Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 May 2014, p. 9

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‘ WA'I‘liRItX) cumulus - Wednesday, May 28. 20M - 9 C OMMENT _ i 4 We 1 ‘ l ‘ i ‘ l l . ‘l il i ll l\\lllllll.(.llll().\l(,l.l ea“ Sun t ‘POOI' tax’ hurting more require nearly three months rental It would appear that Union Gas . income to pay for it. was one of a few companies that than jUSt renters Why does this great city of ours didn't know 20I3»2014 was going to worShlppers it her letter to the Chronicle on go after such a high tax grab from its be a bitterly cold winter. It was all IMay 21} Katherine Bader claims people who want to supplement over the news and I suspect the he image was almost overwhelming. It was a towering the rental licence fee is it!“ a the" "was” income? "“90er ofcitizens knew about this. black and white image, depicting scorched sunflowers “poor tax” on people. Why does the rental bylaw have but for some reason, Union Gas slouched over dead in a field. like fallen soldiers undera I fully agree with her view that no exceptions? ‘ . did" L ' l . canopy ofomlnous clouds. the city of Waterloo rental licence Fhe present City countil should When I queried them about it. I The scene was a metaphor for the loss of cultural Identity. fee has increased the rent cost of a be ashamed and withdraw this was told, ”nobody could have pre- life withering awayin aharshenvironment. three bedroom house by the equiva- “poor tax" or be vmed 0*“ at "'9 (“med "“57 _ Toronto-based artist Miguel Rocha created the 9 x I2 multi~ lent of one month's rent City coun- next election If you believe that you may be panel photographic installation entitled In a Field (or iii was.) ClllOfS who voted for this rental interestedinabridgelhave forsale, {cranexhjbifionlwent (o momthantenyearsagqshowcasing bylaw should have known what they Alfredflecht Personally. I don't think they contemporaryanbyCanadians “POW heritage. were doing 10 the Poor people 0“ Waterloo even bothered to do the" usual What particularly struck me was that. among the many this great city; or worse, they were {079915098- ” they had, they would drooping sunflower heads. a few alert givenbadandmisleadingadvice, Paying for Union Gas have adjusted rates last year in survivors stood upright and com- ‘- But what about a poor retired mp on billing antiClpation 0f the comma cold posed. It was a captivating scene to ample who lives in their three bed 5P9“ . behold. these sunny icons as symbols room house and wants to rent out FI‘ he Ontario Energy Board just I‘l’lel‘lds. someone at Union Gas ofidealism amid such darkness. one or two bedrooms to supple approved an increase to sewed’UP and they should beheld For me, these photographs merit their meagre retirement Union (ias' gas commodity. WSWn5|ble- Heads 5’10"“ fl)“- asgjgned new meaning to sunflowers income? If a three bedroom house gas price adjustment and delivery Increases like (his one "Hid [0 and inspired me to grow some of my needs to use one month rental rates. really hurt "1°59 "‘3‘ “V" 9“ fixed ownsevenlyearsback. ‘1" income to pay the “poor tax” then The price of the gas commodity incomes. Tl“? average “5".“ look- I was given some seeds harvested I the retired couple would need near rose almost 40 per cent. while the m8 at appmnmntdya ”00 increase from a family member‘s mammoth f ' ly two months of rental income to gas price adjustment rose a wimp for the year Russian sunflowers. planted six of ' ‘ cover WS‘poor lax“ Will 1000 per cent (to make Up for them in a small pot. a few Calm If they wanted (0 f0!“ out only the shortfall in billing) W m deep on our deck in Igte Mly Once one bedroom, the 'P00' “1"- Wmlld Why (he increaseyou 35“ W they were a few inches tall. I trans- ‘W’fi' ~mm’“ ’ " ’ ”""*‘*' "‘ ferred them to the back garden. 0 . approximtdy IE inches apart One of A trul Amazm e enence (~3erde we r y days. but the other five birthed â€" a I pleamuiumpositiontothewotkotmthatmspuedme Tim Hague St has learned a lot of things over the Research (link It Limit! Univemty» Providing the atrium with a thick layer of mulch to keep 1 l past year since he rocketed into the public eye This tournament WIS launched I“! year by my 1 the so“ moist around the root; I replenished the “rel-drained 1 It by wmntngtht- first Amazing Race (anada to host I?" lumby Who“ dad M5 MUN)!