I - WATERLDO CHRONICLE ' Wednesday, (ktobl-r 81014 WATERLOO 5 CHRONICLE l 279WSL N.,Sui1e20 a g _ , WWWNH 3H8 . 5l9»884>2830 Fu: 5l9-8860183 WW “MIMI! W Peter WlNKl.ER , .M , PUBLISHER ' ‘ EDITORIAL THE FRONT RUNNERS OFFE‘Z ElTl-IER so YEARS OF FORWARD THINKING AND l:Dm)R ext 129 u cditonaltflwalerltxthmcIr: (a â€DWI-TY OR CUT BACKS AND A stunstd‘walcrluichronitli: u I ' . W mm AUSTERI l Y IN ORDER TO PLACATE . THE FEARFUL â€" SIMPLE As THAT - Nahum! Wfllcl'klkhl'lmlklk' “I t . ‘\L].llll JACKSON » .. P. ' Rl PIJRI'ER at 21‘ ‘ aimItstitwfuatg‘rlinshnitiit li' “I \ ‘£ ' ’ ‘ t. ‘ \ ‘ i \l)\lRTlSIMi It? JAY a. ' t It‘ll «VDERSUN i“; ‘INV i > .' ,. l mums“ M)\1i\\\(ilk . gqq - ‘5: 5' †Itintlcisoiimutitcrltslhrotinlc ta x: 3v I I. _". l as ; w. , mils Rll’Rl'sl-V'lr‘tllu - g; .351â€. it .v '_ , ' \liths‘llc \ll'\ l:\\ ‘7" ‘ltwi =-‘ i" , A_.-_ . ‘H . .1. I" ,_ :1 if“? ‘ i ‘Iisk‘u'nsmumtcrltiuhrnnnlt' t4 L '.- »- ,, g» ;i ~ ‘ "a, ', i .1. .1 . ‘ s \l I s Rl:l'Rl;\'l sin in "N ‘ > ‘ ‘ i \i.titth)RVI:,€‘ii “Mm .319. ' monk-(a Hulk‘rlt‘sxnlilnlxll‘ t.i . \\ll\Rll'Rl,.\l\l-\ll\l r“ ' « 't ‘1‘) ï¬ (in a, a: ‘ tétzl‘kITl‘:(‘iA(JlC’rl4IR WANT, lt i ’ A); ' 'Q r i l \ssIIII Ii $i%%%§mï¬;'f~‘3sa , fz-Lxmcmt .. . . v "0 i ' ‘1‘: was {13“ - ' “9 a ' ‘ “ "‘" ‘ I""‘-¢' sway. " .- , ilkt'i I suns 3 WUMhZMIim- LW 1 i THIJtlldl'l l’uNnaIiiios \l.lii \Jlt‘s . . , â€that mm mm The art of SI makln i mosh!“ m T ltilt'triatlwtml \taiitltirtl sum sum . he 5, n wars art» in full Recent research has also , ‘w AWNINI ~41†Pl'esemng the past I swm: and â€ï¬t. only shown that a picture can ‘\udlll'd( mutation ~l It») has [0 (“WP down '3 Mt. a difference. as it Obvi- ‘4 m QR alt‘fltXiK t’oritinuous drive to reinvent itsvlf as a major thoroughfare like hm. ously don on lawnrslty's Slg' ~ V Wt‘it)‘ that grows up Instead of grows out will set- svillt- Road In Waterloo to nagc. . high rise building tontInuI- along the t‘t-ntral sot- Wti'rt' In tht- (hle â€t lht‘ Somt' recent {anal recon Am a) transit corridor and along other nodes and t‘orritlors in ‘ t‘lt‘t‘tltln . nition rt'soarch showvd that _"_ Ilit-t'omniunity lhl‘n“\ a such“. to â€K" ‘1 people tould successfully t Hu- “Agni-«humid» ixpuhlishril Almost a billion dollars III tit-w development Is tom making including finding s." ' predict a winning political hilcttna222ilnrlklld“ N "W “ â€â€œâ€˜ plt'tt‘tl orplannt‘daloiigking StrH-t and tlw l.Rl route ‘ tho right t‘olour that will '_ tandidatr 70 percent of thv ONTARItill’lths t‘Ut V II But as progn'ss mklrl'h(‘\ orit how-fully the minimum â€My“. wt“, mvssagv stand ’ tune gust by looking at â€10" n, “Amt,“ â€WM“ ,\ A â€Wm“ l\ s histon‘ isn't pavml tn'I'r as part of that new (lm‘t'lop ‘ out \oriit‘tiniI-s that 4 photo, ..i m â€Mano hm t Hutkil with tllt'lll [he latest t'xdtnpk’ with.“ was my Mooglt houst- .iI l mt hut“ t, Ham-ring ptttutt. the alltlbUIOS that most â€Nam “'"Wa‘m‘ “4"“ WW" lllt' (UHII'I of Bridgt-port Road and Regina Stu-vi In ‘ â€f lllt‘ t .iiitlidatt‘ t" hla/Ing BOB (titl\’(‘)‘ trustworthiness In a lxx‘qmlwl‘gglzux2:22:41: uptown “""ka’r ‘ out their tianit‘ in lt'llt‘rs so VRBANAC tandidate f‘" a '0‘ 0f POOP“ huh, rm, t. men t“ in.â€" ,_.\.