1 i in - as \li iiioi it'itmmlcit '\Vrdnesdav tum 1‘ Jill . . S 01 ffr m '* * " â€a ymb s o eedo l mm) i l ' a . t i Wild Horses group partners with local veterans to raise awareness : l #i 1 __..*. c . s. H, .c...,.. .. . I. .. ‘ 8v Boa VRMVM t lirmnt it Nut/t ‘ . l UpTOWfl Market 4* . ' '. “ . hey are both symbols of freedom .__.__ ' , . V ’ ' 1 ls baCk CVCI'YThUISday I in tlieit own nght (anadian vet """ ‘ g t ‘ erans and the mid horses that " " 0 _‘ \ ‘ The Up lawn Market. a boutique farmers' and roam the-inst. . ‘ . - - crafters' market. is back at the Waterloo public so the supporters of the ( anadiau ’ ‘ ~ square and open to visitors every Thursday in the . \\i|d Horses inundation thought ll was :’ summer from 3 pm, to 7 pm. the pertett \sav to link the two by host Put on by the Waterloo Farmers and (Irafters‘ mg a fundraiser iii support of \eterans , Market (Imperative since 2009. it has been opt-tar suffering \\‘llll post trauuiatit stress dis . ing from the ï¬rst l‘hursday in June until the last order l’ISI)‘ and the equine assisted ; ,' 'lhiirsday offlctober in theuptown. learning program that helps them ‘ The UpTown Market offers consumers an through ( an Prams. i opportunity to buy directly from the producer [he fundraiser will be held lune 30 at i l WithUl traveling to the farm. Purchasing directly the Rmal ( anadian legion l‘red (hes from the producer keeps money in the pockets of branch No 30. at 524 Belmont \\e W, the producersiand the local economy. in kitchener. and \Hll teature groups Small-scale producers employ more environ helping veterans make that adiustinent mentally and sustainable production methods to cmlian lite. int hiding Wounded War Jennieter Strong EkstrOm, of The Canadian Wild Horses Foundation, and veteran Frank ‘ meaning that you can feel {5de about everything . tiors (anada. along Willi presentations Reid are part of a fundraiser for Can Pram. June 20, at the Fred Gies Legion Hall ‘ you purchase at the Uptown Market. and a panel discussion \vith people who '0' "WW â€â€˜0“ . For more information email UanwnMarkt‘t have dealt with l'l‘sl) Unt- of (.an l’raxis' most successful known advocate for preserving and Waterlooéitzmailrcom- C3“ 2263392592 0' ‘15" the l lhe event was organi/ed li\ Ien initiatives is a therapeutic horse pro- sharing veterans' stories through The website for special events at uptownmarketwaterr meter \tronge l‘kstrotn. ewnt ((XthiInd grant Participants walk along side a Memory Project, it's about starting a l looca. ii if for [bet antidian Wild Horses i‘()lln horse and the horse reacts to particir conversation. People need to reach out l . . il.ition. and veteran l rank Reid. vs ho pants and their body language and help each other, and he said this is lee away to get away In ‘-\ ill talk about his experiences as a [he equine facilitator, who Is also a another great way to do it. ‘ . ‘ peat elieeper lll ( yprtis and being sta trained psychologist. watches the horse “I have a lot of connections with 1 support 0f dlabetes i ironed With the Royal ( anadian Regi and translates its behaviour. it becomes people." said Reid. about the work he's ‘ litt'ltl in (it'nille during the height iii a way to start a conversation with peo- done. "l connect with people constantly, ‘ June 21 to June 22 the( old “at ph- involved in the to ram, and the ‘ and I'm oin to everytxrdy l know and ; . . ‘\\e just have this natural tonnt-t leave With new copiiig stills and a new tellingthimtlftisisagtxid idea. ‘ . â€HT (“"1"“an Program. on behalf Of my hon vvith ten-tans " said \tronge appn-ciation for horses Somewill even â€I'm asking what they can do. â€Tam“ Diabetes {Esmnémm' â€â€˜va tbe’publit l kstroui “he \I‘ also heard about some tall them a fnend because we're dotng it fora good cause." to pdn‘gpaԠm the “(ave away/to get-away ml"! of the thallenges the legion has iii [he hope is they can tarry sortie of Reid will share his own experiences ‘E‘Fl‘. PM?!“ lune “O’J' at the(anadian hr“ “0"" rev riiiting \oiiiig veterans and thought those positives from that relationship and the stresses that tome with being in 1 “him M W" Waterloo. this was a great taiise to get iinolved iii building into hon. they deal with i'l\l) theatre. [here are also family stresses \otir donation “f. reusable titithtng WI†hoâ€) ‘ vIllll make the lA‘gltlll tlltllt‘ applit able at home and in tlietrtlaily life when people are in harm's way both ‘ send a youth with (ilahmt‘S'lU D camp â€â€œ5 “If“ it i \t Hing vt-ts " ‘We think that voting vets Will look at dirt-(fly and indirectly, ‘ m†and could send yourtraveling d5 well look fl†\trnuge l kstrotii said [he I anatlian this anti say this is a tool organization." “We‘re try1ng to ï¬nd graduates of the t the special (.lothesline"? dim' I“ 1pm, . \\ ilil Horses inundation has worked said ‘stronge l kstrotn. about raising (an Praxis program, and I‘m now get _ When W“ donate d minimum 06‘1"â€) bags “1 lilt'lthh to raise awareness of the plight awareness of all the groups involved ting some email front family members thitbing W†m†b“ â€"9"“ into admw to M†" of the last free ranging niltl horses in ‘\\‘e want to show the purpose that and wives who have been there and ‘ $3000 "all†"Huh†that W“ can â€â€˜0 to (â€WI Western ( anatla who are st'ring llll‘ll horses (an have in a lot of people‘s lives talking about how it affected their lives," ‘ anywhere â€l the world mid habitat being enroat lied on more \ntm- of the things that are happening said \tronge l kstrtitn " lhev've been life i . Plus you I] be helping hm â€1.11"“ with “)0 pet "in N W.†HH‘ (â€Kant/Alton looks to from this are the horses that art‘tottiing thanging experieni es. and that‘s so i (Pm nfnet pnrct‘eds "“5“! hV" I‘l'h‘“|â€"' WWW “l partner with other groups to build off the land tan be gentled and used in antaringtn hear" 3 support the ( anadian â€'ahmm "\‘m‘ "Hm" and strategy .tllli‘lllt es and found ii ti.itiir1l programs helping veterans \sith i’l‘sll ntl‘t'W'til starts at l p in and goes to ‘ programs “k“ 1) “mm" Whit h provide ‘ h'Mn'†ht int an i'ratis whit h tiflt'ts support and were limitingI to develop more til I .i tti It features a barbetue. draw and "In" â€I“. I diabetes the opportunity to Hum an hit \t'tetans and then lainihtis in mg thosr partnerships eveningetttt‘rtainrnent lot more infnr mnm‘nm (amp "leme , Hill] i'l\l) I or Reid who has hm mine a well inatinti t'Hldll )l'lilth‘il‘fl't’mlglllflll l min . h†more information ( d†‘1‘) “3‘ â€A" . (.2 < . _ 8 _ "'1‘ lane! .74 "7 egg ‘v Cidï¬lflt. @ at » » ‘ . i . . i - «- ., ' Writ . i ' . ‘ . . i i ‘ 1:3?"~:"‘:"-"!-2:':r Into-tori > ‘ H , LIV.†’ H . ‘ IRJCES‘H ; :rv lit ) t I ,~ . i --. l . . . . . , » - . . . -