“ Tim 1 soil with nutrients once a week using a high phosphoric acid ‘ Diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at Hague said the effect on familit“I can be ”WWW” ; liquid fertilizer Within a matter of weeks. I was astonished by ‘ the age (it 46, rim and h“ um managed to fintsh on confusing and devastating because of the range of l l their vigorous growth and size. top in thl- 1 toss ( ”unity l'vt'm. Whirl! symptoms. W“ h? 3‘30 helm“ bringing l y I also lucked out with regards to location our west-facing bet same one oi (anada's most watched the condition to lifdit Is the key I I mm is W with at k1“ nine of the lumpy hours of gun ‘ r IV shows .5111“? ”If ”If? PM“ (hf QUP‘UUnl l l light each day At sunset. in beautiful Wild and unruly Iim Will be in it W on llIIM‘ I Hot our hl'fl' "‘0“ |‘ how are YOU feeling?" Hawthorne tree just behind our property lasts a moderate wt 0nd annual Parklnsom golf murna ; i '. ' r it i Wild “m ”W “HINT" 0‘ “implf‘ll‘ shadow I‘ve read that their art- peril-rt (tititlllmns for our yt‘l mt'nt \peaking with him Monday. be “"1189" '5 lnIh touching ““1 h“ 0"" low headed monstm admitted to some surprise at how quid firmed '0 him "'3' KW?" the ”“1"" P“) ‘ In addition in their height. I also r-nptryed other charmmg ly he has been able to work at rims the ‘ pk will step up and Mn Mid ht“ thank Illdm1Pnukl‘ dour sunflower plants like the way they traded lountry It)! the ( AIIV' f"I '0' ll" I’le'llm'” “’ P‘” I‘ I" ”I" the sun along its worm-v from out to west At nifiit. they would While rev-arr h is "luxuriant. Iini so“ ., “mills!“ ‘ n-tiim in their eastward orientation and await the sunrise awareness is at the vm top 0‘ his mind ‘ i“ 'I vet sinl r my diagnosis I w bet-n in. hardy stems appeared almost tr"- like m “W” “up lhv wmptnms of Parkinson s i an be g Willing I” "I“ Mann?“ 'lN' “will"! the rough tenured leaves attuned several varieties of "I“ is wry mild to begin With and that in" ' [WM-ll“ "0'" "W ”"3""! Rm " "I“ he?" rm lawniritr-brmgthr ladybug. Minor) awnnderfill phi-alum lamp pi-oplr- III tin-illmi whal tlir‘ ‘ a bit-Hing for mr'. and thus" Within! timilsandsotganirnpesulikraphuhand meah'bilgs pair!“ is going through _ V against I?” 6“"? ' it» thr- nmv- they bloomed in late summer the talk-st \tIIi As a health «are worker in nursing ‘ > llm W1“ WINK hl‘ "WWW!" '11 ("WW flown plant in our garden warm] mm right (my will] ”it mirniriisiratioll lirn says it s party Illarh , WM!“ " and "WIN?" “I "NV" ‘ "V“ 2““ largest loam“ spanning I4 "N has Wide important that ldl’PKIVl‘l\ both prim-s BRIAN _ "NIH" and will (3“ “It" p4” "W" 'l Im not surprised that slinfluwrrs arr a Li ' will! will!“ 4 “(Hull and burn!» keep In mind s4 build BOURKE will I" not a RUN!" ll! Iris in bruit lini w mam artists l‘il A\\l) and \an “out i“illfl lli!‘ mm- mg o! ”It‘ll“ Minn and M ti\it\ is HIM m “WAR and rnrn a 49‘“ ’0'" dinner an» famous the well bring ”I sufferers In" ‘3“ ll will” “i" l" l“"‘ “‘ "n the 2“” While planting some mammoth RI]\\|1 ' ’luwvr vials w Rascal II\\\llIlIlp1‘fl lini and I had a lelTii llll tlnii' "NH“ M" “I” hm" 4 H“ ‘l""‘ "P0" ""1""" "l a big put on our dwk this past Wk, I rm v'w’v mil ii ’llltlli‘ in tilinw ting mostly hm anw HI 1hr Ilnil‘ nines whit h “MM Minn!" I it!“ in!" 3"" ‘l‘nn" ""1"“ I" 3' 9“" (landi- “on" the [writ it impmgumi .' '- ' i was!» Mr pain! i managed libil!"1‘lli"f‘l\ H "M up lint hr lI'I mo of? for a l'I'IYVWVl“ We would Imr In w‘ \"Ill l umo‘ will mg water lilies but who also paint.“ 9 “I . M tr his (and: v 'lii limit I l‘lalhl‘ I‘aiitirwins' hr said light bran “‘ v-rws 'I lw-rhapsimdiaunngnml A. 4 ‘v - ' 'livwv'rs i‘tll\ in Int 1 l blamr II for mrnfliing “WI" ““41"! '1 "WWW" "l’hf “'3 ”U " '/ "l "’ I‘riiit-i-lls lirrtn thr- l \rll' filly g.» r,. not? vim "initilngrrvu .unhrmmhnlhir twill/1’ \thhIll/l‘mnllum IINI’rlIInfi"" w 1 NW" [milk l’ariinsmh V" H.” and m, M,,H.,,H.m ”Wm...“ IvhrmvliwlnrrlIm/unv l.Iivllr-mrulnmrihul/ I ‘ "‘rli W"

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