\W Built tn Waterloo's ï¬rst full (â€HP (‘nglnt’l'L (‘harlrs INK“ thtw Imprint t,†our , , , , .4 Included hig. warm «ya, a ;w l nrrsulsctl tuinpiamt» Ian M \limgjt. In 1878 it Indudtxl [ht‘ ofï¬ce whom he worlu-d on sllh('()tl(‘l()ll\nl'\\ tolour that rt-prt'st-nts [A pleasant smile and roundish mat: 3;;T'32g’fl'3t‘; T234â€: mam â€Uh“ most important ("Y pmk‘cts 0f lh('t‘ra ‘ Unfortunately Iht- many votr’rs as possible features â€k Hm HI. lht‘ man was so dedicated that t’ven when he was on (lironit It" hump, (oluni â€ht â€HR†Watrrliio It seems that mayoral «quantum his deathbed he surpt‘rvlsed the ('onstniction and panng ‘ â€ht Brian Bourltt- mm†pith thigh,“ (“um I] (dndlddlt‘ taiitlidatt' Dave MacDonald Mr T minus â€I this "curt-m m of l t1: \Irtwit, making surt‘ It matrht-d the pcrfm tiori he I “p t,“ th†thh h“ ft“, gm†Strit'klantl dun,†haw has [ah-n that rest-art’h to Fj' "("273 22*‘2xr'm‘r‘ "2‘4â€": (lt’nldlldPtl llis (loath t‘amt‘ when his ï¬nal pron-ct was halt h ol “8"“ that we n- an “Wt. thh ht‘lngtollllln‘tl the mun-me and put ouI a â€,1 tmmmnpclttt tum, “1m“ ,,, “â€â€œl""â€'d ‘ unrt-atlahlt- and with .i pit rl‘tl antl has ('1?!th rt-pur "Inï¬ll QUINN"? â€f hlm‘lԠn wot! and â€murmur“ ow H p0» U""â€â€œâ€â€œâ€˜""Ttr â€W hl’lN' h" hullt was “'“U‘NV "3m lllrf‘ so small that hr was posed some- of hIs old (‘l(‘( â€" h“ "Kn“ mum Iiinulr an» N iii this nun- .IKt‘ll in .i For hatlt In November 20] l and has horn an lltlldt'lltlfldhlt’ â€9" “.mr m,“ “Km from “ht-n he “m Now. tttritaturt‘s an- usti I rm» I: .Vt':.“l.llyr,:hï¬dtlt1m,W“); t‘\t‘\till' litilll rt-(t-ntlv wlit-n it was hulltlo/t‘d to thI' died that witha higholtl “K†M a l llH't-ll tor prount ml .ill\ ust'tl ‘Il'l politital tar t t, Hm,“ tnttmmnm “it, in» WWW" along “11h 4" ‘lfildu‘m l‘"’l"‘â€,\ ‘ t‘nlhldltlllt‘d mth Iht' Hourki' [itirliariit‘nt .‘l to»; \t'ars ago "WT“ ‘0 n“ a “â€9â€â€œ that 4 Tum,“ “4,th MW h mm 't\liilt- plans hth'lH lN‘t‘n ï¬iialI/vd for who W1“ hr ‘ "an“. he WWW“ vou t limit .it llial \ “In Iml h t" plm politician would tnakt- fun of I it. In“ lc 3w my.“ \l -. I (llillt‘ tsith the plot of land It won't lay intent for long and vltx‘tion â€KM" with tht. tdttmntt. himself in win-rim (Nth-fist \‘l its “I“ piohahh match sonit'oftht-tlI'wlopmt-nt around It ; yt,“ haw to also ht- ( .tn- tulniir of outgoing \l;i\tir “WW" “1““ £10“ Hth â€t â€Ht? "A" \ V . it â€nlortunatt‘ly †WW†â€M“ h m" adaptiw ""N' pro] ‘ fill that your (lillilll isiit tow HIi‘Iitla Hilllllfttll Inns living hIni looking liltt- d liohhlc- H it: "‘,‘try‘T“:::tw‘t;t.1ivs . H“ M ‘ ,». i â€F3“ at'ro\s thI' strI-t-t from II that turned an old {at to (ltflt. tH A â€l-II'" Wm!" .il â€Kt.†I“ â€with,“ t Judith!“ hunt or a halltxinnian â€mm “mm, â€it Mr H :i. iiilostutlrrit ilpxlrlllll‘lH\ lht'l’l‘ .ll’l'tilhl‘l’ ï¬rit't'xattiplI-s l patti â€1]â€th \ou || “1’ “at, Inuih Iliavv to admit l burst out I‘m-r tmmh'" Mr WI I ‘ ' m ml that atlaptiit- lisp In Wtitvrloos tort' nit lutling tht' ‘ liniipt'tl into tht' “my taint) Haw [tmnflh t "H†mm laughing lhl‘ first llllII‘ l “ï¬lmh:“&‘:':_;ï¬\r'";;malt! this: â€1“†“m“ “ \Iitl slot 1‘ tht'rt' isn't sup hr .i sli.i<lt‘ of on Wilt“ Innis DUNN] UP t1<‘\l to UN" List “1“.†n w m whimsâ€, M Putting a sign to (UIIHHQ‘IHUHIN‘ Moogk on lhl‘ proper l posHl to hr partisan pom" \ lavtiuritt- t “ht.†ppttwmut- lrItla)‘ ' . w in». Wt. I i w i.“ t\ is hiit' but it would have" lit-vii lx‘tttvr to loop ("s'ltlt‘lflt‘ l .it plat In tiiunit ip.i| ("(‘I [mi at â€mm [inlt's It t [lift lt's IIII‘IIiorahIt' hut not ‘i' ii i‘l J ‘ i or his building “Pm-IR" lions \ on want In tiitlt a riItI-h plltplt' n" â€W â€Km "WNW“ t