In†RH)“(.HRUNICI}?â€Amour-Mum Mann 1:. :01; - I3 Bacon With maple syrup Will have them wanting mo ln-u m' “up glowing on t With bacon! llnt' two rirnmvd baking \hm-ts process (once about halfway M...†and | .m- hotm- I I l‘ I‘ . I Baking your baton In tho own Wllh pdrvhment or toll. through, and onu- towards thy â€Lulu [Ul.tll\ â€I.†‘- I ~l ‘ rs so much vaï¬wr and (‘lt‘dllt'l than lay bacon on parchmt‘ntl mark wry end wht-n they are almost pron-“ml food probably out of [I I I I I “I I Is†dolnglton thostm'vtop mg \urt-slit‘es don'toverlap done) urn-xxâ€) r.1tln'rtlmuthout- Svn‘v up a platter ol IhIN lot ln A small bowl rnlx together lrunsfm to a plum-r and wrw Both our l.tlllt‘r\ hrul mp†Inâ€, ,. â€3’ lastvr and you will ï¬nd yourself rnaplt‘ ~yrup and srlrucha and Immvdiatvly buxtm'xw» m monm mu mm“ F I the most popular pvrwn at tht- brush the bacon \ll(‘('\ on both {Hum .l lllllt’ ught It “to t hmpw i. _§ ‘ hrmkfast table. slum With It to took lrom \l mu h .mtl both 3 a . I \ou will still have lots of saun- "- Moms Loon htm to \lrt‘lt h u (lol 4 ‘ Maple-Srlracha Bacon *7 but you will continuv to brush HPlLYh (boltingSIudmua Lu . ,4 I‘St’rwsfourrosu w a mix) duh I thy bacon as ttcoaksr Imunqzwgnumwtl‘m‘hen shop Ilnv [lung no [norm-r tlul not ‘ ' l’luu- tlw pans of baron in th<- mulnnkmgsthool 10mm] in null- t1)!lt‘t'\\|()l]\ on Ihooglr “to Ingredients own and bake unttl browned and uptown Waterloo - nmplt' mum to: \ltom ll wax tin ‘ Hmv pound thick cut baton crispy ‘dl‘IOUI If! to 2:3 minutes Food/0mm,mohafanyskillaml l'lllll'lt'Nlll I h('(‘\(* only I. mm k of ’ '_ I. ‘ - 3 tbsp Ontario [naph- syTup Idt-ponding on the thickness of lhvculinaq'curious ("Pall lllt‘l'l‘tllï¬lllll \\;1\.M({‘I1[.1h|r I I 0 J tsp. Sriracha but wow your bacon), uelcomellt's located . Not onl\ “to u ‘1 bn-dHuxt \la DONNA-AAAth I “YUSh 1h? (UPS 0f lht‘ bacon 11156Regma51. N. Visit plt‘I hm \lom own] It Io lltltl PYE & MARIA I Method with mom maple-Snracha sauce a reluhmkingsnuio.mmormll oomph to man pork ‘1 [an of BURIOSKI llt‘at own to 400 degree» and couple of times during the baking 519954-8772, llllllgllt' to ht-r m‘m't dull \moun‘ M V I iiâ€" lmh-zl goods land a tutzun It' In» _ . I _ _ _ . April†CookingtheBaob(A.M.):$lw s<lI\ quot to mm m .mtl It lllgx, ï¬t [0133!)(Ift‘lifll1‘ryx III") minâ€? T3371]: CookinglheBoolcs (PM.):$IBO l‘rodut Hon of luttplt' “mp .uul rm I “m ‘ (l ' I I ‘ April 15 CookingtheBooks:3130 umph' sugar to ()ntzmo Ix norm lior “â€11“â€th Hntulu' m 1k April 18 SpringOpenHouse about $13 nnlllon annually In, {I )\ â€WA outlour “how lo" l (.8 April-“H WW [OP-180 lotdl I]rl)(lll(l‘l\ wll about our \tllwl louutl on our “14%|“. l Aprll23 BritishPumewa ‘ uulllon lltn's o! â€1(1pr “my t‘dl h on“ rt'llxht'ooltlngstudlfl (mm ‘ coon"; Studio Apr" 27 FWIdanlentalsofCooking‘:$3m ’ unit mulling (lllltlllll Ihv- fourth Ilu~ â€I†stv ) In “(I 1 ll]\ll’11t'llttns M28 KMTCSHUS‘:$80 largmt prmlm rr 1!] thw world an†an m 1km I l'lulb Hllllt'l’nllllt PM] I C H Cl Schedul ma WWW i l.)lll‘l)t't \wrmunt and \IM ‘mrlt I air: Wlï¬l‘ll ‘1 W†(Inu’inlon I n8 :1“ e April30 PanHarldUngm mm: M {up AP ‘denota Hands On cookinch huh 1hr uptownâ€: lllIllr‘l ll I t . -tl “I |_ \ldplr M â€W lt‘stlml .uul IIHI†â€l “’U ml“ “ H‘ H“ â€l" I April] DaleNight: Chef's TablaSlGO Rpluht'oolmgï¬rudeb‘Regma ‘ around m" I rum-t u “M â€W P†\Hmt ha llmon vulh lht' punt .rkt'x I AprlIB Culmmmmmpom‘gabsgo $1N.H."atrrlooVisurrlLsIumkmgstudwmm ‘ m but l‘\-l‘l}llllll}.{ l\ Iu~.t bt'ttrr I Aprils LighterSldeofDeliciomcSM untanglgrggfll-Iâ€"g I . V._-Mi I ' ' l 3 t I " $3 ' ‘ I ~ I 2*. . ECs ' -‘= ’ l 5‘ ‘ ' ' K CO ‘ 3‘3 ("“1“). l ‘ ’ I w DAYS NW5 ' , f , - 2, I â€,1 EZSKK (A : “I: _ ’ i. . J ' “ ‘5...“ 6 '_,- '91, ; ’~ I ~~§¢~ ,3; _ ' 1 ‘5: ;: l CHECK out no; { - " ’,- ‘ V ‘ lI can? DEAL mo non: ‘ . . - ' ' l I . . .. I m nus wee-1's mm: o " . “ gr I. “ ‘ ,w I ' . ' .r..‘ a up.“ I x, ~ I .-, ,. v , . ,, {h j :7, - I “unï¬t ‘ ‘ if: x .4 ~I w 1'», . I .. .1 ‘ mil. 9*" A1123"; //lI INT; [I I) I! «II n u 7 Q Tax “mogul Walloon“! 100‘“ Jamaum'udlop Bull 1 i ‘4 1 Mountain Colloe SllVlIl" WWW «1m x “I .* _ ' I I I H ‘r I. I L l ‘ H' camulu'woack: 6%in ' , r l . . I , A; In PEGSl r' I , . WI I I H , Learn more at Canada callaxSavqu . I . ' r (I , l 80L 20l â€3!) l ( \ l l ll I l l ~ ~ ocurlolfon [tom mm . M H m"): ( ;lll;l(l}l M l'.’ I. . ' v -‘ .