WAl Hill)“ CHRONICLE ' Wednesday, l~ehruary mi [0| 5 - 2| " '4 , t t - _ , . . , _ . i ' > ' 5 ‘ ~ it i S h o O O ‘ $1§fiiimugghfli ym onyunve sam 1t10us ; p til 255;;gz‘gQ’ 9' " “film . that , _. i""“ at,“ 70th anmversary season tit 33 - . , A - ~ lhe Kitchener Waterloo lhe talents of cont ert cert of classic and content . y f ‘ ' Symphony is nothing short master llent‘tliete l.dllll(‘f(‘ porary line song» jusl in "E _, ) ,1. E ‘- ,1} g ol anulioust as it telehrates “Ill be leatured iii the per titiieforValentine's Day 3, "2 , é a“; ,. 4 ‘ V : it its 70th season mth a plelho lorinani‘e of Himsky kor Ilie vori lrapps, greatr â€fr 9 lift ? 3‘ f ‘: ‘ii‘gé‘ A»; ‘ 1.37:, .‘ raolei‘ents, salons \tliehera/atte and grandchildren oHIaplain if; 3L 'g? ‘ y -. .â€" 7 V . j [he plans annoiiin ml the orchestra Wlll shine in and Maria W)†'lr‘app‘ bring a ‘ I; "’ ' “ ’-.’ \{6 _ «Lt:;‘::.::.‘ I. 314:?“ last week, snoutase the tal llrueltners \yniphony No 1 new generation of voices to £‘{: . » a : - l} ' t ilt a - ~ v , , , ‘-, » u A ents ol the orchestra and its ‘llillltdllllt‘l Opera returns to the legendary family tradir gt; , s 1'» ' 3 L" . V‘ a g; 1 ;; f ,. 57 ll history Wlllt ( (llt( erts that kin lieiier Willi a concert ver [ion for a concert inspired by ‘ ‘-’ iéï¬fl’1339’g ‘ ,Ir. a; ,~§ g; *3 .5 ' i 3i 5 ., i (I 2%. i V gâ€: feature both orchestra int-in sion of [lie l'letlermatis, fear Austrian and American folk ' ‘.\>" 9i 31/4. ‘ 9' 'i‘ ,5: ' .'..._“ ' r F 2 l; 7 ï¬g" .3. hers and long standing part Hiring guests from theWilfritl songs The Series ï¬nale, led b ' t ' \ l" \ I if t. g a; i: _ g! t nerships l antler l'at‘ulty of by guest conductor Lucas 2‘; t _, 5" .. 1 ly:\ t x . 1; z B a 5:? t “The Kitchener Waterloo \lusic. Waldin, will be programmed é t ‘ Vi i ‘3 . l l 1. 3:4; ii ' 5% f 31' T: \y mphony‘ at 70 has a ru'h lanma l‘ialkowska, one ol In part by symphony audi- {if} ‘ f‘ . 3, f. ,:, .. E {i 1 1' , ‘,â€"-_,,:___-;: “$7 3%,? i :3" history. and I run so proud to (anatla‘s great pianists‘ enccs. who can vote for , E 3 “5' ~ i A, l in! .-, , , , . V g? “ o _ . r. fr f" be a part of it†said Musit makes a longrawaited return their favourite selections ‘ ‘ 3&4 ‘ , 3,33} L; fl 3,4.â€" " . m3. Director l.dwiii ()iitViater, to the kWh to play (Ihopin‘s onlirie at kwsy’mpho- 7‘" ' t “We are an ensemble of pro Piano (.ont‘erto No. .3, Merit nytczi/KWSBy‘RLuuesl, lesstonal musicians of the hers ol the KWS take centre Intersections returns with ‘ f ' highest ialilire, inan\ ol stage for a unique concert ol three inindrblowing con~ _ . ‘ ’ . whom haw nun ed here toner-nos culminating Wllll (erts. beginning with a major . ' n from across ( aiiatla and the Bartolt‘s ( ont'erto tor new work by Canadian com- ‘ ‘ world to he a part ot this (lrt'hestra, poser Scott (iood. commis- t m unique orchestra l he series etitls V\ ltli stoned by the symphony and m m“ "lhe Ztll'it In \eason (l‘l «linainit \ouiig (()n(ltl( tor set to the ï¬rst silent horror . ehrales that lair we \sill he \lart’elo lehninger leading ï¬lm. 'lhe l lands olOrlac. * perlorininti some of the best the brand Philharmonic A Saturday morningtradi- on hestral piet es t'H‘r in hit; ( hoir in a program featuring tion. Kindcrt‘oncens. will be inusit at (’\('lll\ really shois the inusit ol Brahms. ineliitl return to the (Ionrad Centre ( .ising the talents ol our in}; liis glorious symphony for the Performing Arts, the i own KWX tttttle‘liitts †\o l Waterloo Region Museum ttpeiung the filth season lite l’ops \(‘rlt's takes and the Woolwu'h Memorial >1" 2; ‘ ' '35 “Hi i‘l's‘uun(|\lvlJVhUus“ ‘un‘ is a marathon ol iniisit mitt entertainment seriously (entre loronto haseil pianist \teii heelnntng with an arse lhe \aturdav afternoon art (.oomear uho \‘Hll per inspiring popera stile (on family series also lets audi- “â€"â€" lortn all hie lleetlioien piano ieit \iiih ( anatltari group entes get up (lose to the . ( out ertos titer three l on