I ' WKHRHKH â€IONICU'I'WmInrsda» 14mm†:1 JUI H23 Takin C d to court W0 er 00,3 0m 80†name 0 earn a or 00" or u in erman t 1 Th p d t T C nada f Ind W Id C p G y BYAIMMJMKsoN W H .1: , F *' " .. V > ‘ (hmnule‘ 810]] I . 5' ' [2% A K ‘ A ‘1# . I ~ ~ *7 W "mtg {Wt-",1 '21-.- 7’ A: :5": L ‘ ' , .f , I _ addit- I‘hompson is tak . . . _ :5? ~ A “N. Mun: It .1\ an opportunity g ‘ £3er 23â€â€ x ». V :ij ‘1‘ > > 5/ â€" . r‘ ’ ' "_ ‘ In learn from the best for Wq.’¢~af 17’ "’i A4 > 55': a»??? A} V ‘3" 4 ‘ ‘_ ,ï¬ , ~ “Pm-n she |\ vu‘ntuull)‘ In tholr , ’gflhiq "I,â€f’xï¬â€œ: "ï¬at ' ~ '7' 1 (' g “Q I‘- x tots 'j- ,. L 3:41:11. hf; 153‘ ‘ 3- , ‘ 1‘ «4'3... Hmmpwn, 3th was named In Ff‘kï¬ï¬w' Iâ€? ‘ ‘ ‘ 5‘. ‘ [w L ’ IWW‘DM 7 \‘ ‘b lht'(4tl1d(1litl’l national Indoor ï¬eld , hm km [can] amt! (1\ (Inc of thy ‘ " p ' W , KW? ‘3; a. h; , 1,1» .r , [my 5’9? 3}}; .J' mung-st I)“ the \qlldd. xho's mgr-r ‘ - _ 2? r5 ‘1 ~' fiat“ if“: - ' ‘1 , th'. I J; '2 .vw‘~* [H INN†' J {1' ‘ " ' “ I119§15:%;’4 A.†, ’ "g’ 13? r: ' . 7;“;in If: V' ‘ “It‘s .1 gnarl npportunm.†mud ‘ ‘ "A g; , ‘ " ' :5“ â€anâ€; f ‘ "j IIIIImpMIIL .t snphnmort' studt'nl I f‘ - " ' ’r‘: V ‘ 9,: 3,314,311" j_ n kt‘ltt \tau- Untu‘rxm In Kent ‘ r , 5 ‘7 ‘ -' M’ ‘ ngéj‘i an (â€Inn .1 ï¬f'ld hm k0v~<h<1Lnshtp v A ~< ‘- h, . f; â€It tram ml] hl'itd In Ivtpllg, -~ an ' _> (-l‘er-IH\ trnnI Ivh -1tr>Ht(Itak(' , . IIII thl‘ “with hm! .tI lht‘ Indoor . “ \\I>I1Ii( up , _ "V I ‘ .' ‘ Hut IhmIIpsuII M nu «ranger In 2"; ». ,7 ' II‘IIHWI‘HIIHK hrr \( hunt rrgmn. \ ,x" †"flit- (V V [IIII'tIHlt‘III(IIHHII\ '/ ’ , a" ‘ f, \ht‘ I-..t\ It hm part III [hr pnurr ‘ 7.3.} " \ _ _ r IIIIIIw Hl‘\ItIIl'( Imn l’hIIt-nIx hold I . v >7 ,2 ' fl Iwu I: \ Mann A 1mm \hr' hrlpmt , ‘ ‘," F" ' \\ IIIIHI‘IJIILIIHI Il‘tit‘ItlHllHKH\(hHl)l “ ‘ I \IIIhInx \NMIIIJIIIIIH (IF\\\‘ (â€I ‘4‘“ _ . '2 IhIwI \I‘IMMIII m l I1\|{Hl\ . " - A . I - M t“. »-r‘- " "7‘ '7: *‘ “gt†‘~ \ 1: . > A I A. >_ . ‘ . V , . \hr .Ilm rI‘IIII-wntml (â€Harm a .. 1 - 5% Li" ' V. > ' . ' “’4‘. x, 1...; ‘ ~ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' W . , ,, ._ , . \ , . . I . . HHIHIN‘I III HIHI‘\ Ihrnngh hvr hum ' ‘ a , . a _ , [I , -, _ : ,ng “f '1‘â€: _;,;¢._,.“-: ‘6 W ’ , _ ,5 ‘ \l hle turrr'I tun uh.†drunk mil , 21â€â€œ, a: 1’7“»- ' .1 ‘1‘. :" .,_ IQ? f“) :11. V. 25,35?"- .; ‘7(;.?':I.S~«_;AM_« -,. 1 {an 4. _ », lhl' IIIIAI IN thl- nppurtnnm In n13 ’" ' ' ‘ \ ’ ' "" †" " "I“ ' ‘ "& n-wm hm l IIIIIIU\ dhnhlll ’1 ,‘ ‘ ’ [hIIIIIIIuIII IK (Inning III! .t ‘ 4. ,h ' ' \IIl)IItI.'IHI(AlHtpttlyII .H kl‘III ’/ a "’4 ‘ \I‘IH‘ III “huh \tIl’\\41\II.IIIH‘(IlII - ». ' , . \t‘lHIH’II’ItIHdâ€Tl'),II1Il|.IlI(j’II\l . \ ’ II‘.IHI NH \1 M \IH‘II‘AI\1‘(“HH1 .â€" _ 1". _, AV "- 7"... J: , LC . ‘ . \. 1:, \[IHII‘I’ III All Ml “Inflow IrIr hm _‘ “fl.“ ...., _ \fm "xii“! ‘51:“ I" .5 , -,;_-..;- .{W* t , pa 5 11am \IIIIIH): IIIIIIII wutlk and , if 7x r. . , I.