WA] HULK) CHRONICLE-Wednesday, March 25,1015 0 7 ;-~-_ v“ 'v’ ‘ <- ‘j‘.’ _ Andre Arseneault stands tn ‘ ' id" tront of the Waterloo (en- A ' . Ctr ‘, the ‘g ‘ \ 9 r "a t ¢ tury home that he has spent 4, l , {it tr rtt to i V ‘ x t» W the past fez; {earsrenovat- /l "} I I}, l.“ I tum)“ f, _ _ mg an up a mg EA , , M w w .. \ To help homeowners ltke v “' â€H 5 . ' Arseneault ttnd contractors , . ‘ N . and butlders who (an work ' ' SPECIALS . "i Q a , on therr older properttes, , ' ' " 23 - MARCH 28 -‘ v Q- the Arch tecture Conservanr - fl ‘ ° p ‘ h. l , Store Made Maple Smoked ‘ at \ (y of Ontario North Water- 3 loo Branch has laun<hed an , , SIDE BACON Reg $5 99 it: 4.% lb onlrne dtre(tory of I0(al _ ‘. ~ " " _' bustnesses who we“ on v State Made Delt Strced Beef 8. Pork everythtng from plumbmg _ Breakfast Fresh SUMMER 36 and electrtcal to asbestos Store Made SAUSAGE 99 57 99th - lb _ Q _ i removal and rooï¬ng AUSAGE Maple Smoked A“ I k ‘ L â€W“ “WW†PA'ITIES SAUSAGE â€95" , . , ‘. ' 1] Reg 999m Reg 559940 PIG TAILS Reg $2991!) s2.49tt: New hentage practltloner d1rectorylaunc ed s4.49 t, ‘4.99 to Tat“ more Sausagem a (at; B\ Imus Memos “I‘ve personally watched buildings deteriorate rust a]??? Tulsa“: rmfldwm J: Prev†Panrnr BU" at OI" stand at“ .. 'E , "77 ffjjg‘bfllj’ï¬mll 7 7 7 ,, IN‘('22U\4‘ people tltdn't replat‘e theireavestmugh," “cuboodh m rnemosnmi; Elmira Maple Syrup Fesbval' if [he M () math-x “we to mutt out that whtle the IN ‘ ‘ - . (00mm by TD Bank) G l\ tr l ll l tr I ttttL l tt "mm ' ' ll( re lNl‘llt'dlll ntmx lt\| tttnt lust ton ( t |\l tere to net de 10th xtamng point. t rev stt xtrexs , > , ' l L! ‘LtftH let' _ . AM oh tt (All he to renoxttre tlllll ttpgmtle .t her the potnl ol httt‘er beware [he (Irret’lort u not an 303 L0 N“ “y ( H 1 70“, born†519 699 4590 â€til-{e ltorrte entlorxentent or reelrntrnentldtton for herttuge proper M "' "W" ††Tm“ F" "‘ 5 " WWV'JtSIemmlermfâ€"‘flls 08 lIl\ It)“ nun old home on l’eprtler \treet tn \\ttter t't tm‘ttl'n to employ ant oftheeompamk Itstml loo it.“ I)t'|‘!l tn tt (Ullsltllll mute or (llll\ll'lll tron \lI|l e “More ttppettrtng on the dtreetory (trmpumex And "A“ {W $65 hehottghttheltornemrh lttwntrallttm htukthtMll KUllll’dtllll\tIH'tHkl‘dll)(“Illplt‘fl‘dqUt’Sllflllllillrl‘\I-I[' a ‘ l torn t'll'l trtt .tl tarttl plntnhtng ttpgrtulex to rt'lll( at my; thetr l'\pt'llt'llt e and Imekgrnnntl. eornplele (on, “ BE WW- M'mmmowflï¬ï¬ to; tlte Lttt lrett w t! ~ I liner to the trottt ol the ltonxtu t.ttt lllltil’llltlIIUIl tnrtl ttt lettxt three past protocols the've WATERL O CHRONICIE " the rm httet llllt' ttttertt trout Ntnttet u no“ Illtllllllllg to “(when on ttlottewlllt fl‘lt'l’t'llkt'\ ' sun", t t tztttl tlll ttlltllllllll thttt ‘~\llltl1>t|ltll‘ lIlt‘\l,’l‘tJl the†1 MM lhe llegton of \\.rterloo got tnvolt‘ed l)» prtmtltng a . 519.886.2830 , “than toot home tottwrttttton etude tor herttttge propertiex on their \:‘ tlll llllt'l tx home t~ t|l\\rl\\ tttt l‘\[l¢‘lllllt‘lllt lte lxl‘lhllt' ‘krtrm \\h.