. < . . _ > , ‘ l2. ‘LJL_‘O.O on I l o 1 “A“ _ a..__fl ‘ ‘ City staff backs development . *3 W [rumpus I 9 W my; l InAugustthechurchwas g " : one of 100 sites across Cana- ‘ i a do to receive a plaque com- , , s l immonting the internment _ ,4“, , $ ,1 of Ukrainian men. women _ - M L “ ‘ “‘5 and chlldren during and - . . - - i' 7 v ; altertheFirstWorldWar. », - ‘ l i l . The development has . ‘ . . been a source of conflict ii); i 7}; between UlDand the church V ' > p-f a ,l ». since it ï¬rst came to council l ;' I ‘ S __~ in a for an informal public meet~ ‘L I _ was: giant's}. t“ . ‘ ' mgfl’gï¬sï¬ï¬rï¬rggegï¬ worried St. Sophia Ukrainian Church parishioners have launched an about damage to the proper- OMB appeal against a neighbouring condo prolect W PM“ . ' . ‘ ty during the two-year can The condo will include prop-ct was going to he and struction period. including 167 units and 175 hedmorm we‘ve been working with the w vibrations, dust. noise and in a mix of one-hedrtunu (l('\(‘i()pt‘l’ through the site “ L garbage. and two-bedroom units. and plan approval stage." stud l 'lhev are also concerned some will also include dens. Scott Amos, director of - about a potential loss ol’sunr A total of l 13 parking spaces development approvals. ‘ light and the large influx of will also he provided. but will lo help raise l'unds for I residents to the area beside be sold separately from the what could be u costly their (l.22~acre church prop condo units. The condos Will appeal process. volunteers ertyat154 King St. N, start at $99,000. will be selling homemade ' I . . . . The fear of having the Glenn Scheels of (‘15P perogies, cabbage rolls and , new development towerover Group. the agent represent» lentil or horscht soup at the i a urn, ure I UI a Ion their Church even led parish ing the developer, declined church \l'dl'llilg this week, ioners to compare their to comment on theappeal. Oct. 9 ll. from 9 .1 m to struggle to the biblical story City staff still believe the T pm. t ‘ ofDavid versus Goliath. proposed development is a “We'll bring forward ' ‘ The congregation dis- good ï¬t for the location, whatever we can but i don't ' _ _ a - g ' cussed selling the church to “When staff recommend- think we're under any illur ‘ Q ' ,1' 5 .1 , ' . s _“ (ill) but balked when the ed approval of the rezoning sions we'll have a multivniilr ‘ 2 is? 3 7 3 l ’ ‘- g 3.? " ' l g 7’ developer would not meet on it we were quite comfon- lion dollar defence,†Mont ; é a 5 ' _ fâ€: ' ": x. the $2.2 million asking price. able in knowing what the forte said. . q .. ‘ ' 7 I" TM ’t ti" I ‘ ‘I i ,3» >7: '. -,~- . ,-9 ' f {I 45 i‘ d 4 . ' More to Waterloo... - . “t » I . 3 HAND CRAFTED MENNONITE FURNITURE, 3 .. BEDROOM, DINING ROOM COFFEE TABLES, ‘~«‘ LEATHER AND FABRlC sorAs RECLINERS .., . , _ and Accessomeé *1 .1 a ' z I I I a ; i '_ -»., ‘ ansms DELIVHM W“ ' infoviverikatraur Lu - m ‘ a 1‘ . : ._._.H--__E ‘1‘ - . ‘ . CV Ii‘vheivz “ - i 9 ~ ~ . m: l 2 . . ' ~ LRT is bought and paid for. Let's prepare for the chal- ; ‘ ’s ' We“ . I , - . .. . ~ ‘ _ . lenges messy construction brings. Lets keep busmess . F U RN ‘3 H I N G S a ' "-v i†.. ‘ RH open and customers coming. Long term, our chal» 1 r r “ i ‘N . . . , M, ;. . . , g sleek-11., Ienge Is to keep operational costs in check. Connectivr ' - P 7 L ‘ . . . . . . . l _, fill Sill [3 “NM up â€muâ€: 3 .U Hi i if ill“ try and mtenstï¬cation are key to budding ridership. l 1 \ ‘ ‘ . All ITEMS bUBJiLl i0 PHIUH/‘SRU “ccâ€"m h__,,_._. "’“' i