J (5.. ' ‘t )u.;] If“: 'tn‘ ti‘tl'llllltlll to \t‘t‘ “new and mllll’lt'lltl\ brim; Party fun packages, Or how about hating â€1mm“ before ‘0me I BURIOSKI l hilt: flsfgrxfmf [5013:] â€Ifâ€; mg in Ellt'lt husbands htn'lrlt'llds, htniht-ts a Hll’lhtltn l’l/ra Party Fun package? With l‘lnally, ustng if Pa†“th â€"~â€"â€"â€"J 1 I ltet the I] uid â€(imp â€I suns lo gt-t thrit tiiuls tlnnt- 3-“ “1“ â€ml â€1' Slam?“ “le steaks (Momma at [3:] f I ., ‘h 2:“ “I W m†l\l'lllll.tll\ thrst' mm mm up A, ~ ' ' try I)?“ imthout a “OWN“ roonitetntmratum :‘ {tum} "4‘ .V l, illtlllllghdtkt)l‘.lllt‘l1i)\\lll\h€n V W l. coatingi W’†guarantee â€1“ ' Kosher or sea salt and " :53â€? 'hl 'k *n \m k tlit-x lt't'l Inlllt'(ttlllltllltllllt' ' '1 b9“ soaring WWIâ€- QP‘W d frt’shly ground black ‘1 , ‘ ‘_ ‘ f( ‘ h ‘ k \‘t‘ know that some men Allâ€: window though, 3“ H “I“ pepper dm ‘1“) “mm mint ( "5‘ - " x ‘ - , , . mg stvaks and l’t‘dllt‘t’ again tlon ttitLt-tht-tintt-likmmnmnto “WW“ hm "T†that what ' l tbspgraptsvtdoil '17., tl ,u k l â€in! tut lllt‘ll’ llttlls HI skin What ‘ makes cooking fun? '2 tbsp, chopped shallots â€m; ‘3‘ng h tth "19?; t n \tiii haw to ft'lllt‘llllh‘l' is that our ,. ‘ . {0‘13} ‘ “’9?" {0’ Eu“ '1l-4tbsp.coldunsaltt‘tl ff I‘ll lg“: , Z‘a‘f‘l“ 1:12. It-i-t ttl.'l'\ lllll’ hotlii-s .ititl no use ht‘art‘d Steaks Wllh Ri‘d “Iâ€? butter “l Id 5 id! ‘fnh't‘ï¬lr' 1? ‘ our hands a lot tlittiiightrti! t-tit‘h 'ï¬~ haut‘i‘ "â€n“ W“ “5‘0 m â€l†'10‘2 Clip dry mlwint- ll; , h 1:: or. d‘ In: hi] â€I?†this (lur ll't’l And our hands gt) - . p " l-undamvntals cooking [la-5‘ - 1 cup chicken or hot-l 1‘ u er no 0 l P , tlituiigh a lot at “P.“ and tear . [I Is par! 0f OUT “IX-“'l'vk stock ‘hl‘k?†(ht sautt‘. It db†mm [llt' amount it: mitt that sorlltK-sï¬and 1:1- lt‘argklmfw It) nfroshly ground black add“ "Chm.“ and “hm“ \\i‘ t ti, so It is r-ssi-nti.“ in t‘llNlH‘ 7 * (00 t 9 I)" “'1 “1' al Mm )1‘ pvt . . , _ A lllt'\itt{t’ taki'n t arr til w wan! It) It‘arn more (â€0“â€)?! 33:11)de\‘litldtinsdll Slw‘? - ‘W'Vung WW: W, m li.ip;i\ to ht'lp \lltl mm tun mill IV 103mm: â€5 for our ("’0‘ka i".»1lrul(1hlé’al HPlLsh 31):; 1‘ 1 q ., it ‘ tit tout prtthli-ms wti ind» have “uh Dad (la-‘5 “n “In“ it) â€Y (boknthtudtur ‘ ‘ t " V‘ “:1" 'Altvtlirt it is helping \ou t lip ' ' P‘m’haw dad a Wâ€? In 0â€" â€f H )[ <h( k S! 1“ H (I \Ull.’ tum llttlis if you haw any â€l†Mastt‘rlng â€1" ('“H Method " L on â€I“ :11?th in grim ti luv nails or ttIIlUSPS or :‘ I ‘ flax“ [h'j‘ 51â€â€œva $1671] â€" Cooking the steaks fjmlfflffglxy: “inâ€? \lllllll\ ll’t’dllllg \lllll Inigt-rnztils. it ‘“ 59““!an “m“ mgt‘tlwr \(‘ason lhl‘ stt'aks \sith 101171121117“ fowngwmwhn till! that is Alhtns npwn In all 1" t ‘ cooking " â€ml â€f m" h"?! salt and pt-ppt'r and lt‘l stand [midtown Embofmnwktll :llt‘ll “unit-n and t lllllllt'll L ' 1 Km“ W†can 8â€â€œ Dad â€l" at mom tompvraturt- for at (llulf’lPl‘llilluln'tltrlfllLlllYt' \‘l’ pnnldt‘ Hlll t llt‘lllS a ' 1 I] ‘ Path?