S 7 it}! i 1856 ' ‘ ‘ 7 W '..motml. lndmedta WEDNESDAY. MA‘BCH 13, 2015 ' WATERLOO. ONTARIO 5| INCLUDING HST ‘ . I a". l mâ€" I. I . Mady ~ - LIFE Focus . -: “ 5‘ 777' F7- ' g )1 ‘ Helping to educate “ 22f 7, ' , > Ma da ~ TAX 7%" ' ‘ ' ‘ t â€W" “W“ t .7 9.}. ‘v .1. Pagell t . i -â€"-M‘ . w No talks between Mady ‘ t ; i . , . > p Development and city on Q‘s» " "' . . - _ i y a - 1 - . fate of155 Carolme after ‘ 3; ~.- g ,. - ï¬nancial problems arise & .- #1" Z- . - "Lat t 7 3 ' t ‘1'. 7 " -‘ 7 ‘7†. “'rn’ _..: ' BVIAMLQIALKSUN .g, .3 a,“ ‘ . ,, , ijiillfflflllll’hiltlll , ‘ M,» ‘ , ‘ ~ ., “ ~ â€i ~ * -~ a? «- f r I Vito tlt'\t~|nptttt'nt Hf thr It! Park 1 1 , "' ‘ '~ ‘ > 7' -‘ tnttdn nLn hr \HH k tn tnmtn ml _ -' x_ â€j , "I" â€" g lttnhtt hut the t m hm lhttl no Illst ttx ~ 3’ "I “ â€â€˜3 V . 7777177787 A 7 . P A smith \\Illt the tlt'\‘('lll[)t‘t .ttmu' a tnnt 7 u ‘ 3“; 7 k tnndn Il)\\t'T nittnne-ti Int nmth‘. 17:} t A“) “:7 . '1“ ‘ 73‘ VI?" w 7 Ants Focus ‘ hneSt \ l A ~ 2 k» A x New Ctty ofWaterloo In Mntmtx Ht l’tttk nunut tn the ‘ ; - ' - rt ' 7 » w exhibit Challenges \Lntt l)('\t‘lt|[)ltlt‘l]t tntttnmtntn I - j - f ,7 >_ ’ . . _ hm tune tnwlwnt “hen t: nwmt tnnn- , 7 < :7"??? , , ’ 9' A “SUD" I0 SpOJa-fake than 3W nnlhnn tn the hunk and that! " , , _‘ ‘ V: 7 7 ‘ U . - Page II more than $5 Inllhttn In ( nnxtnn nun Item 7 5‘ '1; ' 3' ‘ -_ w 1““ A [tl.lt'(‘(l aggttnxt the prnpern ‘ a" 7 17%;} 3- ig’†* Ihat sdnn- during)†ll\\l1\ the ddjd t f7 7 5‘7 {1.14. 1 1" ‘7' q - tl’lll pmpt-rn .tt IT. ( .1mltnt' \t S . the ; t ‘ ‘77 1" _ ‘ :1." 7“ t ‘. ,- ‘- y ‘ nnh Ullll‘l' Math pttnt'tt tn the (â€V It ‘ 1 ‘ "'3?" ' 77 3"†..-: t7-7 ‘2 ‘. hp hmdtnt- .t tltl]l('lH|llll\ INHH‘ nht'n Math ‘ t $737777 : “ -- ‘4" :M » i ; , «i , \llttl't'dl'tl tn dsLtng the t In. In rt‘lnmtn- (1 t 7 st 7 i .9- ' m I nttrtmn at the Iron Hnrw lr.n|‘ whtt h 1 1 a o “‘W““““"‘â€'"" â€h“ ltl\1'(hIllt‘tuttprttpl‘l’tlt‘\ tn nva spa: r 1 Eyemg It up u “a "†m“ future “WM'HK Mme than a dozen teams are (ompettng In the annual Canstructlon (hatlenge at Conestoga Mall thts t 5. Rings “VW W†“MW" W “4‘“ â€â€œ1â€â€ â€W†year to benettt the Food Bank of Waterloo Region Local (ompantes and organlzattons bqu then best ‘ <1t'\"|“Pâ€""" â€â€VH'WH‘ l'†â€I“ 1 "‘ 4’" strmture out of (ans of food, whtth are then donated to the food bank onte the competttton ts over t ‘70. Km" DO htn' tttttttt‘th mutt lttt‘l ( ttltl‘t ttttt'tttlt Hun Zha (left) and James Buttnastet of NCR make sure their (ans are stratght tast Friday afternoon m tlllt'tltlft)lpldllllllll“tHIIHH‘HIlNll)! ll1t'(H\ “a“. 