ll‘W‘A'llellimelU‘E'chnmnv. mi i5.20i5 A I_ _ râ€"\ _ W, ,, , 7 ,. , ,7, ,,.,.. , .7 H ,,, 7T1 â€TFFTJWJ’rW“ 2 «I .1»..~.-.l J/in. . ‘5 O 3.. w -' Blmdrunn blazes trail ' \ igs~ I » own 91‘ anew C W , - ht‘ location where the about guiding a blind runr r 1 HO kilomvterrlong . 1‘ . ner through creeks. swamps Avon l'rail ends just 1 l l ‘ and winding forest trails. riorth ofWatvrloo 15 rather ( l \ l \ While navigating rocks. â€(‘9 unassuming. roots, fallen logs. and lht’ A largt‘, flat rock nt‘ar the _ _ occasional wooan stilo over A (Iont’stogo (Iountry (Ilub ant-lectnc fence. . o LOC'dl pFOdUCC toppings limits a small plaque mark- I learned that it‘suill'it'iili iiigtht-spoi. for a Sighted indivrdual to V o DOUgl‘l IllildC ddll\ latiually as unassuming is Q; nailigalo such ohstat'lcs . .p' ' RhondaNlaricAi/ery. a blind 4 I , " Without intident or injury. '9; o ' Homemade pizza & wing sauce “I"?! runner who so! out last .. g“? It" “on“ also taking 0“ than . .‘l v ‘ ‘ in 2 Saturday in St, Mary‘s, ()nt.. 7‘ ““P‘m‘lblll‘Y fl†“ml“‘m" ' '* , ~ I ‘ whvr‘vTheAvon'l‘rail begins. who can‘t see. i ‘1. ‘ '5‘ . r . ‘ Sht‘ made her way ‘ I'dliketovolunteerinthis .. . 'I through forest trails. fields, tapaCity, but I think I new] " 5» ‘k’ . ’ farmland and roadways PENNY to do a little more observing E ‘ I l ‘ 28 hours later I ï¬rst. ., . {. ' unti . some . -. . ‘5 t 239 weber St- N- waterloo sht- (irrivt'd. exhausted but WALFORD I can't it’ll vou how manv “\M/ 519_880_8889 Mart-ti. zit that rock in (ion »-â€"7~ w ~â€"~4 times I've run past that rock t‘stogo. society. If you we them marking the 9nd oftho Avon ll’tr('¢' oilit-rs romplvtt-d together at all. it's marginal." frail W'lhOU‘ â€W slightest [lll‘ journey Wllll Au‘i'y. the Envisions web Sllt‘ “1911 It was â€WW Q int hiding ( lay Williams of explains. "There are many l'W‘ run WNW!“ Of lht’ '0 Watt'rloo and gllltlt‘ runner groups and organizations â€all mthout klleng I! It)“. Sti'wn Parke. W ho works that offer support iii-tworks although â€W Whllt' hlii/t‘ ‘ hi-ri- in town. to disabled athletes. l‘lllllln I marks tit-noting m" mm" U“ ‘ is , SIMPL F [NE [NE 3 “any otht‘rs, int liiding and connt-Cting WlIh tht’m â€(WW loll“ posts and hm") ' ' imst-Il and Waterloo ri'si~ can beastrugglc. Pill“ "0W WW" SUOhVIUUS (lt'lil l i//_\‘ Hughes ‘1 more “Envisions is here to tziki‘ Imm- Nil IL [hill AWN FAMILY VALUES dllUlll this inspiring \oiing on the task of bridging thi- it‘d â€W [0 80" â€if!“ (ind that ‘ iiltr.i runner in the lllllln'l. gap between at't‘i-ssiliilit) Ulld““"“â€i=‘.