a-wneriwoamulaz-w-dnadaymazou . .. 27 7 YWCA ï¬lls Out of the Cold gap "‘ "I ] .itiS [359‘er .._, f. Iii/Mum MUIMY this year for varying reasons. ed in the2014 budget. ‘ i ii Q a ,1 5'37 {3 “1i" Fertile Chronicle including guests‘ complex [I is Clarke's hope that the l . E 5 †U 0". “4200 .-, 1;: mental health and addicâ€" shelter will only need to ‘. “ '- :. *4 K he YWCA in Kitchener tions issues, as well as the operate this year, but the t 9* 7"E5 l .(0m '7-; will open an overnight need to find permanent program will be evaluated in 1‘; *’}‘éj- g; 7 b shelter seven nights a solutions for the local home the spring. “So if we are suc- - .7 ‘ iiuw. 3- week starting this Novem» less population. cessful. we won't need to We "’ ’ 1k ' “ ber to fill the gap left by The shelter will be staffed openagainin 2015.†o 0 recent Out of the Cold do by two or three people from Volunteers from the Out 3 Are You Dlabet|C? sures the YWCA and will be open ofthe Cold sites will be work- . . YWCA KitchenerWaterv from 8 pm. to 8 am. daily ing with guests to refer them I Don t become a statistIC!!! loo Chief Executive Ofï¬cer The room, which was ori '- to the shelter and at times 81 - . - ."mnd‘ limb Elizabeth Clarke said the nally a gymnasium. provides will accompany them to the Waridwrtje statistics indlcme that “I.†30 a a m due to intent is to provide a warm an open space for guests to new shelter. as well as pro. diobehc complications. F00? D'ODlemS 0'9 one Of the "105? common place to sleep this winter and sleep on cots, similar to what vide social supports. like reasons for hospitalization in people with diabetes. Diabetes can cause #30 a; will? Huff-Em! "ion 0mm Cold sites have playing fats? thathmgny . . . into t e cm s e ter sys- pr ' . guests va ue tom t e ut nerve damage and Circulation problems resulting in ulcers and slow‘ {em ï¬nd permanent hous- The shelter will no, pm 0mm Gold program healing. Diabetic foot examinations should address footwear. skin, nails ing or access available social vide hot meals, as the Out of Bartholomew-Saunders » - - - , services. the Cold sites had. according said the region has respond- and most importantty nerve sensation and Circulation in the feet. me shelter will be low ed to Clarke. ed m the Om of the a)“ ck} . _ E 'E VB“ km_cofn on Frederick Street in the "We think it‘s better for sures and isworkl'ng with the : W m ‘“._ '- YWCA's community room, people to use the services WorkingCentreandStJohn's , , '0 â€an me or CO" which is se te from their that exist in the communit ' Kitchen. with the hope that ‘ Mm - â€a†‘1 i V E 5'9'884‘42“) women's shelter. rather than duplicate them," they will extend their pro» 3- . “It just seemed so obvious she said. adding guests can grams. so shelter users have t Mm Jenni-e1 ï¬lt- that we could really dupliâ€" walk to St. John's Kitchen and places to go that are out of . , ‘ C care what people liked about Ray of Hope for meals. The the elements. “1 think we’ve - CW0†Om’ics 1‘ We 50:95 ' WP“ C0“ ““95 Out of the Cold. but not all shelter will have sandwiches met the burden of the short- l . not Feet High Arched Feet ' 0008*? F00? C09 ’ .. aspects of it because we have and coffee if needed. term response to this issue." i . deei Pain Piontor Fascims Bunim - Seniors Foot Care 1 t '73, some other goals," she said. The YWCA and the region he said. ; . Lose, Therapy '0‘ pom“ mm & more ‘ ._ ' "I 'X' "We thought that that are currently in negotiations There are 187 beds in the E . .059. my my I Walls Wats and C “ ‘3 ‘ .. i, would be a much more coma to detemtine how the shelter region's formal shelter sysr i L 00y “â€90 m n. ‘ - t ,. fortable transition for peo- will be funded. but according tern. with another 80 cots for . - New problems (fungal. ingowni . . ' ) ' , pie.†to the region's Commissioner overflow. The new transition . J: - I / I, (Id [,5 a," .» J ii ,_ .. Six different Out of the of Social Services Douglas alshelterwill havewcots. so ' (â€New "NMM â€I" a. a m ï¬e" ’6] t â€g I} . “5“» Cold sites announced they Bartholomew-Saunders. the the region can now accom- I Serge Potluck 86c. DCh. Chem I. ... won't be opening their doors shelter can be accommodat- modate317 people. I l . s ' ff . ; 5' . ; _ g: l . ‘ i†t .0. n 4 M ‘ l . . Andrew Te e g1 Eight ofthe 16 candidates elected to Waterloo Regional Council in 2010 pledged to oppose the LRT. three supported it. and four declared a conflict of interest. Had those eight kept their promises. the LRT would have been derailed. Here's where Andros stands on the LRT: Here's where Andrew stands on responsiive gnvemmcnt V (all for an immediate. independent review ofthc V Keeping taxes. user rates, and the Regional debt "£1an program ‘ under control; V Make all [.RT documents public, including the V (‘aring for our most vulnerable Citizens and those on tenninntlun clause. ï¬xed income; / Seek your input through meetings, polls. or a Investing in priorities such as homelessness, affordable housing, referendum if necessary daycare, and the environment As a former (my and chional ('uunclllor and former Member of Parliament. the workings of government are not new to Andrew He has experience. I\ known for standing up for what he l’x.‘l1t‘\tc‘.\ in. asks questions and does not accept the status quo or easy answers Restoring public trust in our clcctcd officials 18 Vital. Vote Andrew TELEGDI for Waterloo Regional CounCillor http://myoteonkwlrtca telegQinoteonkwlrtca Phone:519-746-7902