“ - n'l‘IHUhIIL' \IKJ\\I\|\ Wâ€˜ï¬ â€œWm“, Hp m mp “my,“ “P humor Waterloo romdont and Resurrtxtron fathom Setondary khool grad Maddie Thompson was named to the Canadian nattonaI Indrmr IIr-Id hmkey m, IIIIIIIIH h â€I “I â€NIH“, tum!" ,; tram tm tho WmId (up In (wrmany Thompson rurrerItIy pIay', hem NYku at Kent State UnIvPrsIty IIIIII‘I HIIIIIIIMIIII was \IIIIIII! l“, M In! ‘~dII1ItI‘ w III‘ IIII IHIIIII)‘ Ihv Ihant IIII Ihv WmM I up mu! hvht hm km hm hum nn lhn‘ hrld \[mrr (IIIKHIIIKI II III [IVHHIHH hIII II x x: Ht“. IIIIIIIIINIII lI\ wrx IIIIII‘ .1 , . In“! plm IN \Inppvd II tht- hall gnu-x mm H\ \[Irr‘mt III III\\ I IIIIIIN‘ In IIIIII [‘IIII' II IIIIII li/IHI \IIII II â€II‘II‘ “1H hr It hit nl ll.lll\lfI1III â€X (I (Ur/(ISN’T. nutsuh-ut IhIN' hmw th‘lgmm .nut \IIxI:I,I IUHIIIIII“ I‘m! IIII IImt III III: ‘~IH|IIIH‘! n1 Hum IIJIIIIIHIMI IIIIM hm kr\ (fulï¬l-Hg [run] â€It'\ It hit Lulu“ MINI HIIIIIIII \ttll (HHTHII‘HII 'II hr â€It my I n‘ I‘IIII IxIIIIhIxIIxIMIh III.1\I'¢1IIII\\IIIIIIII 3 \HH «Mum; that \hv [In-fr“ Indmxr .ttun Ht hm hm It I IIIIthx \mtr IIII ~IIIII'IIII1II ‘I‘III \hc [hr IIIIimxt MIIII‘H III lhrllnIII-It ()Illdfmr I†III(1()UI‘ mm IIIJIIIIIIII (htr In ht"! \l\|n' n! “It\ “I.le III H III t'n IIIYII II INIIIJLLIIIIIIH‘I IIIIHI kmmtmn dun“! \I\1III14IIH(‘\ I“ (Ulllll'kll'flrd plvn (nnnnutmmmmhmr In (“mun hit â€MU IIuImehm II It a hm II It hwy [um I \\ MM IxtIh It Iru I‘I'll‘rl‘lll('\ ,, Imtmur I\ .tII Antwan! ‘I]("1R'. anxn ax III: In ~I mm? lhnIIIII HIIIIIIINIII “III «I tIIII I,» hm II II HI: man Illtldllll' and uhu (Ila/lg“ uttllllmr |\ IIIIIH' (It .m I'IHhIIdIIuI um In III-I II III tl‘x I n Hm“ rm. Ilu II.tIIIIII,II IHHI IIIIIHIII mt aw mu IhIln [I‘IIII‘ INIIH‘ |ILI\III)1~III Maddie lhmnpum ~[HIII lIttI IIHIIIIIr M IIHIH' nl .m [In Nth pII‘t‘I II'I Irma nun II II III: II I‘tl \ AIN‘ Ih- I, Mu 1mm†,m‘ Man I! |!t\|ltl‘ HM II N†â€WI/WNW“. â€M'WH‘M IIIlt‘ll\t‘ \[Htltl \INIII IILr Hr hurt ( .III.uI I I\IIIII~ “~ :IIIII‘III Hi hm“ t\hII \IIII ‘III IIIIII In,“ IIIII ‘HIAIHI‘I I\III1.tH\ \\1Il!(|ll‘ I'xIII Alt-IIIIHIdnuler(III/tlhmht III, Mtg lx‘ 1‘.“ III 1I\\Iz I‘ III I [in Shun Ixtuwurtru: HlI‘ \,trI.tlIuItnI Ihl' xpurt I\II| Pwhmd“ IIIIIIv IIIII‘VIIIIJIIII ("I \47 at}: ‘IHI! ht- II\.!1IH‘~‘IH1L [P‘.IIH‘~ Huh VIM Istth tnII! lIIII» JIM IIIII‘xII-tllt' III‘\\ It!!! I\ It Inrrtgn In lhumpvm HIIHH IԠIII IIIIIIIIIH IIIIIl IIII th II In ,tIIIt IIlIl )1â€le rm III! In III III HII- plant“; \urtmr n .tlw \tIl \Iw .u III..H\ \t.|rlm| It†plump: IIer MAI mt III III-w III. Emtuur mm m I! III IIu hmt My! ~- III In; IIIIII mmpmml In II,uhtum..l IIIIIIHIHI h\ INmIIIx Inn-«mug IIHIII‘ truhmr ï¬vltlhm km In tho n-gmn “nth! I my I- amt. rt \n I [In ’ II.tIu1Ix- IIIIII MIL IIIIIImhIIIIII IIIIM hmllI\ II “11M.†|I|.I\I‘I~ 4" â€If“ "IV-I“ â€I PLâ€: â€WWW†|hr~ IndImr \.trl.ttmn (It thr- \rlht'rLIIId III‘~I‘I|I|H'[II.HI‘