22 - “U I M DULHIIONICLF 'Wl‘dnrsdn» Mull J: JUN , , " , '7' * , ' * ,,,,,,-_7V,, ‘ ‘ I |||{()\I( ll *Â¥'"~â€"*i*~â€"iÂ¥rgfl _,,,‘,,,,,,,7,-,, 7,, '# - 35 w ‘3 . ' I I. A 1 ,. “ . ; "e; A. †1'" ‘ J‘.‘ v . -, ‘ P ‘s I - / ,2 [a . I j! \ i \ rt * ‘ . I “ ‘ * - - Melissa Murray and Nuzholas Raymond Photos, Freestockca . O 1 - v - I a I V ‘ L0 1 h t ' t esfa 'l' f st at I . p I? J p p I" - - BY Mun“ MURRM‘ humus WIN Indudv \[lltiI'IIIN and mvmhI-rx (It mum open In our mI-stIgI' Vflnlo m) pvrxon - luv my! hmnn [r IhI-(ummunny Inrludlngwnw fan-x from \I III Inumntmn |\ In sprmd the pcm‘r teaching I“ a Inhn‘s KIIL'hI-n I)! lmux nIywH and nthvn IqudIng :th . ~ - III III-nu and \MIII-rlrm‘x muxnn le'IIIudll): hl' hopr IhI' IlfKIIIIL/IIIIIH] W1†I‘Nfï¬â€˜ Im' all Wurhng “MAR! IhI' \HTM‘ thing 1‘ hxllHlHt‘d II up It†the I .Imt'ms rmrmlx prInIdI' pvuu’ workmugh In hum \l'hUUI’m IIkr pm“ In†hr mid . ‘ . In slepan a 10h†puut- Imlmnw \‘w [)In, and work wIIh \‘(Hllh In rl‘IillI (I \III “ [hr “halt I'I'dsnn III “with ‘thHl Inn“ 1‘ km hI-III-r \Lnnr Hum \‘rbanm‘n and ll’IlI v m IhI-umummm And [II-.III- I’dULdHUH I\ In gm pvuph' â€pm In \lel‘l’](l(l\1d\llr I).l\t' ““0er meI III In ne'wuivds†. . Idemmd I IIHI‘RI‘HI‘ IIINHIIJII' mum-r Illlx â€H"? “In,†[0 bllddV 11]) (NI-{II lhvgrnupprnnmu-s [N'JII'IIII Thrk‘t'dlflt‘r , month, rmdx fur lhI' maxim!†) 1’ I ‘ I ’. I‘Hl Ion-Is pvrxmml [Hun I' Im II] [Man I‘ and . . HII- mu Inkmi mlh phntngmptwm \shIIII I†“Pi [017W [0‘ mug?! 1‘ Ir global punt- ' pnxmg MINI pun I‘ \Ignx Ill]! and \llIllI‘\ In: healâ€"[S (I [in]? hit. and llUIl' [he [IIIIII'II h.†aluuuh had an 1â€)me 1m IhI-II Lu M . ,. IIII' thxnml \Illdt‘HI\ IIIIIIng \(IHH‘ III IhQ‘ - . £ 2 . Ilu- phnmx m‘rv Iain-II In LNwImiI UHF [’I(’_V(1l’(l]ll’lfhprUhlplnb. “hams [Itlllnt‘ [(N’HM h and In.“ t‘ \I.I|LIIII |" I . gIIIII' III\HHI|I‘ IIIH' \\.III*IIIm I mum! (IH‘IH‘I \u-phI-n lawn-k mud m.- mpc-nmu I' hm IIHU‘WI'd lhI'III In Inc-pl - . \[lIIh‘Hlx AN [MM III Ihv |’[.41“V \Igm [)VIIII'II Mm Iâ€, PM“, “I?†â€my“ .InkllHiNUfHI‘“pt‘l)[l|l'.â€1dht‘drlhl'll\IIIHI'\ HM» \IIIIIx ml! I'\I'II'HIIH‘. by H~I'I! In 1: mm HUI Inr \nnnhwxhnwhh II NHIIII'HI IIII (In . - â€III! In†'l‘IllIHI' IhI- HIII'IIIlw III [1‘.I‘IHII‘\ III» IIIIIIIIII: III mum-I I: prugmm IIITI'I um I.II1(,n'Pwl‘\ PI‘IHI‘IIHIIK unï¬II I [uranium \hI‘s lHII‘IIjHEL'\HIHIHII} IHIII‘I‘H‘H)!‘: «a In“! 1‘ I“II l‘fI‘VIIi‘» II‘leIx III IIIIIIIIIIII.IIII*I1|‘II.