.â€" is - WAi‘Htiot i (IHIONICU'I - Wednesday, Apni :50, 20H m .. .. a" -‘nw . W, . . may ,W_ .. . . a- a.“ ...,_, . _ _ _ _. .. . ...., . Career planning 8110 EM start 1 .b1 ecently l met with a very 'l‘hink about courses, extracurr type “speech†into a Search engine, your own interest and doing some positive in year old. lle was l’lt'lllal’ activities and volunteer such as linkedln Jobs. You will ï¬nd research can lead yoti to an entry ougur and genuinely inter experiences. results including speech language level jolt that (an be the lit-ginning ested iii researching his career Do you excel at research or get ( I i H i l pathologist. speech analytics "lair ot‘a great career. options. ting things done? tiger. sales representative. commit [‘0 get some other tree \ art-er Whether he knew it or not, Write down everything. even ifit ' nications advisor and trainer. planning tips or assistance, talk to reat‘lilng out for advice and guid. doesn't seem relevant to a possible .5“ With this list of job titles, an Employment Atlvisor at a it)( ill tinct- as you explore career options L'im‘cr path. .7 research each job to learn more Employment Ontario agency. \llt h is .1 Wise ï¬rst step. l'hen. look for similarities and '; about the duties. the type of train- as Lutherwood. loo many youth head into the trends in what you liked and were ing required and the long term "- labour market With timi- or m, good at doing. employment prospects. thinly" [ilg’tlun III/horn M can‘t-r direction. Ask your friends. family merit . t This information can be partic- an EmploymentAdi/Lunar [other Even [host- who (hum.- (“ï¬ver hers and teachers what parts ol ‘ ularly helpful when you combine it wood with eightiarxâ€woe/ire sin as the ï¬rst step are often unsure V01" personality stand out. . with a career assessment. including undojfers airline [oh worth willâ€!!! oi where it may lead Are you helpful? Do you work i CAROLYN i an interest inventory through Imheruuxl'v [UNIV/err! Whether heading to the lahour We“ With others? Are you good at 3 LE]GHTON- ; Now. reach out to people in the lt'tl’ut/tllht’ru’lttklt'll/Iu‘t‘dd/Ull market (“niftly from high g('h()()l 0, sharing knowledge, coaching or ; HILLBORN . type of career you are thinking (ler()Xu‘/t ammo/u term“; .lltt‘r completing illrlllt'f mint-anon, teaching your peers? Do you Speak L7 ~â€" w . about and ask for an information (Tl/um!†(Unfit/ti In'ltlt/lt'rlt’nm/ H is Itliportant in do \nâ€]{‘ “in.“ With confidence in from of large at‘tiVities and your personality. take interview. xtufl’offerilig/oh search [min/id planning groups ofpeople? the results and enter some of the You can learn why they chose “(ll/l“? lathe/amid on {IKII/ '\ “(you ï¬r“ step h to â€mod†Sometimes others recognize keywords into a job search engine the profession, what to expect for age/try that o/ji'n employment not all the at‘tivttit-s yott did in your things about us that can be useful to find different kinds ofjohs that an income, how their career has [mrtrLs‘tw/lmu mogul/other V'H' early teen years What did you lovi- starting points for exploring train include those keywords. progressed and the pros and cons ices uthit’h (lfl‘tu't'l'lv‘lllfl’fllll’t‘ lining! What were Vim really gum] mg and careergoals. l-‘or example, if someone said ofihe job than ;’;’.,’i(IU;~-oplrannuallyin ‘ (â€t Once you've considered past you speak well in front of groups, laking the tune to think about Hit/whit; Region ant/mm GlAN/SlART tit' d t th ï¬ a] 'thM 2t ' tall [he stage is set for deliberated and made the tough came to a number of tough deci- scraping ice afterastorni. tremendous coniinert i.il suit ms." t.l\NlS'l'AR'l, a local dragons den. decision of choosing the Final 8. sions. “This year's Top 8 ï¬nalists are \ald Benton leong iroin lill' hold Mlll'll’ eight companies wtll pitch narrowed down from more than 40 Final companies range from the most diverse and interesting en l‘riangleAngel Network and three will walk away With companies. those that use nanotechnology in group of companies that We seen l‘he companies WI†make lilt'lt S i not) and a chance at in [It'll It was an intense afternoon of promoting the healthy developâ€" for an earlyistage venture competi final put it May 3 mth [ltt' tiltt‘t' more pre»pitches, quality presenters and merit of plants to a windshield tron. l'hese are promising compar Winners rei on trig Simon and .i the (.lANlSlARl iiidges have great ideas. in the end the judges coating that saves us from ever nies that can very well enjoy thante topitth to 1m It]\t’\tltr\ l o I I 1. O A tea tor WI gmde you to the right house. , We gm 0 you tot e rig tmortgage. 6 l ’ i i . 1.1». i.’ ., ,7 mi. .i 'm ,, la], slop iiiiliiin out.“ will -;" .i~ ; 9i .- ,,. ,.l Wt . , ._- - . ._ ‘, 1,,ti ,V .:v'l,‘t" .iii ' .‘ltf . -,'!i ï¬â€˜iilfl'iii liiil ('vii ‘i i i '2‘ - I . I tititotUrn/hotnehuymsgiiitlw ‘ f v , > , m , _ . .’ warranty-taunt via. 4w.â€