113ParkI‘lltlt‘tl‘l\t‘t\lt|[ll)lllll]:1ltlt>t‘\ 7 7 7 77 77777 7 . 7 77777 7 77 7 77 t u-‘ u t t ttt Open Streets a go, but route st111 unknown “"""" - Ihv l‘t \tun\ Hi PAH hntlthtnt Lt 'ht‘ â€my†nt that \ttt‘rt ttlttl \ttr n ‘vtn tt thmxlu MUN \ltt'(‘(\ll)rtllll‘1)ltllttlt'tlllltt‘ Ihv Inn t-rt.nnt\ ArlHltHl the “AMI tttlllttt’tl\ tt‘t nntt-t t“t ttt Mm t. ttsttttnt t. mutt! t'\l'l]l (Litt'xthtwlun llltllt' hax not hm-n enough tn lttt\(’l)(‘1‘lt‘wttltl ttttt t t tt tn ttllt tt tttt We ultvn ttw the ptthln mu! the hwtn‘ttl “'11th I\ enter tttttltt‘t‘t'» tttt' tn Mm!“ tn nth n tww [:1tt\ mt llit‘ tnttnntn â€tn n \thtiU‘ and nut tut ttttt plan t\ nu: Il\ tIIth \t‘dt (At her \nn ttn- tlt‘ttl‘ ttn n» n "t 11' mt ‘tnnn wt Mn rt~ lt‘xtt‘ttt‘ thn t tum» ‘-\t‘H‘ \llllflltlltflttttltllhtll‘ but In tl-I\\ ï¬rst .Iptttutn'd In klltllt‘ltt'l [tunttlt ttt- t wtn - t nut t t x n tnh '~ tttt‘nttwwt‘tlttttttt'l‘tttt1\ttt‘t‘tttt t1ttltttlt’rtlltlllhl‘ttlxltll\t‘\\tlll\ and \\.|lt'r|tm tn 11!} I‘ hut was tttt t' ntntn â€a ttnt h lt‘tlttt tun ~4‘11‘tt1ltltt‘t‘ ‘t.\tt\ ‘ Hanna \ltt’tt t‘ llll‘ ntntt~ tutu-Hm] tn km lll'Ht‘t mum .uttt'r In lttltttttt n ‘t ‘tt tt ‘ t n 't t'n- nnttn ~‘tlttltt1lH“tlt‘lt‘~‘-\tll ltttxltttllt‘t‘llv“‘.tl MtHltlplllfllt ttln-ttutt lll\\.tlt‘lll)l) tht'mt‘nl F littttlt‘t: cw ‘;t:wtntvtt t ‘t ttt m ‘ttltttltlt‘t,l1thlt>tÂ¥ï¬tltt.tltt'tw~i“t tttttttttlltbl\1!‘lt~\.tltt.ttl‘ll nthn'ttt‘nnh‘tlttxtInt-r\tn't-twn ,orbtes. 1 'ttntlnttntt tttt Ht ttt’ t ‘t tt‘t‘t‘ an? 't 'tnttntpttntt ‘tttt Mun ltntt tn tltttltllllltt‘ t'ltt‘ 74 7 I w tutu n ttt‘t‘ tn tn, tntnvtlt Hm ttttllt‘ lt"‘-‘»t\‘t t nan tut‘lll uni thrtnrttttnttm t~ thrthtnnzl'tntht-nntn‘hnx 'tttl\llt)‘ttl} tt ttt.tn; tttnt .,t tnttttt tt ttn tH'tt\lt}:l‘tl‘tlllttlt\lltltlt :tlatlttttttllnttn‘tt nt‘H \u't'L tn llutglu‘ttttlttlttlt'Hlht'tttttmrlll tttltltllllttl‘ttt‘HHllttltl1‘tl‘tt1‘Htt‘Htt ‘tt ttttwtt tn nntwnn't‘mtt‘tlttn t1t“.t-|ttn.tttl.tttlutlln‘tuutlunnt ttl|\ltlllllllhl)llt\ltlt‘tllt‘lN)\ (“milmpdnnpagq-7 tnm. ltlttt‘ tltt truth»! nnttt ntht t tnlntnnlllthtwmuttlutt'x (nnllnuedun pagcï¬ E l 17' TOYOTA CERTIFIED PIEOW’NEID) I t 300 WEBER ST. N., WATERlOO t WWW-Momuto-WM/NYOM/ Included with envy mi purchase is I 127 poi! hm 3 cl (hinges and a M tank of fuel. . 5193354000 (donnihbook 10".“ Muted".