Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Feb 2015, p. 3

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‘ WMlzkllMHjHRONILLIt-Wednesdav February [I 2018-3 City e illg 110 llSiIlg directory f0 . do ' h ' l ' f ' ' Draft cument contains compre enswe wt 0 costs, amenities 8t IAMLS In raw contatned III the directory ‘ . 1‘ $1" 11' 51% 7 _, 7 (1’12”113‘1" [all 7 W, ,, ,2 the draft document must so“ he present , 1, ' {3 > , ,4 , :5; ed to the larger agerfriendly task force at their (1 7 ; “ . .. a: ‘% he ( ll\ ot Waterloo Is gettlng set to next meettrtg. scheduled for later In March, It! ’ , a . 3:: release a ttrst ol Its kIItd dot tIntt-nt and It wIIl also he presented to Council for An ' z 1‘ ' A 5 5.1.2.”; that should make hIInttrtg tor seItIors Inlorntattort purposes before It can be (its "to” J . ‘ 1. , ,1fo houstng a |Ittle hIt easIer trthuted to the rest ofthe community = " 1 '» H ‘ .1 l i,“ [he Older Adults llousIng lltret‘tory sIIll [he platt Is tohave It avatlable on the ctty's ' , ‘ - , In draft format. ltsts the 17 possthle housIItg wehsIte but also to have pruned hard copies . ~ 1 if, ‘ ‘ p :. sites In the (It; tor senIors who are IookIng to lot dIstthutIon at local community centres, \ ‘ ° ' ” “ leave theIr home, eIther h)‘ (‘llttlu' or ItetessI tlte Adult Herreatton ( omplex and other 3 , . ’ \ ‘ " , ty [hey Int lude Independent lmng tentrt-s areas j; r... \ ' 1--__‘ a" k supporut'e and assIsted hung artd long term Naht told the housIng comttttttee mem- R“ if ,9 , I, .-< “gr" ’ a a (are homes hers the dIret'tory would be updated ont‘e a :3 l ., b 2i r 3"- }, i ll 1 â€"- ‘ ' -â€" ' lhe tltN urnettt proudes a U)ll][)l’l'llt‘llsl'.t‘ year to keep up tordate wtth new prttes, type ‘ J ’3’ , ' fir ,, . \ ' . , ‘ \ breakdown ol eat lt tat I|It\. ”It ludtrtg IIIIIt tall\ released every \eptetnher, and new 3* 12. - g9, - \ 2 > silo on sIte aInt'ItItIt-s stIt ll as a lIltrar‘» oI IIrttts \ 5‘ . , u _‘ h , ‘3" haIr salon. st‘rHtt's mtlntt 300 metres ot the lhe (ltH utttertt otters a ghmpse at the " ‘ \ ‘ ' ' ‘ htIIldIIIg Ittt ludntg parks attd green Nptlt t-s or range ot prtt es and the relatIve Iat'k of atTord The City of Waterloo is preparing to release its firnfver o'de( adult housing directory, whtch tood sltll’tN, as well as the \\alkahtltt\ st ore ot ahl lIotIsIng IIInts ataIIahle In Waterloo prowdes a list of the sentors housmg 0pm,,“ In the my. “MW/"5' ”1“" 0' WNW)" eat 11 IteIghhourltood and tontatt Intottna l'ru es range tront as low as $480 per non tor t'dt'lt ta< llll\ month to as hIgh as $3,100 per month In whteh provtdes hotIsIng tor sentors rangtrtg coples can hit Ihestreets lltt- dot ttItIent 1stltt‘llrsl In lllt‘t1l\ s hts \Vatt'lltm, utth onh five lotattons prIt‘ed less lrorn 84625375 permonth. Scott Amos. a retIred Waterloo ( It\ plart tItH and Is a tesult of the t IIIV s ongoIng thatt $1,000 per month ()t the 1.1122 total Hilbert Is toncerned about the future of Iter and member ot the holIsIng suh (om t-tforts to nIaIIttaItI Its tankIIIg as an age unIts atatlaltle, onh :1 t or about I: per .ttTordahle houstng for wntors III the my attd tttIttee, saId they may approat‘h