|II‘ PN'I'HAIIII‘TUllnkIIHI'HIIH’I hHth('\ pm . ' IIIIIII: IIIN‘I\ IIII‘I II‘I‘I» XIII! w hm)! hum-II IIIII IIII.II1III\ uh“ II “mix MIMI \HIlIh who h.I\I‘ Inumpm \\l[hI)[H‘III IIIII III1\\KHH\ . - Huh “I“? IIIIIIPIII- mm III. I‘m HI ,III IHlI'lHlH In IIK gnu†In luxI gm lhl‘ nun! HIM Ihrrv HI. pman I» I)71:4HII/I‘I’ IN Hm I‘ \\IIH\ II II‘IlIII I‘ IN IIIIHHH .Ihnnl “h.†Hm I' Work“ Ix all IlhlVl†and i w - - 1m .II IIHIIHHX AIIHH iHIHHIIHH}: II iN'IlI !' HIII‘II ‘I\1‘»\IHHI!!!)lhh'w HpMIIIIPI‘H‘IIQ’KIIH‘I III'I'II â€wrung 4H mrh â€I [wnplI- In†IPII~ " \ IIII’III IIIIIIII! II IIIIIIII 1 1- , w ' II w I» - _ - . > - I I I n ‘ . _ . IIHI \IHI I “Ix I)!“ . I. ‘1 M. “1:.“ III: II In IIH\ II IIIIII hm ,IIIII Mm IIIIIIIII III 1px [III IIIIIIIIIIII IhI phnmkr‘m!†I In \IrpthI ‘IHIIIIk IIIm IIIuII th IIIIIIIIIIIIIx LIIIIII k mm! part III Im |II¢I mm IIIII [Hutu ~II1I- Inmhrm I . ‘ . Mar hunk In I I IlHIIhIIIIIHHH mm IIII\ [1113‘ MINA mild IPII- IIIIIIIIIJII' III I’m“ r \Mnh mud w hunk HI JIM“ III: 'IHH'HI‘ IIHII Ibo IIIII «I I.\IIII II I\ .III “I“IHH/IIHH'I III 'III- I I‘lllfI‘ lnI ‘1 mm III'\I’I \HH‘ Mm IIIIII I IIIIM IIIIIIIH I‘ . ‘ . IVHHHII»JIHMIIHZI'II‘HIIIHHHHHH'HVI'lpl‘IHI‘ i’quI' \Ii‘mllHI'HH‘HI II I IIIII.IIIIIIIIIII'I Hm VHHIIHII'HWLVHHIIII‘IVTH‘I‘IINIIIIINIVb“ NIH? LIIIIIIL ‘.I’I*~II\ I â€HI-gr III IIIII HIHH'IMM III \\IHI‘HIHI um III [nun INIRIIx‘lIIIJI‘I I I HUI IN IIIIII IIIIIIII II VIIIII III IIIII IIIIHIIII» HIII III» IIIII Inn IHJ‘. IIIIIIIuI-II I'l.l\l|l AIM ,I II'\\ “mung“ luvhumk IIH41 IHHH’I' - . mu IIIIIIIIIII l’uIII III III." â€III HI.|II Inâ€! 1m II HIV IIIlleIIl/IHIIIII PHI! I‘I‘I‘II “MIAMI“ ‘.\I‘I HIV IIIIyIIII/JIIIIII II-II 1I IN I I» IIIIII I‘HID \H‘F’I IIIhI IIIII‘ I IIII .I‘\ “I’ll II» Im ‘9! him! IIIIHIIHN III III. In ~pIInII1 IhI'II IHI'\\.I§:I‘ hm MINI [I I! IPIIIEIMIIIV1“IIHIIjI’ iIIr LIIIIIII - . ‘IHHIIHI VI. III-u V \11‘II VIII“: \III Hum and mum tI'IlHH‘II II \\II\IIY IIII-ruth “M Mum In an» I: II-IIIIIIII III I II II » LI ux'II II IIIr I'IIIII II}\ \III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIL mm! IIII' HM! Im \\I*IIIIIIII! [NIH IhI'xI‘IIIIJI \\I}f|l1\\d~ H \I |\\I IHk\;uInIIIIIII>II~ IvIIN'IjIIII‘HH‘ .. ...- W... .. I . ‘ .I ‘ I ‘ EX I RA ' ' - gammaâ€, _ I ynur pamlon '-' _I.,v.,.-.-..m.. 2...." ' broken ‘1‘ Q 1 . ‘, \ 1 A I READ ALL ABOU I' IT \. I; .. ,::.., .~ ,..I,I....."~a..... - L: I ‘7'? .. ~ -' ' . 7 VIIIngwnv ummumn unu‘ mm f4: W , . V . , I r o vâ€"r P \\‘ \1 HI] ()()CHRONICLE ‘ W . . A I ‘ [Cm-In“ * ' w ()I new". IN (1| sports local happemngs . - gâ€" . H»..n.q-n'«'vulmq~ ; ‘_ - www.waferloochromcle.ca , ' a .