Ia-WATERLDOCHIONICIltvdedey. lune 3. 2015 . , . ‘ .3, , an: 4*"; , ' ‘ fag: 2‘(=e vtkm} , _ -r’ ‘ --. l " “ Newer; “2%" Katie; - *’ . -' it ‘ " - , , W a; -.- e , « Z'JJ’W- .i I. t we, , â€will ‘7‘ 7'â€: £5“: †l a V ‘ 3 ‘ V I fifev‘ffn: thug-r. _ . ; “a... ‘. . , ‘ , “ ’ , to.“ : . ' . ;, 2*" { lllllll\ll ll . . _ - , . a. a“, rrl "r""' -._. , ‘ W WAW’ , ‘ ’ r“ -. a- ‘ a.-. A ' .3 2 " rem , 416111 e ,. ms .1» (muses [my (ms rm alias iioi Inside: , a.“ 552-525“; 7-†, H†l at itin- l '7 3:5; " 1.x. ‘7 , ‘ M r ~‘,.-4.-...L...- _â€"-â€" -- e _ , . Mm...â€" '. vL. â€Mum, ,~_, _4 t ‘l_ ‘a -....- ,~_ u .r ., N r .. ‘ ., â€a, _ , , . fl , were BY BOBVRMNM; ,. yet/1:39;“; The event also introduced the two newest 7 t hmnwie staff _ ï¬eï¬â€™zwtv tenants to the site. as 50 members of Sun life ‘7‘ . ridge Financial's wealth management unit will he hat was once a symbol ofWatere “1:; making to move to the site in the fall along Wloo's industrialdecline on the city's 13:91.; with Regus, which provides flexible ofï¬ce north side will now be home to the y , ' 3": ' ‘ space to 3.000 businesses in 900 cities across kind of corporate campus most developers " .r, .â€" the world. and is planning to make its first would love to have the raw materials to l - major investment in the city at the Waterloo build. Corporate Campus. [he former Nth lands. a 40;:ch derelict "We were really interested in the location.†site that hasn't seen much action over the last said Duane Lapitelli. regional vice-president seven years after the company wound down for Sun Life Financial. “We‘ve got a number of production of Its M‘Ms. will he the future advisers that work in Waterloo region. spectfe home of a major nets Sohey‘s store (Lon- icallyin northern WaterltXJ. strtiction is already undemm Wllll an open “We're going to have great access here, trig slated lot 20% espectally for clients coming here from otit of ll Will also be home to a row of retailers town. So we like the access, we like the loca» and new restaurants along With a number of The first phase of Waterloo Corporate Campus is already undemay and announced new ten- tion and we like the look of the building." llt'“ ant hor tenants that will ttirri the Water ants last Thursday for the former NCR lands on the northside of the city mo min For those who aren't familiar with Regtis, it loo (.orporatt- (arripiis into a plat e for [how is the world’s largest provider of flexible iii the knowledge based et onotiiy tti work, protected pedestrian walkway from Weber workspaces that are gaining populanty. workspace, lts addition to the Waterloo (or shop, eat and play Street that Will allow people in the (‘xtsting "We had to work the foundations but we ptirate (armpits is seen as a important step Developed lit liiteriiiarltet Heal l state repurposed loft ofï¬ce spaces tti access the kept all the steel and columns and the roof, for next stage companies looking to grow. (.rotip and President Mark kintlrat liiik food options and retail that m†be available and refurbished the membrane†said Kine “We are close to lemillion squarevfeet of well known lot dll\ for being part of the l irsi on site, drat'huk, “We basically recycled the huilding. dedicated ofï¬ce space that we offer up to lit [dill ( orporation's "‘lmdi-{mlnil "l Wall‘rlooK "It will be pedestrian only. which is really We broke down the old MIR into the two erally hundreds of thousands of clients uptown (ore and one of the print iples the key" said Kindrachuk, "You have lots of footprints you see here today" acrossfanada." said Wayne Berger, (anadian lit-hind SportsworltH rossing in Kilt ht-ner places where you're dodging carts and tars, That tied into the campus model feel of vice~presldent and country manager With the\ eriVisitin it as .i transformative proiett this will he pedestrian only and safe for tod the development that Will haw three phases. Regus “We work With the new age ofï¬ce that Wlll appeal to the siartiips ready to tllers anti seniors †Wllh the retatl and restaurant phase coming crowd. because business is changing and the lawn h and other high let it players looking lht- retail and restaurant opportunities next and a third phase With upwards of ï¬ve workplace is changing mth it tr) come her to get a foothold iii the region Will be on the edge of the development along office complexes coming after depending on "I really believe we're in a renaissance, and "We want to he a soft landing for t ompa Weber Street nonh of Northï¬eld Drive, and market demand Kindrachuk said they are companies and people are more flexible in rites who want to tome here internationally have ample parking to make it an easy desti also looking to hnnga data centre to the site what they need and how they want to work and are looking at the area,†said Kiridrat htik nation for whatever way someone decides to lhe anchor “obeys store will help gene-r as long as the results are there ' last lhiirsday as he unveiled the â€1111' phase tomniute, work or shop on site an- trafï¬c to the site, espu'ially to the many lheir addition to the development already plan to interested parties and new ( lit-tits “It's an exciting opportunity and presents retail and qtiick serve and sitedown restaii drew interest frotri members of( timniii "lhi-res some real opportunity for growth .i tliflt-rerit tontt-itt that has been in \‘Vatcrltm rant opportunities availahk'on thesite nltt‘ch who were on hand and looking for llt'l’l‘, not iiist ftir starttips hot for llml set oiitl before" said Kindnichtik "We wanted tti give people options and some ofï¬ce flexibility in take their companies lt-wlofgriiwtli " It on titles an interesting adaptive reuse something that would drive seven days of tothe next stage It will have all the attrat lions that appeal oï¬it e proiett that kept some of the elements at tivtty,†said Kintlratliuk leastng for the next phase ofthe prom t Is to that market like being pedestrian and of the old MR factory and split them irito ‘ [his is a next generation prtl|¢'(l and I being handled by Whitney Real l;state Y'n'it l\‘( list friendly, while being lll'tl into the new two ofTit e spaces that combine the oltl indiis think we've improved and reï¬tted titi what es Formorr' information \1sitwhitiwy11-toiii lori system with a lot .il l ltl stop it Hit hides a trial elements with the new open concept wow done at iSportsworld ( hissing) ' or (all Fil‘l 7461““) t ; /\£ , - _ - “"" “ ‘ ‘ †" ‘ ' My, . 5",. - r f ‘ ’ "/5“le ‘ "I" altard-Illnnlng COIIIIIIIIIIltV newspaper ’- C I 13:4 , . , ,/ l,- ‘ 2’ 1 3‘s is“? l e:- ' ’ ‘ » delivered to 32 000 homes every Wed nesdav ‘ 2;??- †’,..â€"-'©Q 0,0 ' V..,,_,_______~__>_‘ ,.._., _. .,.â€".-----"’ .. , “a; ,OJOOO’ O.@ t. .,,.__ . .