WM} RH!)(IHRONlCljf-Wednesday. “forum†n 4014 - 17 Ti tittio\itii ACI'OSS t] 19 gel ter a (101 IS I C C O 0 Father and son team re-Jom Canadian Natwnal Mama! Arts team BYADAM Manors learn (Ianada in 2009 to compete years old and the oldest is more --.-“,u t Iimrirt‘le Stu/j in Cuba. man 50‘ . ï¬ ï¬ fhe annual competition starts The team isn't all local. either. 7 / evm Fischer Just couldn‘t on Ian. 5 and a total of 40 men, (.ompetitors from as far away as _ ' KF‘tay away from the matted women and children will head to North Bay have joined the team. 5... " if our. (osta Rica to take on the world's Shamuon Generation of Martial “If " After taking a (‘llllplt‘ years offto best in martial arts. Arts. operated by Tom Shamuon. E ~ '_ deal with issues in his life. Kevin For (lollin. having his dad along hosts the team. ~ 4 A ' finds himself back on the (anadir for the ride is wunh it. “They're going to do awesome." rv<bi " - L an National Martial Arts Team. “I love hating my dad here." he said lorenza. “They do training all ‘ I alongside his sort (jollin. said, "But it's not even just my dad the way from September until ' “l put him irito it when he was btit everyone here ~ we're all a big (January). so we meet as a team at a: ' - ill." said Kevin (â€ollin is now a family" least two to three times per month “4 - tiltit it belt sitti. “l was getting into it l'here will be many teams from to prartice." ’ A beratise l was at the dub anyway (osta Rita. as well as clubs from Ainsley Lister. ll, is (in the f and l ye enioyt-d it ever siiit'e " the southern U5 , said l oren/a younger side of the team, but she's - .4 ‘ kt‘Vlll and ( ollin. who hail from Shamuon who has been team can no stranger to the competition. -. kilt hener, gathered at Shanition rain for l() years. ibis is her fourth time heading ~ (teller-Hint] oi Martial Arts in last year. 120 people went to ubroadtorepresent’feam Canada. .» \\aterloo for the teams ï¬nal meet Saint Maarten. while abotit 6:3 "It's really fun because they're 3 s ._ . 4 mg before heading offto the lnter t’ompeted â€"« the team's record all from different clubs." said l.is- '-‘ ’ _ ‘_ national ( (ingress of Martial Arts high. ter. “When we meet each other. it's > j " tonirwtiiion iri(.osra Rica, l’hat team brought borne hS all pretty awkward. but when you “t 7‘ , keno who spent three years gold. 43 silver and 65 bronze get to know each other and do â€i. ' K ; é a“ a) from his pa ssion. found medals during last year‘s competi- practices we learn to be a part of 6:- "sq . c- g, ’~ ' 0" another beneï¬t front rejoining. tion. Four black belts Came back one whole team and one big fami~ "‘ f "l was fairly heavy and I wanted with at least three gold medals and ly" '- , to lose wei ht." he said. adding four of the under belts fame bark Lister. who lives in Waterloo, , , ‘ _ _ that weighgd 250 pounds at his mth at least one medal says the team tries to spread (lanaâ€" 5m†Julian Shamuon M‘m h" routine m" a katana during Team heavrest "It was a means to losing “l’very year. we have new fates. dian culture as much as possible Canada 5 h“ Ofl'c'al Mmg before heading off to Costa Rica“ ~ “flaw†weight I've lost 9â€) pounds." along w ith old faces," said during the yearly trip. “Now est-rything is normal." Sharntion “last year was really lun for the people in Saint Maarten." mg and it wasa really good murna Mi Mi km I†who traielled w ith [he youngest (oinpetitor is five ht‘( atise we made little hfélt‘f‘ltâ€˜ï¬ she said. "it was really fun competâ€" merit. it felt like home.~ ~â€" » f. i . . . . . s ,. 5“; ;~’a“~‘ .' '. "1 " r 3†’ 11 a' ' 71 5 43: at 5..n.,- 4' -.\__ ~ ' 26 s ' 1. . . _; \ ,, I“ “ g . c . r » . if? ' A" r: â€M â€Jâ€" nuts 4 . r 3 i 4 t . . ' D t , a .,.«J*,\: ., ' -_~ ~ fl w‘w Ԥ 1M Q . "'“~ â€31- _ .-. i / iii-f . ‘. 6 .