c . mu Hum mmmoWednemay. IInull'y 21.20l5 7 III-'- m‘Fui‘ ‘ Continued from m I beyond the next 25 years and involve comr ‘I'- E“ C S SHOW had applied for about $600,000 in munity partnerships that address broader “an“ funding to help with the purchase of a community interests and social develop . K‘ ‘ ‘ building just a short walk from their current merit, such as youth employment opportur ‘ location on Erb Street West to provide l5 nities or space for community program» more beds for those in need ofaï¬â€™ordable ming. - Tiences ‘. housing in Waterloo. The cunent SHOW apartment, at 362 lirb inc eXpO I'II SHOW was the only organization based Street W.. opened in 2010 and provides 30 , 9 shopp III in the City ofWaterloo to apply for the fund affordable housing units starting at $475 per 2 unlqu I'll ing, provided by the province and the feder- month. SHOW wants to expand its opera ,, . I'll al government through the Investment in tion but needs money to do so. . III Affordable Housing For Ontario program Gilbert estimates they will need to raise 7 . (WI). The $2.5 million in funding provided about $700,000 in order to secure the build~ ‘" "M BATan waoum to the region is the first in a six-year com- ing and the land on which they want to ,, mitment from both levels of government. expand. A CLEANER REFILL RUBBER MT The region will receive a total of $24.8 Barry (lull. chair of SHOW's board, said m , million by the end of the program in 2020 they are uniquely positioned to help homeâ€" . 2 um m ' for affordable housing. loss or under-housed individuals who may ~ All" 8†.' Staff opted to divide the $2.5 million in have trouble now that the region's Out of the 7 n m. year~one funding between two programs â€" Cold program has all but ended. , m m 2‘ X about $1.3 million for the Housing Assis» The Church‘run volunteer program. ’ scam, In. sale lance with Supports Program that aims to which started in 1999. is winding down as Ԥ m m get 40 of the most at-risk people living off those running it have said they can no ,, the street of Kitchener-Waterloo and into longer deal with the mental illness and drug ' , supportive housing, and about Sl.l million use that has increased among those livin V . 8 . will be given to the Working Centre to estab- on the street. ' s ‘ 99 , .‘ lish 15 units of affordable housing, or the “Our concern is that the folks who had ' ' same as SHOW for about twice the money, been using Out of the Cold they're a very . 3 99 Deb Schlichter. director of housing serv» needy group and I think we've developed h ,. a 3 m ices at the region, said each applicant was some expertise to work with that group,†‘ I" cm ' provided with a list of how the region would said (kill. , 0 $ w W a “a†“- prefer to spend the money. Schlichter said the six organizations that Those preferences included proximity to applied for funding but were denied will be H 0RGANIC MELT Grand River Transit stops and within Ion able to reapply for year~two funding later IPSf light rail transit station areas. organizations this spring. The region will have approxir w ICE REMOVER with long»term plans to have the units mately $4.9 million to spend. roughly dou- . mmss PAD remain on the market as affordable housing ble what they had in year-one. . norm ’ my: 1 ‘ $1999 5:9: ,, . , W“ 279 Weber St. Mosul? .. _, s . 7’ Guinean Waterloo, ON N2] ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 7‘ , â€" M‘ T I m ' » 1, i . 32499 ~ , and KW F t 5l9‘884'42 g V I . v o O _ 2 .5; 9"“ kwfoot.com 4 ~ ' m . _:V ' . 10 3-.., s: N Laâ€. ‘ ‘ 3 m “a J ~ I l tira'xrf._'_~L'LC 3 o . 29 mm x ’99 A t. d n, , ., m.mmm . re you we 0 ee pain. SPLIT LEATHER ‘ » We offer an unique treatment protocol for heel pain ‘ “N113“ R -- , ' I which IS exclusive to our CllnlC and has an excellent FLEECE "NED ; 3 success rate GMVES ‘ , ~ . J Each program IS tailored according to the patient «3 . and it IS specuï¬calty desngned to treat and prevent l -=:. " the return of the problem We have incorporated PM W a, - . l .7 lhedéatest laser tecgnoblgay in oggreatrrfnt plans in (If. m ‘ ~5- . 30;. or r 0 0c leve 5 pass: resu s , M m J “ ' " I . . his ‘ Doctors referral - E. ._E V5" “â€00? com - ' . ~ . â€"' not was: to learn more or call 5 u 99 , , w ti] 519-88442“) . ., fl. . (/30 awaken! ï¬b- mzm‘999 S'I‘IILM'SAVAIIAI AT -Cintom0rthot|c:/Kmltoou 'WatsCovaM ’va SUPEIsvuwSPW‘ -Hotmiagnmhoaroa -MiootCm f ' . -Hurvoh/Hmoaroncmlwm 'WllootCm ‘ ‘/ mammal-r “(1 Humans-«unto; .lmmmhmwm i m ’ WWW u-Ioâ€"emlmuguugmiu WMMQVtovaqutï¬Womdeum *3 . .m-m-ue-nuu-h-u-nq-nâ€"h-h-u-uh†‘WWW~W) . â€.mm . “Tu/4 1'4 I‘IPIH'IV'l/Ilm/l'f' 59’99 P9 "11le l ‘ r . ‘ t ï¬l'l'fll/rt/‘l'lI/I‘Mw “L 1 R‘} (X tr ( hinxirxmf . fr ' l ‘