Haw", Â¥v_.,,Â¥A _..u WA†R1.(X)CHIONI(ILE 'Wednwld)‘ Match is 20! "i ' I5 i is ss ‘ # KW H “' Pension split could mean tax savings ‘ ‘ 8 G ' é Tlll‘l't“s a ll‘tll‘ltllli1\lll(l\l l’i‘iisuui ltHUllll' Lu ( H'tlll antlSlllxIIH ARDEN stilll that st‘lllrils sltirtiltl HM llllll" puiotlit pavnwnts 0 llu'ri- ts no at Iual pa) ‘ W knots tilttitil llt‘t an“. H Inuu a [M'IINIIIII plan i( ana Illl'lll (ll pvnsmn lllttHlll‘ . I I SW“ by Khbw thlltl mum Ln sa\ tugs It than or Inn-mint iii\‘vstnionis from our spouse inanotlii-r sun air rligihlr \uu \.lll hvltl In a Iti-gisn-rul Hvtin- ilu‘ .llllH’dIHHl is sllllpl} 7.“ ‘l‘l'l up in GU pm lt‘lll mt nu-m lnmnii- I Ullll tRRll i or slumnnn tllt‘ld\ tnrm Ptoduced 81‘ mm - (“llgllllr lii‘ttslUH int mm- [ml lninnw l lllHl till i pa\ ' llu- allm alum (an by W \\Hlt a spnlist‘ m HHIHHKIH Hunt» .illnlll[\ [HHHH‘IIIs thangmlvai‘h tun lau Darinrr [or ta\ llllrp1)\l'\ niuli-r a ll!‘),:|\ll'fl‘(l Rt'lll’l‘ . llivallncatimi tanallm't m "W’s [m a“ m H1 [Inlt‘l in t rinitt' ll\l'l.lll [as nu‘nt \l\lllg\ Plan iRRSl'i (II nu l)ll]("lt"~l(‘(l (’rl‘dlls sui'li s.i\lllgs tor lHHll (rt mu lll‘trrn‘il Proï¬t Sharing Plan as [llt‘ ago t‘l’t‘tlll. tlii- spousal P hr m a m m ll s talk-(l pi'nsinn â€H mm il)l’\l'it and thi- interest par (H'tlll and [lH‘ Int'llH ill w“ splitting and livrvs an main [Inn of payments under a i-xpcnsvvri-(lit, plt‘ nl him |l works nun ri'gistvrul annuny - A touplv who has not 0V0! 250 M HIM M m ' '\ Manitoba l nuplr \shu 0 For those who hau- nut list-d ltlt'Unlt‘ splitting in a , u .iH' both ()\l'f ago (13 shan- n-at lH‘ll agi' 615‘ (’llgllllt' print your can apply for pen» ASK The Expefls" at the Rogers Theatre $13111)“ Ul ( anatla l’i-nsum int ntnv tor this unlit sinn inromc splitting for the vm ‘< H2 twin-ms m. h numb-s twmdu paymems previousthrow-an. VISITZ ruumasnwou summons ' rm riws tltt‘ maumunt ()lll lmni a i( .inatlian of foreign» - Spouses arr Jointly ‘ ' \isv \i-iurm (M‘s turnout [‘t’ttsllln plan RRSIHRRH H'splltl'slth tor total Ian‘s mmlm (it) 7' . and Hlll‘ spoust- has an annu and annum payments inadc mung ta MW m u at li‘HlsIVH-il [H‘ mm“ m It r a sponsv as a runquuvni v «Vic sun- to take tiiIl advan- SHOWN? Ihp R'glsli‘n‘il p11) mt [hr (lt‘tllll (ll tlii- (Min-t mt [ARV )l pi'nsinn llH’lIl‘llt‘ split \mn rm ipu-nt allot illt‘s 1hr .utnuni ting and all nthi'r tax n-(lm' m s31 mm Ml lltt‘lt Ill'ltsltill ~l)‘\\ ( l'l"‘()l’l’ ianlwt Hun strati'gn‘s In talking In ’ . .- Kw HOME m unu' tn tlu' (ill‘il‘t spmm- l’t‘usuin l‘lan pavmi'nts and \mir [trillt‘s'sllltldl .i(l\ Isiir ‘ 4 & GARDEN (waiting a taniil'. {as satings (titanium-(l llllllllll‘ \murit‘. imla\ ‘ . through prizsmit nu HHH‘ ‘1 -l\ pasiiit'ntstln uni iiiiali “PM“ ‘ '. WW“ \.. t «- split!n:pul$_’h‘.)i M "- ' lr. h. vligiliir tnr tie-ii ' \plitttnu \iuir pvnsmn Ilnunlumn ixprut‘ulwi mm.“ WWW†sum mt nun stiltHHtL; the ‘Ht Hmr iaii ri'snlt in ti ln \ltIx“Ilnll'(lfflll/ll‘fll‘dlt‘ HM mm ntnsl Iltltml‘. tut tlu‘ um“ tum ll] (hr (Ms Hut/(h \Iunugrmwll th-Ib-J†mys‘wl‘mm/l wafl$§m lwlz‘rttl tit‘risum munzr 4ltl‘i\ll.ilk It)! llll‘ liiglii'i (â€limit/(ms \ltluilmti‘fllf s‘-â€"~'7p ‘ 7,56.†WNW ranting spintist‘ ll)(‘.’llll (IV.‘lt(I/I'lzlf3l‘488h (muz‘mmmrml -lmtlmwt1t;y imaml H\\ila\\haik applivsmnrl -‘H‘UVXIJillâ€ffli){ll “ha-1“.†um-onan-uuâ€"uauu-an'†mm ilHHHll‘t‘lltHllll My rm HUM-Stir ltl‘l\\"l‘ll STIJNJ itH'u‘HnUHu‘mltllh‘rum 1" ’3‘" 3W“ fl. “Wm. ( ( †‘ “M‘e ’. 7.‘1Ivl' ' ,O' â€" 1 4 Retirement Community 5 W†279†. , :nWw.~“- .V' l "w†" ‘ ' " ~ W *1 s h; , .‘ t ‘ _ ‘ > ‘ < if ’ > O...IIIID.OD.0..DQ.UDOO.CCCOCCOOOO.C...’............ I . ‘ " -, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 9 ail-NOON . . 1' ‘ ' " . ... a 1 Learn how to: \ , 10 w; i . . . \ y I Z w t . - .« Navngate - Deal With traï¬c â€a"; ' :33}; 7 I _ ’ p " “" L Prenatal by roundabouts Q See the warning signs ‘ . . . . fl :0 h .4. Koo! Driving School. .. Drive safely in that you should limit - r v n r m. . , , m I 7- w anâ€: .“an-nm Seating ll limited. your senior years or stop dnvmg Iâ€" i , 2; vam'l-mf’r g I? (nmplimcntam shuttle islll he prim itlul at H: “sham 2 4 7 . E? N a 0 lrUlnl’l‘lL'(Janldn lll’L‘ Plan at l1er and lra \cullcs. as .E. E g . PLEASERSVP (519) 880-8444 «MW 2 a p A . V WWWWï¬WWONNZTOBl Imma-