Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 Mar 2015, p. 9

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VI‘AI‘I'R1()()(.‘HR()NICU 'Wk‘llnesdav March m 10H - 9 F“ 7' , , ~ ,,,, ,, 77v“ ,, i . r‘ it i it tllll(l\l( H ”7", H , , r 7 W ,i,,,. riflrÂ¥rm 7 7 7 L7.“ “777’, ‘ a A ah“ _ F‘“â€"*_â€"*_*"â€"â€"”"“‘“"” ”*fi i . i l I l:'l"l‘l3l’8’l‘() THE CHRONICLF ‘ l Com 3881011 and r . t . \t A 4 3 r fi._â€".__._â€".~â€"â€"__fi- .._.,,___._. ‘ . Bil] C-Sl is reckless, (’(tlllllfl lt‘all on Peter Braid, my next to a very small. SIIVCI' scroll S r m . I t \ ) . L‘1'r‘ In - ('\ ,,, )( r dangerous and tnefiective l()( II a ttr to \tllt igainst this hill. tst an heol )gi ts haw dated to Bot H ‘ our treedoms start to he eroded So what Ls the connection (it this i Id!" “THIN: ”to letter to opposi almost 3,000 year on} ancient s“-0“ ii the walls of Listiard House. a beautiful. suttlit hosr l . “0” I“ ”l" ‘ ”"Al‘l‘im ("'H‘l” Tom Fuke to mummy star’l‘rek? It's 1W"? mgr piee iii (.amhridge, a quote reads: "Life is not measr l ”Wlll‘ ”NH ’1 Hitter/oi) Cal r . Scratched into this scroll is “red by the number ”f “will“ “'1' take, bl" by the l [he (rtts‘t'l'ttlllt'tll touts this hill as Ma . I n Nim S the priestlv benediction ils'umhers moments that take our breath away." ‘ netessarx in order to prevent tut dung ‘90 md 0’ 5:24 _ 351‘ Reflecting on those words brought me great comfort while ‘ ther lorrttl’lsl atiai lts against (anada legacy on our culture Used by a synagogues prayer visiting my wife‘s aunt at [Aisaard House. where she recently ‘1')“ ”1mm“: people know though Re: Passing of Leonard Nimoy ' leader Nimoy saw this leader raises r spent the final weeks ”HWY MC- Shl‘ was 58 l that ”l“ “”“l'li‘ll' "‘ ”mph tear "MLSpock" his hands. to forehead height, to l liisaard House opens its doors to people dying of Cancer. r ”ngvrml’: “ll“ ’1 " T" 1mm" Iain a \tar lrelt and "SI Mi" tan form this gesture creating the primding24-houreare.freeofcharge. V ' . - ~r< ' 1 r. 7 u » l. v t) . I l “m m "‘1‘ ll 1‘ ”'th ‘ "I‘ll” and apprei'iate phrases eh‘arae Hebrew letter ‘SHI.\ lot (1011 i ”1‘” “5")“ ‘la[“- PPOPIL’ ha“ d “til“ 1” d1? Wl(h dlllllllt ”I“ H.“ and am“. that hate ‘4,“me almighty. ‘ tree from pain, surrounded by their loved ones In a setting of It ”ls“:R‘W'Tllil‘lw” ‘1‘” “" “ll“ ‘1' into pop t ulture During the priestly l)(‘n('(ll(’lt()n it ”‘0” ”WW“ r , l is r. l i - i r s‘ , ' ll ‘1 ll I“ “‘ “ml“ mm "W ‘I l\t' long arid prosper appears s_\ttll)()ll(‘dll)‘ allows light to shine [hat ‘ what ”H “l“ ‘ JUN (JILL ~“ '* ** l H“ :1 “ll ll kl t to he tori-vet llltlu'tl to Mr ‘spotL through the split fingers onto Mir (“‘1' ll 5 the reason “'1' ”‘ eternally , 1 > r V l I l‘ “I ll “ll “‘ “I ‘ "“‘F‘ H along \\tIlt the gestureot holding up shippers, lhis seripture is often 2“”va l” the W‘m"“”"“l staffand .\l l l i \l l t. l ‘ “m?“ l ”‘1”‘l"”"llm“‘ |"|“‘ his right harid split into mo sets ot used as a Hehrew blessing ol wel ‘ “”"Pd‘"””i“l' “’I‘HW’W‘ Wh” Pr” ‘r ;* l \ ‘ r r t l i . - t -. . . i ‘ “” ll ”I; 1;“ tsllL ” ”l ‘“ ‘ Tm“ " ”l lingers ot mo Hid \ou ever murder tttlllt‘ and, as part tit traditional ‘ ”UNI ”WWW all” l" d“ “1"” final r . r . > I l , ‘ I H ”l I" ‘ "m“ mi" " ‘ “U,“ " him and whi this phrase and ges Lutheran liturgy, a t‘l()slttg hlt'ssr dd.