“ Day least 30 ll]lnll[("s. , all twlrtmufllr‘x" [mural «loan ltdtiqtitl spa t‘ll‘.lrt)lllllt*nl ’ J. l‘rt‘hoata lira“ try piin (USbRt’gina \t \. hm \\llb‘.'t‘ ttivn and unttiwtt (All go q" ‘ . Pan-searl-dsteakswlth tin-r lllt'tlllllll high ht‘at rrliiltrtnktrt \rtulmtntttnr tit gr: pitlllp?ll'tl \t Rub) Null; . - "a “WWI-'1‘? ()nt't' tho pan is hot. dtltl lht' ‘ I! â€(’3‘)†ll ‘ M VU‘\Mtlll‘yllllltlltlkt’ttllll’ithll’llln ' L ‘ X \ \. 'Jlx1*fstnt)lt)tntir â€h ml As soon tts the ml |iist "1 ’ J "‘ ‘ your l’\t‘l’\(ld} lllt' Rprllnc. Rc- ‘ ‘i’ i V I In and Revive whilr Hill t'Kpt' ~» 7 ‘\ l’ll'llt ml stall prtititlv UNI “ill! llllllf\ twat tht'st- pat‘kagi‘s WP task that you hook two ‘ \‘q lm'nls tlavs in d(l\‘an(‘f‘(l m, D \M- ritlt-t weddlng party packageqlor 'lll Wr~ know that Hail works hard all (lav t1 6 @ tn ll l7 imam» at it tinny in.» mint \mi vlllll land Morn) so for this Father's Davtrr’at him ' ' I ll wur modding pttttx tr) sll mil pin \ltlll lt't‘l to it tlai of relaxation or tom? as a Fatnih' to tip lltnl'flltl.1Iltltt‘ld\ uliilr up pump.†Hill t'llll)\ lllt' day loge-[hon It) book an zippotnt Hearing ald spec'a ' in ptrparalmii tut lllt‘ hi); (ltil llll'nl or pun haw a gilt t ertlï¬t atr our hours i, Volt want llll' but inn mint llt‘llt‘tllllll of opt-ration am Monday to Friday 9:00 ‘ save U D to Voii want to look illlll lei-i wind “v hau- a.m. 7:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m to 6:30 I'Xllt'l’lf'llt l' and lllt‘ t‘\[>l'r'l\l \w lt tw tiH‘r p.m. and Sunday! l2:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. a it“! ( tiltitirs til niul il'ilMli M, l limist- from located at 355 Er!) Street West. Waterloo , .4 1 10 o l W:- Invite you to dlu'ou-r our nall treat Ontario N2] lW! (Between llnlvenlty " ~ "4. a.“ _ , S ’ . mom expertlae: Nall Mt. Nall Polluh. NIH and Hath" Mallman) or you can (all SID F‘s/ting Vt “« \ Romnvnl and Repllr. M rvllc. Pedlcurt'. 883 In P at Bark Lake lem “m om†Manlcure. Shellac Manlt lll’P. (.rl Nall- We look lorward to u-rlng you soon! C.“ To a I Your Evaluatlon Today! and Vallflepalr. . ’ ' ~ ‘ ,db‘ RUBY NA'LS AWARD WlNNle CLINIC l DOCTOR OF AUDIULtX-Y “my I ' Auburn & Mountain Hearing Centres For Ladtes and Gentlemen 355 em Street West ht'm-v / a t -v- Mr M» Waterloo Watt'rluo : (519) - 886 - 24l6 [ WWW Mll‘llmht‘arlnx mm 51 9.883. ‘ 268 - www.rubyna"s.ca S70 Universitv Aw I‘ . Stiitv 90R , likt‘ us on lulu'htmk‘ n