VHI â€Hoot itmmttu - manna.“ \‘dtt h 1. no i- is Sitting at the Docker b y the bay UW Velocity program grads snapped up by Silicon Valley software company Bit Boa VRBANM > I ‘ matter ofminutes." said lat , _t "T,â€i’,’ Stuff 77 The next step is to develop a '7 7 ,_ Windows version of Kitematic, lllt‘t)" Valley has tome t’dlllng 7r :3; ‘3'. . . opening up development on the ‘ S yet again, and another set of . ’- Mg.†».,"'ï¬:'ta‘â€";F§ two most popular computer platr grads from the Universttv of . I I" ‘S‘Ls’la" 5’ forms ' Waterloo‘s \“eloein' program have Q . . - if" v . ' ' '. a: ' Suzanne Panoplos. head of cor- seeri their student startup, V ,â€"t i. ‘ , porate communications at Decker. kitematit', at‘qutred by a eompani‘ V . j}: 5 P“ ‘ said they arealways looking for bet- talled [)ocker hit ‘31:; F.†’ ter ways to serve the community, lhe ï¬nant'ial terms of the deal 13?; r' I “This was a natural fit for us to are tonfidential. but Kitematit (‘0 g ‘5“ expand the tools available to the lounders Sean I It Mit‘hael (.hiang _ " , Community, and make it easier for and left Morgan now (all San l~ran- them to_ contribute to the open tl\L(I home after toiling and} for a source platform," she said. totiple of tears at the \“elo; II} It‘s all about making sure that (rdfdgt' at the ( oriiniunitet h Hub 4 developers don't get caught up in and detelopitig an open snort e 4! l y“ . the setup. so they can create their software tool that makes it simple ( ' ‘ *’ ' apps and get their product mtmng, to run [lot ker on the “at lntnsh . . "With this a lot of developers plattorm can get into Docker and quickly While it might he northern ( ali understand what it does and be tornia. li speaking tor tltt' trio, said inspired by what they can do with lht' “rather has llt‘t‘li a lot more . ., Docket using Kiri-manta" said It taxourahle than the ttigid isinter "’lhev're not hitting briek wallsdurr use xe had to endure lot rtll‘. and ~,M_.'..; mgsetup." said he iloesnt miss the told I ’5 Li agreed that it‘s the goal of all drini miss the won at all he said good technology to make it as sun will] a laugh ple as possible for the user. and get It s oven it is hirhsind ten it tip and running and not distrat‘t months suit I‘ then tout lll‘tl liase ing them in how tti use the tools at mth liot kei in the tall hand “It‘s really about thinking \\e llil‘l isiili tlii‘ pioduii gm front the perspet'tive of users and horn lJtH kt‘l in \(‘ltlt'ltlllt‘f‘ and developers and what would make ‘.\I‘lt‘ using ll when it was lost \er I theirlives easter." he \dld, siou (it said I I '\\i> litiilt hllt‘lll 1\ lhis is the second mayor attitti am for that ioiiiitiunin so ll triadi- \ ‘ sition of a Velocity program grad sense for us to ruin Hot ker ' ‘ after Bufferbox was atqtiirt'd hi Hm ker is the t orporan- sponsor Kitematu (otounders Michael Chiang, Jeff Morgan and Sean Li have recently moved to San Francixo after being boogie in in]: for sum reportedh iii the open plailorrti lot distriliuied armored by Do<ker Inc earlier in Marth The UW grads tame out of the Veloory student irKubator program north ofSlT million applit .iiions used lt\ ilest-lopt-rs It """"‘“â€â€˜"‘ [J said the Velocity program was alloiss them build ship and run tlllllpdln‘ that would support the with elettrital engineering student ofthal dewloper communitytrywng a great training ground. and every ans app aruwhere ll('\ i-loper envtrorittient Dot ker (hiang at the st‘hool‘s Velocity stii to make Docket more aet'essihle to thing from the pitch Competition to kiteniatii took that open soon I' was working In the same spate, so dent irit‘ubator spate " [hat was users. 'lhat quickly drew the alien Winning the Velot’itv Venture l‘lllltl tlt'H‘htlHtll‘lll root out- step further it was only tiatural that the» tame kind olorigiiiallv otir idea, and Vt’t‘ non of the parent t‘ompany, and set them tip for the sot t t t‘ss isith its one I lit k install allowing together to senite the same mar were looking for the right teehnolo the trio were weltomed into the they‘ve had “at users to huilil ship and run ket gs to help With this. and we found fold a few short months later "It was reallv helpful to how we liot let tont.iiiieis in minutes We thought about helping out about [lot ket through Hat kt'r "It makes “(it ker more attessi started," said It â€It “as a great wing a graphii til user llllt‘rl.lt l' d: \t‘hlpt'rs set up their t'1l\tl'lIH News, and that‘s how we got start hle to a broader range of develop eitperit-nt i- and sharing that I l said that the» were inspired merit said It who studied stilt ed " ers and gives those with lt‘lti t'xpertent I‘ with other founders hi. the tlilli ii tit internships this “an engineering at |l\'\‘ along ssilh lt proxed to he the right (ll‘ll l)ot ker t'ttperit-nt e the .thillti to going through the stattltp phase ‘i ill .i‘ ‘s'lltll him at IN. to start ii lo ll Morgan helore teaming up sum and it ptit â€Will .it the (l'llln' tl’l'dlt‘ a Hot kt'r tontaint-t Within a was reatlls helpful " â€"â€"â€"‘ ll m ' wï¬â€™ , new -' ' - IIIIII commitn news 3 er ‘ L . 7 1:4 If?" -' 37v.†:2, . ' #9" . 3 ~ ‘ ., \,â€" . dugout! to 32 000 homes every Wednesday 9" ‘,:,/I;, ' /, ,-__4 -,‘ ‘ ‘ â€Mg . [Q 0 . WM ... _,_...t r M.“ -._ - w- r _. , f ‘0 0 «90¢ was)