WAl'liRLtX)CHRONICLE-Wednesday. May 14, 2014 . it C A Mo er’s Da ' *1 . “.llt)ll\l) i Mom and son will cross the same stage for WLU ’8 fall convocation l W _, , ,, ,W ‘ By BOB VRBANM. ‘3 1:1; . N , "Iii->19!) ,W ,W,,W_ Who killed history? asks i Yoti don’t stop being it mom now matter how old your confederation Glut) ‘ children are, says l.ilti Bruit-re as she prepares to grad 4’ l irate wttli it Masters Ill Social Work from Wilfrid lauriv f I Hie Confederation Club welcomes its BUM Stu ‘ or University this lune . 1 dent History Award winners and guest speaker ‘ But the til ryt'kll’~()ltl mother ill three doesn't have to won- Geoffrey Hayes, associate protessor ot hlstilr) at 1 tier how her son Shawn liiliiisitiii_ 37, is. doing these days _ ’l . the llant‘l’Sll)’ of Waterloo, May lr'i, noon to 13w 1 he's one of her t‘lllhsnltttt's iii the same Masters program at if - l1!" - i" ll)" â€OW" Flam hotel i†(WWIWMH “if“ ! Will [hey Will he crossing the same stage at convocation this ‘ t‘m‘t ‘ tall becoming one oi the ï¬rst mother/son duos to do so in the 1 â€all“ Will 81W it talk (in. “Who killed history†same program iii the Waterloo school's history. ' Hayes is a native of Waterloo. He graduated from ‘ lohnston said he wanted to share their story as a mother’s Wilfrid laurier University with a double major in 3 day gift to his mom. who inspired him to get his life back on History and Political Science then went on to earn , trut‘k when she went hark to school at age 40 in 1994 and got a Masters from WU]. He earned a Phi) for his work l her social work degree from (‘arleton University. on studying the Canadian Army Ofï¬cer corps in , Her three sons Shawn. (airy and Mike were in the audi- the Second World War at Western University. lie l enti- that day cheering her on, and she ended up as a sub- accepted a fun time teaching position at â€W I“ l stimu- abuse counsellor in Sarnia trying to undo the damage 19% where his interests shifted in part to local his l alt‘oliol and drugs were doing to her First Nations tory, His work in includes a book called Waterloo ‘ tommunity (bunty: An Illustrated History published in 1997 ’ And it’s quite the story to tell as they both tome full t’lfl’lk’ In addlthH to local hlsmry. he has maintained and share the same stage during this fall's t‘onvocation lhey V 'd strong interest in (hnadian military leadership were both members of (Iout'hiching l‘lf‘l Nation trying to With many publications In that area Spanning the ‘ owrrome abusesofthe past period from Vimy Ridge to Afghanistan He regu Bruyere was a survivor of the residential school system. larly organizes battlefield tours to Northwest 1 lohnston was the generation that came alter as the survivors Europe. strumw with the fallout of ripping people from their comA 6 In an essay published in zoos. War and histori . munities and their culture. and sell-medicated to deal with 5. (8| memory Hayes tenet is on â€the mentor» ‘ the pain. I boom." the growttig thirst many of us have to Iohnston was just lh when he moved away from home try- Lila m and M â€(I M Johnston W“ M the stage â€'“lfl‘lflml m" "W'm‘ â€â€˜4' have ‘hal’ï¬l “'9‘" W" mg to make II on the mean streets ofVanipeg. when: there It WLU otter gnduating from the some iotial work program l arr- lri spite of this thin! for historical understand little supports and too many negative influences for aborig) "w â€W ‘ itiit â€Ht WWW?“ ““4 0' hWWlï¬lK“ l‘ “ï¬ll""lk rial youths though he was coming to a community of tar-pom, so it was Who lulled hmorv’ let" ï¬nd out 'I attempted to ï¬anh school." said lohnnon. â€I dropped thatkindofacultureshock forthem~ said Wilvt'n’ In reserve .i seat rat â€and .it EM am out“ or out after being bullied. but I attempted to earn some credit; The wooensful candidates of the tour year program, â€mm "owl lt-twit"itnmnwsenu-t not , â€But I was working full time and trying to go to adult. and mined thmufdi distance «duration. graduated on the reserve there lust wasn't any support at that time for an aboriginal and then were flown hath tolltawa and took pan in the I on walk on Strong youth in the city ' vor'ation (tn-monies at the school He failed to get all llu- i mitts hr needed tor his t.l l) and ’lhe highlight of that was to see my three 90m sitting in set for May 17 ‘ his life spiralerl out of rootrol in a haze of times and alt nhol the crowd.‘ said Brim-w ' lo accompHi something like this I > .is he tell in with the wmngt mwd as I residential school survrvor I had to liter-fly change It“ A ""‘~ “15W! 8100!) called“ 0“ Simon m" 'l inst gave up, even though I was really good at «hool my 0! thinking, and not let the negative thoughts tell me l ‘ mm" M" l ' '1 the Wltr'rloo WW “I†KY'MMIK â€if said lohnston "I wanted to male an effort to get (‘ouldn‘t do it [he group "N5 m the Waterloo W “In" an adoration hut ll inst wasn‘t happening ' ’1 male it and I did r«mu-thing I didnt think I wold do ' ""’" ll" "'3Ԡ""7â€â€œ? “Uh“ â€I" at ll “7‘ '3‘ h last forward a few wan and W had derided to mo It wved as impiration tor lohnflon. and After a m owl Villttlfly Ill war long Thu Sunni-y'- vnlk I! it irrint her own demons and make : diflermu- in her life. and stint in rehab and nitmng hark an. it ï¬rmly pvt him thr km and “in various routes "notâ€! “a†the lllr‘ Mothers. by studying [or her axial wort degree it was mnfidetxr- and the support he needed to become 1 mature â€thaw.“ on gm WNW are 5 h“ wits "" through a unique program often-d by (arlrton University student and turn hisuwii life around NM.“ at 6 ‘0 p m , and 6 km wilt: on Smut whit h new professors to the remote- «ummumti and He went to [amnion t allegi- and Western llnIVPrsll‘v day" "Q" m . immersed them iii lhl‘tllllllfl‘ '1Mhatlm-verherntothr MNMHtMMtYIlIIKIWMMW l'†â€â€˜"" '“'"â€â€œâ€˜â€œ'""- ""“'l lust Nations. and u a matter of lart one of the prolesoon (Wm M I2 1 â€my worm hWatnloo ‘ a