“ _ l ”l“ I“ I i‘ 3”” “”l "I” "I'm“ " 1”” trite hegan iii Star lrekr‘ \iniin irigi‘henediction. “9 don l “1”” ” I” h" 4‘ PM” "f ‘ l “1”” “V. l" "l‘ ”1‘ IHL ‘ ' ”“"‘ lll’ \\ttlll(‘(l to i reate stunt-thing that “Resistance is futile" to erase Star l doom and gloornr (onnie “WW"- _ a “l ”T ‘t‘l‘fi‘ “m” "" ”H l nould he atirrhuted to his home Ireli‘s \‘t'rslttll of “going where no ‘ ll‘ddm ”“1““ ‘ "1“" ““"l' direttor. 'J l i ”ll 1‘ 1" I; ”1"!“ H“ |l( ‘ "H” ‘; piariet \ lll( an \iili arts are t lassi riiari has gone hefore," as well as Mr “ml ”1“ 1"" INN ““‘k “W ”‘9’” 3”" ' t r - it - , . ~ - n ‘ t I > m “H “H "TH” "m" “H” “l“ tied as aliens hut there is nothrrig \ttlttn s “ell known. and lesser dd)” that “”1 l" qll'“ “’(l- bl” ‘“ 4‘" ”ll””ll"“”” ‘ ”WW "” mm” ' ”l alien ttttt tiiturrstii ahoui this Lia-s known, tontrihutioris to itslegiit'v “ill” " I” l“ d H I" 'lu-“l'ngfl'l tum i l tanadtatis that l“»t'lt Stephen Harper “If“ tor the people and their fariiilies, so i l“‘\"'h”';“"1l‘ll'"'l”""w l lhr~ Israel \liiseuiii ttt leriisalerii Diane Bonfonte ‘ W“ ”V I” “'0“ ll 4‘ “Pb?“ t“ W" ‘ d” ‘ l “'1‘" “l ]\ Wm“”” M n " ll” displais a \tar lrelt moxie poster Hitter/on ‘ ”ml”lh"(’lrllllll‘lilml" r NIARSHALI , s Ioiiiided by a (atnhridge couple to l ‘ . . - . r loot). lisaard House has i'ari-d tor ‘ WARD ‘ , *.â€"_r A few wrinkles m.the senior’s discount debate l it!" “it we“ W N] . interested to learn |.isaard is s( hedtiled to open a HP“ hosprt'e , l to lsrti herier this lune oti Iarid leased trout ( oriestoga ( olleue r sl‘tttsllit‘llli' , ‘t\l,l*yiii)lt(lllr1lll\ tor seniordrs llltlltt tenet piililir resoiiries to support the needs ot ' ‘ V ‘ . ' out to its ltooii ( ariipus \\"hereas | isaard House is tor iani er torrrris ‘.‘t;ih 1i ill! n i l‘lllr‘tsltti) this almost tin-hroadet popiilatioir i _ V patients the new Iniiistt’ee House \sill otler iotiitort and tare ,rl \4‘ it on: an to alrle to saw or, ile .li~ on r a, set oridl'i detitogtaphers hate iiieasuied a stimuli tor patients \\llll ant palliatiie diagnosis rr-irials hotel titiittrs av it Hp» pop at llt‘trtl\ s it I tan! trend a\\a\ lrom traditional retirement \itiii‘ , lnnrstree House is going to he a little logger so there Hell it tst"l.t‘lstill>rltlttl .'lttttl tliei'iiiplittiiieiit tateoltir tr‘lu-atoldshas , he to beds as opposed to the si\ we ha‘u' at |isa.ttd tle\elop rtrrrler‘rirrrl :tll‘,1lt llll r. . s rising the lt‘\t'l or [tltttpt'tl sigtiilriaiitls as the\ stat in the \\illl\ltlltt‘ ‘ ‘ A I, llll'tll ioordinator Iatiet Hillard told me like lisaard the an more l"‘l‘ .r i'l/i“ to rrrr re PM i! t r- lhis trend i\tl| he lorirrali/ed hi. ,o l ‘ __,__,A,,Vfi.dm_.w . intention istolti'epthat ltitlt]|'\ ionilottahleti'el orailrrslrair ll‘ rlr,‘ one a. that“ . ,, ‘ ‘t\ltt‘t'ttl||lll‘lllt'lltt'lll.lRt’Hltllw'tlltilrr 1)} ]\ , lesper talh apprei rated lltl\\ raring the people at lrsaatd irioit when ‘lir data i lea-l; ll’lt‘sl’rltr‘s ) \\hat does that ltlt’ittt‘ ll setttiiis stat. ‘ ~ , ‘t\t‘tl‘ \seli outing its \sith kindness i otter tresh halted t1lt|hll‘\ mill ll‘” " l""’ W “" ll“ "“lHtl‘llWH l‘ S( l\\ “oiling it lllrt’s sigiriliiantli. impart the ' t , A . aridpliishtedih hearstoiour\otinudaiiehti'rs prou'iii‘ and has a rl-lairr,elr. litt‘lii‘t lmel ahilit\ ol \oiitittei people llH‘ltlt‘l the tia ‘ ‘ lhate people sa\ to lltl' all the tune part ol \shat lllt‘\ ltl‘st’ «it disposalrlr ltl titltt‘ drtronal iiih rriritlti't earn good salaiies ihitiit the house is the sound ol pots and pans l laiigtiit: talk ‘ril\t‘lll’tli oi tlrtlllllt‘s iri st‘llltil s dis and hm homes ‘ in}; and laughter iii tlte Liti lien and people “allure llttitlttjlt roiiirts a ‘.