io-‘iyiiiminitnnoNit u '\\t‘d|H’N11Vlrh(udl\lN :01» Last ' ue ' s e saveon axesan re are orre' men mmtRRSPtiphlp t dp p f tire t The deadline I()(inis for making contribution of up to 534.270. 7 l tor the end of the year your or catch up on past contribution yearly contribution room but your your JUN contribution to depending on your earned income spouselcommon-law partner turns room with an RRSP loan. The spouse‘s limit is unaffected by your Iln‘t‘stnn'nts held in your Reg†in what Til money you borrow will generate a contribution. ' tered Retirement Sayings Program 0 You'll ï¬nd your personal maxr RRSP tips tax break and add to your tax The right RRSP strategies will rltRsl’i But you‘ve sllll got a {my mum allowable contribution on - Maxmiue this year's RRSPcon deferred RRSP growth potential, save taxes and help you make the days and .i levy clioites to make your most recent notice of assess irihution. This is the best strategy l’he key is to get a loan at a low most of the retirement of your that \Slll sine on taxes and saw tiient from the ( anada Revenue for tax savings and maximi/ing interest rate and pay it back quickly: dreams Your profesSiona] advisor more tor your retirement Here are Agency potential long-term grrwnh 0 Split to gain. If your spouse‘s can help make It happen for you yr rut List minute RHSP tips - You (an carry forward unused - Manmiu- last year's RRSP con income Wlll be lower than yours RRSP deadline details toritribution room from prior tribution. For additional tax savings over the next few yeah or in retire- "- . \timh J. Jul ’i at I 1 TN p in is years and enhanced longrterni growth. ment, at spousal RRSP can generate Hrm'nliimn unnamed hiru'dcl‘m‘hnie the deadline tor ( ontributiiiy; to °You can ï¬ll your unused contnr catch up on your unused contribu« retirement income that is subject to (.muu Prriaw Wealth Management lll\l‘\llttt‘nl\ in your ltltsl’ tor the button rooiti in a single year or over non room as quickly as possible. less [an The plan is in your spouse's (UHUM‘IHUJA‘ MrFaehme. (LIIRU’L-t. 101»: tax year a number of years until the end ot 0 Borrow to gain You could name but you contribute to it. Your (Mia! WWW-23611.31 34! mgr) m - \uu Illtl\ make .i HidHtiiUln the year iii which you reach age maximize this year's contribution total can't ext eed your personal flLiSVVlt‘t’tK’hnLl’l'Unl __â€"â€"_â€"__â€"â€" s‘ ° ' '1 R ° r i Waterloo Regional egion 0 water 00 erita e P bl' N t' FOUND/“mg ll IC 0 ICE _ P““““«“ PW“ "W Notice of Public Information Centre . . . . 2015 Herztage Showcase Watertoo Spur Line Trail and Storm prainage Improvements (Ahrens Street to Regina Street) Saturdayv February 21’ 2015 Cities of Kitchener and Waterloo 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Region at Watertoo thllBS you to attend a Public r’ ’ff"? 1‘ m ‘1†’ " Information Centre to! the construction at the Water- l i m ' ‘ r in ( humming Mall loo Spur Line Trail and Storm Drainage Improvements My? :â€"'_:â€"- i“ T . . . ‘ , from Ahrens Street to Regina Street This protect ’ . ‘ r , . pm “ll l\'â€Â¥~' ““1“ “\“m‘ . induces the construction of an asphalt mum-use trail. â€â€œ51, ‘ ' 1 1 \\ Merlot). ( )tilJriU lighting. Signage and landscaping Within the Watenoo l . .. ' \' ’ V J Spur Line corridor linking me downtown core areas (it i y ‘ r. r. r \lslt lllt‘lll\{ll.l\\1)lll'~t’r ill Ltiliittitlntt) Urgltill‘ltitilh KrtchenerandWatenoo Thecomoletedtrailwrlltorman i ' L r, ’ _l- . . t . ili_it View r\ t .iiitl \clclirrire [lie history ot \detcrloo Region. Emngmergï¬ngggdgggsï¬lxï¬zgoï¬ I X ’ ‘ ~ ’ or MumModai Transrt Hub In Conjunction with the trail. me ‘ exrsting storm drainage system south at Union Street :22... ‘ \Il "'5 “"k‘m†Within the Crty of Watertoo Will be replaced in order to l ‘ ' ‘ ' ~ ‘ 6 improve drainage during rainfall events Construction IS i 73.21:: \‘ , r . scheduled to start in May 2015 and be completed by r _ - . c 122.}- . lot mutt litliil’llltllltili on this merit~ October 2015 ‘ ï¬._...__ 1' ' T; ‘ plum ill llit \‘s'riierliio Regional Heritage ltllllltltllltll] â€if/"95W? parties are mm“ to attend an intorrnal ‘ .4»... r V‘ a l †gog _ w t , ‘UYOO'ID Pubiir lntormation Centre r‘,‘ , . / "‘ t » w . . om: nunaayrebruaryzs. 2015 Why†- o ,0, “ ' I _ 4' ' Time: Ezwpmtoazillpm â€" v» 5 3‘ ' ' Location: MmotWatedoomï¬oe-Frmtlobby a... 150 Frodeflck Stunt. Kitchener v ' A ‘ . At the mom lntormatinn Centre you writ be amp to renew the i'OnSllUCllOt'V drawrnqs for the trail on: .~ . " ‘.. . . . storm gramme improvements ask Questions 01 Stan trnm the Region nt Watprlm and amt/rd? rori‘r'wnts ‘ a , “4'11 - regarding the riinstriyction of the proper! (ff. 'A ' it you are unable tn attend the Pool-r ln'orrnation lientre and worm llkP tn man" you! views mirwn [ire W, '4 . ’ sohrni' your W'mPll nmrnents by Thursday Mann l] PM R in y . ' l ‘ . ‘ ‘ l M Mr Paternon Ping ,. .3} “patina Mintr‘inn W in W itvr‘wi .. ' "é " ,, 2' “in ‘wnerrk Ste-u†om rm . 1' ' Mir better MN MHz-1 a "" "I .W . "-l‘q Writ». iii-1".1‘ . we A _ ‘MZ" .. 1r ‘ - t†‘rti -."..144. y .‘M' ' l " " , .l . ;' 'ï¬- F in: Lrii'i'uL'i-r‘ i ii mow u l "T‘l'lril' :SIMIW J. 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