eat'h tattlttt trtendly ell} wIth the World Health UtgaItI/a (I'lll are lot rent geared to tnt‘orne throughout Waterloo Regtort lhe number of lIsted Irt the doeutnent artd ask for some non. thI lt It first at htesed In :01_) lhe prtt e gap attd the number of nuns s1'ltl()r\ls('xp(‘(1t'(lIt)tnttrl'lhiln(l()lll)l('<)vt‘r tundtng same the) all benefit from ltetng ltst lht‘ houstng suh tttttttnlllt't‘ ot the that may he unaffordable for many senIors Is the next 13 years, lrorn olffllt) In ‘20]I to ed In the dtret‘ton tumors age lTlt'Htll'. task tort e met last week \sttl’fltttg tor (tat-I (alhertr exet'utlt‘e diret‘tor nearly mum hthlfll. ”In rm Itnnd haunt: them ltsted tn thIs at l to hall to lll\t llss the dot uItIent and plan ot \upporute llotIsIng oH’t’att-rltxt lSllUWI She said rtturtIt'IpalItIes must also take a tlot'ument all eqnalh Is adterttstrtg III ”50",” t\d\\ to lllsltllllllt‘ It throughout the I otnntn sht- Isa ntetttlwr ot thehoustngsulHornrnIt more ( H‘le‘t' approat h to housntg III the saId Amos, tlll\ ortt e It‘s tItIIsltt-d III tlIeI ottttttg months tt't‘ot the age trtendlt task toree rl’gltttl, sllt‘h as settIrtg astde 20 per t ent of all lhe goal Is to get the dIreetorx‘ “rushed “ Ihe Idea 1s Iltt’\ re all ptt‘st'tttt‘d In a stan "\lt torttern Is altordahle houstng," she new uttIts tor sentors or housItIg students and approved as soon as possthle l'he next dard Ht!) so mu Itottt haw 1H gm to tlII‘ wett saItl ‘l’eople wlto have l]l()l]l‘\ \Hll have a aItd sentorstogether In the same hutldtng age trtendly nteetIng Is slatul for Matt It in stlt‘stfl tltt".at1otls long term I are homes mu: h raster tune tindtng honstng than pet: lhe houstttg (ornntIttet- stIIl has some 'We're all ol the sattte mtndset artd that Is artd In to totttpan- Ittotttlth ms! and “hat plt- tstthottl Inorttw " work ahead of them before the draft docu we want to move IpIIt'kly on thIs‘. We've got st/l' rooms lllt". otter ‘ saId \ II:I \altr It silt Wt does not proude housutg aImed Ittent Is made puhIIt No money has set aside soIttethIng that we know Is rurrent and pen development plattttt‘t mth tltt‘ t 11‘» nho has spet Illt .Ill\ at seruors hut works III partner tor the prIntIng rosts ot the dIreeton eIther. ple want It. so we want to get sornethtng oIIt been workIng to assrntltlt' the IItlorItIatIott shtp mth \h thwn Plat e at “)4 l rlt St W, an Issue that Inust to he settled helort' hard IpIIt klt," saId «\ntos Average cost Amenities on-slte . ‘ ~. ~ . _ . y. . Bachelor. $2,404 â€" $3,100 per month E Soual/regreattonal ad“ mes - ._ '7 ans ‘ v‘ ‘ s 1 Bedroom. $3,3H â€" $11 38 per month E Tr portatton 59’ W3 . _ ' s .‘ . . 2 Bedroom: $4,120 â€" $4,/00 per month E Fttness Lentre /exeruse £15559“ E Hatr salon /barber "We '_"“’ 1‘“ 1’ 1 o ‘ l I - ' . ‘ . , - b 4 , . o ‘ ' . . ,1 ,1 ,__‘_ latter Than chocolate memes ~ - 17‘7 \ g with ADVANC‘D EUROPEAN FACIAL and MASSAGE * W ‘- K v \ (>4 . .' ’ k ‘ Hot ‘ 5".” PACKAGE (perfect for couples) with e\ ‘ ‘ . SlDE-IY-SUDE wane: and AROMATHERAPY stun noon . 1‘ ‘ , (I l N A h , . fl. ‘ ’ . ‘ ‘ ' t . . _ . â€" v "' w 1 'm-v

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