l2 - WATEitiloo CHRONICLE owwlmy. April 30, 20H x ;l'A‘ ' . ‘ t»? W ' . . ‘ '3 “itâ€. my ‘ itâ€: .3 . -,~_ , '- I ‘L. . " if†’ “ - “if; "r g -. 43‘ , , W W 3 , _ Free Comic Book Day a » ., ,_ _ . girl setforMay3 ‘ I _ .. ,» .,v.~i.:""JTZ~W.V~»“H “if" £10; '5 37 : Waterloo's Carry~0n Comics is hosting the . .7 ~ g l . ‘ annual Free Comic Book Day, May 3, 9 am to 6 Ԡ~13: ~_ ‘ if 3» pm. at 32 King St. N ' i .I‘ l The year marks the biggest event yet with up to ‘ it ; 60 free comics available for new and devoted Eï¬ï¬‚naf l j g! ‘ i 5’ comics fans to discover, while also exploring what " ' " ~ W†- r ' .: other treasures their local comic shop has to offer .. , I Hill" More than 2,000 comic shops and stores across m â€"- Canada, the US and worldwide will be participat- ‘ . c l -- . ing in the annual event. *3, . «_ , ' ". - . MW e ‘ Anyone who visits a participating comic shop .. . - .. will receive at least one or more of the designated The Centre for International Governance innovation Campus in Waterloo won a Governor General‘s Medal in Architecture Free Qomc $00k Day comics ‘0' free. . April 23, the fourth structure in that area of the uptown to receive the prestigious award. _ ““8 Y?“ 5 1’05“" contains 50 free €0m'CS that at more include titles for everyones tastes from Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy. DC‘s The New 52: Futures R0 assent End, Archie. Spongebob and Teen Titans 00!. to The Simpsons, Hello Kitty. Transformers, Sonic . . . and many more for comic fans to discover. CIGI campus fourth building at corner of Erb Street to wm GG award Complete descriptions ofall 60 titles. along with thm a year for the building and it's design side between theorlgirial still houseand four-to-six Page premcws can be found 0mm" 8' OtmnicleSlaJ team. KPMB Architects won a design that building it's stunning how closely â€w‘ï¬mmboomfy'wmlwm": b . a excellence award from the Ontario thealdiitecmraifootprint identiï¬es For more I" ° "3" ' e we 5â€â€œ The Centre for lntematiomi Cater Association of Architects, recognizing â€And the bell tower, which was Mr. www.freecomicbookday.com. orcall 5'9‘836'4267‘ trance Campus continues to rack the best in architectural design and Balsillie’s own prescription, really upthenan'onalhonotmaherwin» irmovationfor20l3.lmAprli. har'kensbacktothedayswhenthebell BIOOdmObfle “Sits Mayz I ning the Governor General’s Medal in "We are honoured that the ClGl would call people for important events Th C di Bl d Se . b’l d ArchitecttueApril 23. famous ha received a Governor Gen» in the city. The tower represents the l‘ e If"; at: (â€we 3C9â€! '6‘, to?" ‘ it is now the fourth building on the eral's Award and very pleased to con- central rolloftheschooland its indentl- 3mg; 6 t 2 in†coming kt; fill .00 l corner of Erb and Caroline Streets in tribute in fourth CG Award winning tyin theCityofWatelloo (. “663 I? m. €03.62, 3| Mn“ 0 mm 1 uptown Waterloo to receive the honour building to the intersection of Erb and Mclaughlin has been invited to the a?! l . egd d†Th Ca ad' Bl rod Se ’ - along with the former Seagum Muse Caroline Streets in uptown Waterloo." ceremony in May along with KPMB e p “ "thateso e letn .18" l ’ 3"“: f um in less. the (lay and Glass Gallery said Shirley Blumberg of KPMB Archi Architects men the award will be pre- 3:330:52" l0 Wimp“ a“ “ï¬lm; :2le if, r in l997 and the Perimeter institute for tectsina releme. sented. The awards will be presented l sha the 'ï¬ â€œyr; ppt y . lheoretial Physics in m. local historian Kenneth McLaugh- during a special ceremony at Rideau pegse†l 32,8 28:, o :3†888 a“; 6"“ q) t l “On behalfofevcryone at the Centre lin, who was pan of the original build Hall on May l3 at 2 pm. h :1 4 7 ‘ ona f t ") '1‘ _‘ (Cl ll: . for international Governance lnnova ing committee along with ClGl founder Rick llaldenby. a professor of archi Mm)“ .. if xi ‘3‘)ng men ( n â€H ‘ ‘ tron, l congratulate Shirley Blumherg lim Balafllie. said thegoal waste choose tecture at the University of Waterloo. 0‘ “d (x mo m . and her team at Kl’MB on this out an architectural design that would lit said it was “utterly unique†to have four . standing honour." said (llGl President the heritage and history of the area. it Governor General awardAwmning Kids can’t wait Radiothon Rohinton Medhorli in a release. â€This also features a prominent court yard buildings in Hot h close proximity to l . . . . ‘ medal h a testament to the ClGl ('am and a bell tower like the one at other each other l K.d:':::~?w3. [taltljlzlratlllggtll1?:lltlgtlrngaluaill‘1llad: puss mm tie-Sign and functional pth school campuses like Trinity "it's a pretty spectacular concentric 2 6a m In 6 p to ill ' ' 1 Il\ The hiilding is a unique and signiï¬ (“liege in Toronto lion,†he said. “Putting aside Toronto. ' ’ ‘ _' ' . rant contribution in Waterloo. and (1l(.l "We wanted an architectural style Montreal andVancouver. there are more “83:23:31: 15;; mï¬cfilllelnl'hltr:hrï¬lh ls proudmbcpanofotirmmmuniry's thatsonofï¬tstheindmtrlalsaleofthe (kwernorGeneralawardwinninghiildr special norm For more Informalmn Hm history.†original Seagram buildings,†said ings in Waterloo Region than in any kidsahiliryca/en/radiothon . l‘h'n is the second award in just over Mclaughlin. 'lf you put them side-by- other municipality in Canada' ’ ' i ' h 2' a? 9 n- .." ' I / , 6