a-WAnaitwo (11mm -Wedneodny. Much 25. 20:5 ‘ ulli d ' is: C tons an Sugar Kings to w lion fl" Ch C ï¬nal â€" - - _ _ NOTICES The 2015 battle for the Cheney Cup will The series between the Sugar Kings and be between the Stratford (Zullitons and the Cullitons starts Wednesday night at the Dan WATERLoo LRTSTATION AREA PLANNING “m“ “83’“"85- S"Y“““"'"°"‘“‘ ““3- l'he (lullitons punched their ticket to the Although the one and only Waterloo team COMMITY RMDTABLE (Milli. midwestem conference ï¬nals for the is knocked out. there is plenty of Waterloo second consecutive year with a 6~3 win over representation on both wig; W elm ml†mmdn U“ the wt «Mfume» I; 0.3;: the Kitchener Dutchmen last week. taking squads We 0' mm: m m 1°" I N that series 4-1. Cullitons loe Leahy and defenseman lake _ The Sugar Kings are a little bit more rest» Pleon both hail from Waterloo. The 'W m â€I W the m m W “m a“ ‘H m an M to 9"†ed, as they easily swept the lacklustre Water- Sugar Kings forwards Klayton lloelscher m? Wmmmm rum“ mmflmggmmï¬ l::::;skins in four games in the semiï¬nal Ragnazpedï¬gSchnt-ider are also originally . momamdwewmmtwflmmemmemanmmmmmim‘m ‘ ' .. an: arm W that and move station m wmmmmwmmmmmmmmmam ' mmmaumWhmmcmmmmmedmm THE crry of nstanrximvvillalsobestiown WthMIpromeaprmmtoerwmemmkey themesirilluencingthemnonaruplamig lmmltmnbesmaleritacmatedmtoammeweoflc M a“ W Wrote mmtflmmmopemmmuubemdeaoemafumsmbmaeamm mm PUBLIC NOTICE PIEUC MDTABIIWWSHG’DETNLS: NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEET|NG “"- ;“mm,m‘TLgT§y~Ww““aâ€â€œm‘“mm’VW‘W‘““am CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT w... mm, W, 20,55 mm mm CITY-WIDE SANITARY SERVICING MASTER PLAN Presentation at b 30 pm DEM WHERE moi Pratmernn Church The City at Waterloo (City) prowdes sanitary sewage collection for the maiority of Waterloo reSIdents an Em Street West. Waterim and receives flows from the City of Kitchener located Bridgeport and Falconndge Sewage Pumping "it: punk 5 intornied and owned that mes and comments ma, be made public €593.05 (ï¬Ã©smraggwmpgiï¬wzc: mam 2:2?" Eaergé'nq semcfscgam'gg arisemcr' ‘ _ rn ex a n l eacae no em e ity'scurren I -WI e nrary LL??? ring: gmwgmmm $330,“ you; W†us ï¬ggxgmgm“ â€1 Dem m Sewer System Update Master Plan. completed in 2002‘ identified priority (2002 to 2006) and “ ' strategic (2007-2016) protects to operate the sanitary system and accommodate growth up to the ~»' A A ‘ .- i - 2016 planning horizon The City IS undergomg me City-wide 2014 Sanitary SerVicing Master Plan , + "i . , 2: rm ‘ J5 Q , ’ r' Update to account lor updated population and employment growth proiections up to a 2031 planning a, - “f4; ’ Tiff»: 1 ‘ horizon , Mani": ," If“; “/5, ‘ n m , 7 , ’ , 3.: L "V ;t‘.:t~{_f;‘,93t , n ‘t ,rr . This study is being conducted In accordance With the MuniCIpal Engineers Assoaation document ' ' ‘ 2 " 7- l ,u; _ 5;; w ' 1, .' entitled “MuniCipal Class Envrronmental Assessment†October 2000; as amended in 2007 An - ‘ ‘ l, ; x . L72 pm" _ Integral component of this study is public consultation With vanous interested stakeholders Kt 7,; ‘3 u r {31†LL: : ‘ 7‘;?