‘.t ll ‘.\llll lot al ririiirri ipalrties llll“sl’ lat tots all iriipart lltt‘lt aluliti t.. the halls het .Itl\t‘ rt lei-ls like home said \\Illaid illlt‘lillt‘ a i l‘lt tit dist iriiiit- to t‘ieii to pa\ tases and support the need , til - “A ll\\'rt‘l i llltltt'tl |lt similar to \slieil soruehodx is hoiir the ftiitslt‘\[tt‘llttittilttllr’t‘li ltiirliiraliiirr > I ‘ till!tiltlntltftjlitlllstllst‘lllttl\ is a ten spei ral time in soiriehoth s lite l thinl \slieii sortie lstl\lll¢“‘rllllll lllit totialolht-i eutlt ’ Heirstlir'thitilpit'it'oltlir priming ‘ . hodi is leaiint; this lilo II is also \er\ personal and pit-i tillls priiitde tiirtioti stittuidit-stoi st'llltll's I iltallt‘tige lot einertttiieiit Rex itii.est i and to he able to he a part of that is triih a [)rl\tlt‘){t' there at: in not i'ooil tttililti lHtlli t, iiients need to he tirade iii the iirtrastrrii ‘ i looking through the windows at liliie lrl\s‘ t .lltllllill‘s ind reasons tor sl‘tlltit s tltsi trI|tlls liist itid tittr't let litrolouy and slit tal propiaiiis l i squirrels llltttH hint; at the teedets iiist outside the room on ton-most a health. ililllltitllIlH t‘tii our needed to siii r I‘sslttlh‘ support an aging ‘ \\llt‘ s aunt show! in mi lainili lelt tlti redihh piiinei-ed as Jins‘lll\ari‘ttrii'titirtrllltt’titllltllytlltllll‘IlW â€"__._â€"__. l"'|"'|"""” H we know " “MUN“ l‘ urrll ltirlrlh'rllrril V r iritellei tiralh soi tall, and phssii alli. at tlH tirst ts tumult; it is utse to take a proai rive .ippriiar h ‘ Ilie lotus here isoti it‘lehratirig lile and ritaliiu' tttlttttt‘tils otti-ir rdetitilir-d as a lt.ittlt'l lot sl‘tttilts \s a result it lt her titties air interesting piilit V dehati‘ altoiit m “I” m sud V r ' r \ l - has tirade word sense lot you‘ttitiietit to ltlllltl a sttaleitti thirties ll \ltll hail to pitli l)('l\\l't‘ll on re ‘ ‘ like the sign on the “all saxsr lllt' is not about the tllttttlt-l’ tirtatii lal htidet‘ that eni outages lltt‘lt paint ipatioir inertial dist ounts on iei reattonal programs or some ill hreaths we tale hot the moments ‘lrar take our lllt‘rlll ”muap, mm,» up“ “warm our one“ ed m it,” st‘tlittts rinestrireiits in ltltlltllllt" an age liieiidlt ittttt ‘ M H rlisr iissron ttttlttll‘. whohiwiiildsoiiihouse“ t ‘ ' i lhough niv Iatiiih was saddened lt\ llll loss ot a Ion-d one I its! of all tot the ten ttist llttii‘ t".t't thr ie are l m- were tomlorted by and thankful to: tlltlll\ llltllltt'llts or ltiittt seniors \I M \tth\ old than intuiti people "- ‘ i i luv-athtalitngroriipassion and sererut\ -t l rsarird House I t t'l \ears oldi Ill t attaila lhis trend is ripe: ted to Allie/t\ililtllil’ll‘illItllllllll‘till1hrItlIl’Illllel'lt’U l n. , 4 r r ‘ v ; r l ioirtiririi lot at it ist ariothi i all \t tits sip/tumors ilHl;l,tllllllll,rl”llll “slim not} i If) r HH'HlHIl/IH Marshal/Hun] h ”Infilmfl W to" illlllt"’[\{ i i . r , , i , , , i v t at, r i What dots this Iiitari Ilirri will hi l1\\ll ptoplt IlltlltltNUH tutti “ovum km!“ ”WWW” 1'“ i limit/Miu'htmti'rtt"Mullah HH,"iair,,r,,,,“i‘,,,,r t'ltlt‘tttt): the uorltori e pantie less ltt taxation lead her on Ill‘tlll‘t ialirn'nv um

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