“'¢ " x F1 ’. .. FRIENDLYSERVICE - ' ](illl('(l in for it low kilomt' and adaptability," \pproximatt-ly It! kins ol . O ' , . ' , . . i . tt'rs to on†support tlllll \wll Avery is an extraortliiian [ht \mn lm'l “Ind ‘hl'lllï¬l' . FANTASTIC was mslit's individual In my mind. not “dwrllm ‘ \ 23 more medals ‘ Why did .'\Vl'r) do it’ lht' simply ht‘t‘ausr‘ she's blind lor rnori' [liltirllldllllll I r _ slnlpll’ answer is that shes ’s'lit‘ still runs soini- oi thi- â€Hllldlllg “’1’!“ "Ml"- “W so far lhlS year. tin ultra runrit-r and this is toughcst trails ilrllllllll. “““dmmfdll l4 ‘ . llH' sort of thing ultra run although to be t'lmr. th.ii in l†INT“ â€1W" MIN†620 Davenport Road Waterloo . iii-rs do But lhi' l(lll|’ll(‘\ .ilso ilsi-lfis no small {mi liH “Hills. \ Hit i319 888 627: Kg" iii.irki-(l lllt‘ lirsr [trilll‘tl Ill “an.†|.u1mm» “v“ \ “H“l‘ll\|s|till\priill‘(l(Hill ' _ 7 l iixisions. lllt‘ non prom (ll‘tlll‘tllilll to helping (itlll'ls oattn©smplyhnewmes com tllitlllillili‘ llllllllltlllllll \\¢~r\ â€\l‘ll illlll' llii- ( llrllll‘llLIiW "- " ‘ . sl.l[ll‘ll to ‘1ri'nnuiuiirmirss that lll‘ lii'tut-i'ii lllt‘lll‘st'l\t's lln‘i'luriti‘ rt‘rilw liloggm \ Like US on FACEBOOK SlmplyFlnGWlne that tillli‘l’ itl)li‘(l illllli’lt'\tlll‘ iillil llli‘ll illlllt'llt riiirsiiirs i‘HHltllllllllllllltllllllllxAll†will lllt‘ll‘ iliiii m- .m‘ â€not: in lllxlll‘y tiisi-s \lll li logistit s “Ulla/l! luxmlm Hit/"loo 0‘ tliiiiiuaiitl.“himiiit; Mm lN‘iiU‘l’ulIl'lllllll): l‘l'l’l/ll‘l‘tlllil’ll nwtlurli riiIi~ 1-. lllmillllll‘s and \iiori arr lli‘illlli'll .I llllllL‘ or mi; :i/iiilwuti’ili'ul ‘wi Hlll‘ll llllt‘llHllll'll in our mi ’llt Hail l.isi uri'krmi 9/ Mil mull/mum :oni OPEN HOUSE W lllll At Auburn & Mountain Hearing Centres 1 Award Winning( limit 1 Dr «if Audiology q, I I pt OW n Hm lhi'aring aid, gel tht‘ 2nd for $1! DENTAL HYG|ENE l HI I rumotr int liitli'il' ' T t I B d C H ,1 mm.- oa 0y are ‘iiH in ll‘; wit 'HH mi rm l rm' t'riiii mil l il l‘ _ mm 1 Ni ii 1 it i . \\ includes your ORAL HEALTH 3. H iil'q4.ttl’li." ‘ ir ' ‘ ~ l)cnt.il tlciiiiinu ilk st.iliiiiv t" t _ a, . Nipliistit illl'il lllst rim? l'ii r-i: mi low llllllltiy“, ' - l’tlllslllllp 35.; â€unruly \ ' \1oiitli guards . . J ‘) Auburn} Maintain Mummy, Centres \1ii\ 3" is; Max H" - I)L'Ill.ll ll\i_'lt‘llt‘ onlx llIitlL‘llllstti11\I.|Il ‘ f :01qu torinq 4 ‘xrwot ' _ r ' tui w «my ,\,. l H ,. w n ,,, ,. â€1qu8" ‘ 2“" ' Sim Dent WllllL‘lllllll (it home \sllllt'lllllll ll.i\\ ‘ “in UN“ your spot hulav' M “m" ††‘ ‘ III mnmwxrmoo “9454-9092