lt'lllil’l‘ musit Reglon of Waterloo [erts l'opitlar guest toiitlutlors " lhis anniversari season [he t'\.t'l popular ‘iuli-ntle John Morris Russell and Matt telehrates our history, and ' I spet tat ular flit“ es llit‘ stage t aungiili return to the plel showmses everinhing that is u I c otl c e in llet I‘lllllt‘l‘ featuring the nut lot ll\t'l\ (tll]( erts leatiir great about this on hestra,†llot‘luw \\‘\t‘illt‘l ‘i\ll[ll‘ti lot mg the itiiisit ot laines llontl saitlllutisutter on heslra lt\ \lthJll Hit littrtl ttlltl a rexue ot il.int e nuistt “\s we telelirate this tulle Hâ€" son, inspiretl in the i lassit trotn ( ileou Miller to Matlon stoma we remember that we You're InVlled to an Open House t anatl tan shot i stillâ€, in na are alwais moi int: forward The Region 0' Waterloo [5 undeï¬alttng a case Study to m at how best to balance transportation needs Hot ht .irriei loronlo s \rt ol lime tonner [mg to new audient es and ertwonmental consrderations m the Laurel Creek Hammers EnVIrmmentalty Senstttve Landscape lhe \ignatiire \i-ites will l tiseiiilile makes its on hes Wllll Ill\[)|fltll.{dll(lllll(‘\pl‘(l (ESU â€ease pm us atthe Open House to learn mom am mecasestudy and DfCMOGYOUY input shout rise the .tlllsll'. and tral lll‘lltll iiitli a unique ver l'tl programs lhe tuiisu is lll'\llllltl\ ol the ls'»\\ alone sion ol the t lassit Beatles brought to life by our gale :90?†26‘ 2015 sltlt' rt'iitmnetl soloists sill h album â€it Pepper‘s lonely extraordinary tiiiisit ians‘ L223†wateflgomheglm Eme'gem Servtces Training and Research Como.†tWRESTRC) 1001EtD§ .ts i onthir tor pianist llaiitl lleaits ( luli liantl Melon-(l who bring their tut retlllile W8 Ga 3‘ (tieilsatiiint-L '.llllllll\l lleiia lillltltllttll voi alists Malt artistry to the stage and Road termlLandï¬â€œ ‘8 l lliioste and pianist \lon lliisli antl llt-atior \lti .iitt enrit li this (llllltnllllll\ ESLS 3â€!th walm Regionwtttictusters 0‘ Significant natural teaming as we“ as wodunq litll(l\lt'lll tom the symphony for a ( on lievoiitl measure" farms and small men‘s 7013"“) more than 15 000 â€CClZYES (37 300 acrest the Region 9 four ESLS ‘ ' are protected by spectal primes that limit urban expansmn and activrties in order to present? these unique unit ~ 7 K ‘ -- . w “ *- I, ~ 3:3- ‘3 ‘ A? f}. enwonmental and rural leatures 3" L gm W ‘1 $4,; . l ‘ ' 1," Eng: ï¬ndings 01 the case study may have broad aDDltCaDtltTy to road rmridors in all tour at the Rog-on s ’ "‘ . l “ own "a, 1‘ >1 ,, $7 . V g ij.' p, ‘ “u ’ ' S V _ , k ï¬_ . ‘.“"â€*‘* L 2’ 3‘ ii, . For more information about this study please VlSll www regmtwaterton nai‘esl or t‘oritart tho Dfi‘lthl Real Estate UCQI‘ICQ . . W .. “sofa w ._ _. if. . 7. _,,1- , gig-sf mutt-um.me I «in at»; . . . L; i“! J ‘ x v" (Wilt?- A! ‘31., ‘8309‘, wmtï¬wkufllflhll. ’ “'3†IN" . ~ "3-.“ 5 ~ 3%», wmwmmm g: TV,» t" i , .‘~‘ « . .4le ‘ . 1“}. .v' ‘ i ,. '\“_A"x-' M m , . a \;.‘ 9.“ ‘.. _ ‘2'?" ~ . ,,,.‘s MSIQ-mmm ‘ Months .' ‘f . '- ? WWW-CI “It ,“ 1 33- *{w I“; " 'A “4‘ a: this event is accessrble tor Denote With disatxlttws Nrrgsihlo parking is available ti you t“i;l.t"‘ is it 'f "it 7;. ., » m .' . ‘ j A: I Somme to attend or participate tn this meeting, or to arms; intrxmatxwi in attornatrw ltVtii its rims.» i ,‘~ f'.’ ‘5 t 3' cmtadusatieasttrvedaysprumthemeeting t“: “it“: .La’ " m 4' . " ‘5'; ~ V . r. , i A All comments and mtnrmmn received from indtvxtuals stakptwder groups and .iqorit'tm regarding this s†F". 7' . ’_= '; ‘ “5 La 9 prmect are being wanted to assist the Ream 01 Watenm in maltan a decision {Inner the Miinmpai 7 , », :1 :55 SEWâ€? ,. . ‘- .- ngj Act, nominal information such as name address telephone number and Downy lot anon that may he ' J ' . ,"-" '7 “T1 ‘ git“. mm in a submissm becomes part at the pubic record Questions regarding the i lllli‘i tron at "MS 5‘ ‘ 2'. ‘1).v'u; «:OLW‘ ,‘ {a M Rt R A 0 information should be rots-"Pd tn hm Van HIV“? at WanthtpéDrpqwntwatwm l a l