|t (lll\ll(rll\ to ttl ttt‘l: tt lttttglt l tllllll tttttzt llltllt‘ tt met urttttrrtng t:\l\ Ml to“ ltIll (nurture (llllt‘rl'lll ‘ tttt'ttttrttt. \\llt t-tttttltlltletoxeett‘txttll'tletittts xettttexttrttltoltntmthetntrrtdt’tes JOIN I HE FIGH I herttttrtrtt; or llllL‘ltltlltlLl tt home to lllll to the \I\l‘ or tour herttttgt- proper“ \t‘l\ll\ a ~ t“ H4 “in l\ttlr'41\‘» ttw :rtttrtt \\<'tr' htttlt tl\lltll nttttett.tl~ more llztltlt'lll propertt‘ mud lull“ tilltl tet 'lllllllit‘~ thtt' ttte no longer ll\r‘ll totltrt. tlllll tt lltttgt'rtrttttt ttlllllrdl lterlttige xpe VOLUNTEER THIS APRIL ' t tn llt tt‘t,r‘r't\'*l‘llltllllL htt lt-‘ttllrtt‘nltt‘h ‘»\lt1llllllll e‘u‘r‘ t tttltst Hllll the regton " ‘f“ ""l"“‘lâ€"ҠH" ( â€â€˜ “' “““""'†“Mm April is Daffodil Month.Giveafewhours ofyourtime to makeabigdiflerence! mm llltllltx to the ‘~,rt llllr‘l tttte K llll\l‘l‘.tllll rt ol tItret th, lll\.til\t‘(l trt the <I|retto|\‘ t lltlttttt \< t) \t)lllt\\t1ll‘!llnt llltllllll ttt It.|llllt‘t\lttll I)tll men tt lN .tn rut-Item Nltlrllng Daflodrl ptn sales wrll take place to Cambrtdge. Kttchener. ‘.'.tllt the llt‘gtult or “Merlot! ltllllN‘lH tl\\llt‘r\ l tn] non porn! lot lterttttge propertt nutter» Waterloo and E|m|ra on Apnl 9.|2_ 20| S! tt t r‘\\ or ttvtlttte tlttm tort trtt tt ltxt ot lot AI lrerttttgr lt l\ .| we.†tool that xltonltl _ tttttttttttettttt t mutton“ ttt-ttt tttttttttt ownerx or out†Srgn-up to volunteer: WWW-waterlOO-myccsschedule.ca ltlllI‘ll the lttrm 'Hl'. ot llerttttue l‘rtu trltorterx. mull ltutllt‘x‘ tlo-xruntttetl or unit wttIt Or volunteer for our Resudenual Canvass Cam at n P 8 "ltr tt‘l ‘he \( lI~t\1‘ll\lll‘ tltt l1\l tttl llltlt’\ r orttrttt (on tflltlttlt ltll\ nho lute expr'rtt'nt r- hrt ete-ttlttrttjtrortt ttlttnthtrtgtttttltrtettthxork tlrtorlh. utorlttrtgtnth herttttge lmtltltngx 1 _ , ) For more rnforrnatlon or rfyou tttrtetl Kl<1\\ ‘.\llt(lr1\\\ lltllrl\ tllltl lllrlttlttg Illll lllltll'lfl‘llllI tapprlrprmte let It \ . Canadian SOClét? have any questions‘please coma“ ‘t'thtle hetl [sit tt t xr‘r‘ rttttrt t lttltlldtttl’\ lutetl on ll]! ttltrttm lot rerun and rrwtorttttortf‘ Cancer canadlenne Nicole at 5I9-836-8883 XJI44 or tl ret tttl‘. ‘trwrtt ttllll Mtg rt .\ .l â€owl lllrll e tot hortte \.tttl \ltt helle he Int-rouge planner ‘ I ‘ Society (Iu cancer , , A trt‘tttt‘l\ tt tttt’t l4t<rlllltl‘ tor tttttttttutttrtt l)» lti“ thet get \\tllt the! ttt or \\.|lt'rlrnt â€l ttnlttt namonm@°"un°'cmce"ca hi tlltt‘t tt tt rt tr e tlllltll rlttlt the tlttet ttrt‘. ‘.\tl5 ln' \\('II lllt thwt'tr'. ‘.'.1 "tr '.tt z-t,ttte~tttlte \(llhtttl ll‘wt'll he I‘t' t'tttt tt “tr tt‘ll'l t.tttl tht lrtt ttl ;t:r“~tttlettt l hr ht‘l tlttt't tttrtt‘ uh“ lt '\t t. let at t ttrtt wt 'he htutext new new ttlw uttt tr lttttttt l‘l tl leh .'l‘ I\ tuttttllnhlt' “It ,ttt‘t"tt‘tttl> :lttl'l" l'htlt t'tttltttm ttlltttlll"l' the \l (l '.\r‘lt\lll't ltrlltltlltlttl‘\ ttttlll tttttrttj'tt‘ttttt wtrttll‘m lit'te ‘r'\\\\\tllttll\\lltI (Illr‘rlt)l\ ml he! ' 'tl‘ ltlt"trllltr ‘xttrtlt‘t‘mtttlttttlltttttthttltltr tut tt.:tgt ttrttttt'ttr-tr'h IS THE pERSON PROVIDING ;'"“"""'“""‘“"‘"“"""""‘| YOUR CARE A REGISTERED I \ ' _. 01)†A? PHYSIOTHERAPIST" I d l 0 ' _ “v DRIVEâ€"IN ' : 6 .v - .,,_ 256 mun sr. non" 519-034-1750 : fl - I . vs . . . 1965 EASTER 0°04;an lOum-llpm , FIND our I I l Sol Apr-r“ Kbm- lam I : --.--., “OMS Ea†Sunday Cloud l _ , , t» t r» rat ‘Q r’,tc"§- “My; ti, rt rt", l , ‘q- '..-_ lrnmUurIamrlytoYourIdmtly | Q k ‘E F" E L ‘ ‘Olu E to l , GOOD FRIDAY We're Wishing You A | I I . FISH & cums Happy Easter . (D _ H Am“... 4,» Nut,“ ,Ltt tNt '; t,»" | SPECIAL om: .°°. "I r .-,, ' ‘ l W†m" lâ€? W’ and l'f-I’ NM â€ll l"'t Y l Have (mums rut-morn or a (amplatnr about 3 Pt ’ tho (â€New tart help | wmnrt “my, plot moth more Pvltydqy '0 M ' ' 'm | ' cflgnnAn « WE NOW SELL GIFT CARDS I “m“ FAST TAKE-OUT senvrce