Â¥"1"§';i"x“ 3/ WW -' g If? .; 53¢" w ‘ it" was“ PCC l2 Will take placeWedntisday April 3, 2015 from 500 to 7 00 pm at Waterloo Memorial ‘ '13}, i ’ a": :i'ii‘T: ‘ ’ 1- , 7115-: Recreation Complex Kiwanis Room. 0201 This Public Meeting Will primde an ovemew oi the City '5 . M w! j“ I 2 L K, , oprsl ' sanitary m, educate attendees on the Master Plan process and review the proposed serVictng : v 51’ :' a: " "' $.39“? \ {in > 'E’hï¬rff, a alternatives. . .: "f‘1’» “3‘ W: v If .1 «it: 2:5,?†â€11;; As a part of the City»Wide 2014 Sanitary Semcmg Master Plan, a hydraulic model Was developed to?) L} i: . g‘grfliï¬i ’5') j, T .‘ _. of the collection system Input data was validated and the model was calibrated based on observed 7; "';»‘b_‘;5 if 3" 3.123» “g atâ€; f: 2145“» - a}? flow monitoring data Future loadings were developed based on planning population forecasts. and 7' " >_ ‘ "R a)", sag... . t- 34¢} 33?? _-§};‘f6§r system capacity was assessed based on model results Semang alternatives have been identified _ of,†7 V '45: ï¬g; {3353. <‘ _ ii'j if; ‘1; ,1}: ; to accommodate anhcrpated population growth Including inï¬llï¬ntmï¬cation and greenfield j ‘%/;:‘i- a the; '. V94 lit}? 3;» development, and for the transfer of private serwces to municipal seeming To eftiCIentfy and ' i a: L ‘1 a? at? \ , a n “ "hail; 4 l3, £1513;in ellectively continue operation of the system best management practices have been identified g. a: “a" flit -‘ ,A‘ fo‘go" . Vigip‘iyai' ‘ including Infiltration/inflow (l/l) monitoring and mitigation approaches; and ongotnq system 1 . Lg. L .1 _:_ y!" a ’ 1 ï¬ght; rehabilitation ‘ I sift-m 4%; ’35 "L; Itvg'éï¬ii l1 you are interested in being placed on the mailing list to receive future information please l9QlSlPl - ‘ 33“:_.. “aka? 1 i. v a“; «3.13%???»‘5-35; at http //www waterloo ca/sanitarymasterplari To request additional information concerning this _ nggq$$v ; {1?}; 2.": _ > .34 f/g; ‘:3=§1‘t?.§§,3§ protect, please contact either of the representativesbelovv <53 '- :l v if“; $332911}; 1 “ 12.13%: my; MID mm. oer. Mr. Leigh Mcboimott. Ping. _ “it , ff ,3,“ ‘ in“ _ 1 \~ 9. i133?†Protect Manager A DeSigner Prqect Manager 3- "Large 5,3,3 f g; l 9 it a; “489; if. city at Waterloo Stamec Consulting Ltd ":2 i355“ 132/13.) 2; ' ' o“\\ ‘_ a f - (5; ;,«~; 265 Lexington Court, P0 80! 337 Stn Waterloo 49 Frederick Street , ~« - ; he; v; of “4,» - 2§9o§$¢§ {in ‘ (‘3 " Waterloo Ontario; N2J 4A8 Kitchener Ontario N2il our ' ‘ ‘ A“ m " ' ‘ Phone (519)886 2301340226 Phone (5191595 7121 For litrtM WIMITHW "1meer F7“ (519)886'5788 Fax [5191579 8806 “a.“ mm (mm ialrub woerlmqtbwaterloo ra Email leiqh mCOEVmOlT!DSlflflll‘l i Hm 0"“ WW WW“ All comments and information received from indIViduals stakeholder groups and admit IFS li‘uillillllq 5""74'" “‘m m- 7‘5 this study are being collected to assist the City in making a decrsinn Under the Moon all“ At t W. m_ w a m personal information such as name address telephone number and property lot atiriri my lil‘ , . . included in a subrnissinn and becomes part of the public record Questions N‘Qr‘lllllllq the r rilim lion 9 Sl9.88611550 TTY. 1 86618613941 WfltOl‘IOOLi‘UpllbllCllOtICOS or m "tram“ mm, be "Wm, ,0 me Contact wool? am“, I