£4 ' \\.\I “(I (K t ("HRUNICLH ' Wrrliicxtltit. April it, JIlll _ v A ,, - _._ ._, 7__ w W ,, IGOinnHHp ] 15.1.5an 1 Sales Opportunities ] [Sales Opportunities ] lflomeltenovationsj luau-re Renoutmns ] Emrmnuclmg,7 CI! ' s ‘ " ’ it?" ~ e 1 â€wrist; 3: ï¬rm .. 7 m _ ' ' _‘“â€â€˜ “’ The Waterloo Rerrrorr Record ; 1, of v x; â€for my; HANDYMAN élP Poss & ' , _ = . . _ ' ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ , 7"; t xcava in », independent Hyer Contractor truce h ~ Ll . , J 1 , 3 if SERV'CE 8‘ REPRE‘SE ‘“ REâ€Â°"'“'°NS 4&3 Guaranteed Dellvery Work! ~ - ‘ †are“ H w 0053235 e I l .v ., 4 .; 5 ml; r ~ com a rrl "5 Waterloo, NZT, NZV PM Code £11 Mi Born r A ' wens Maintenance ‘ _' HtK'lDOlflI‘ Northlake Dr Mfr/mo ' “I ' ,. A‘ meme'ual Work Fences decks irrrrngton‘ Let triantl Sandbrooke Stratttrrtere Crt 67/m0 - Vâ€" "“"""““"“""""" N " â€' â€Cl†“m†’ trrvrrrgtorr Pl forum Wrttshrre Pl area 77/mo ‘NA’I [RT-00 CHRONICLE 519-589-1553 3:23:32; Lgiaegicvkdaamw “mom Flemrng trendy R'dg" 1.13234“) The Waterloo than r Ie has an exrellerrt L/LllJDllullllV lrrr in rrrdrvrrlUdl tr, .‘ l" rrr~ stump remot/al z‘trablrs Dr 51, m3 career rn digital, or rtt and on Irne advert mg sales mush-m mm“ Free Estimates S‘ï¬verlsagey cvrvt toxnrll, Heather Hill Pt $135 The candidate we seek erl demonstrate exceptional abilrt'es lri ‘ ' 15 Yrs Exp 3 ey ’ e, “M's ‘ /mo J Prospecting and (losrng customers With advertising *.crle\ l‘Llll’Vr'rllll' I ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ " , érner‘tc'agii‘gechgjvï¬bzzd gsrer, ï¬ancegztsh at h 55230 rncludin newspapers, drgrtal, onrlrne and Waqlag ‘ [scapes Company “(l 5198498830 Cglflgmeead Stet/it isle Oregoerswgt1 WV»? lris Velmterrcberry 187/m8 r ./ Cold<cal?rng new or nonrservrced busrnesses rn Waterloo and related areas r 225 Bantamin R5 Chenonwood Cres , 97/mo r ./ Creative thinking style and an ability to problemâ€"solve 1 W. W Your w Ellesmere Crt. Inverhuron Crest) Lake tourse Blvd gall/mo " I Sell-starter With loads of rnrtratrve who needs mrnrmal drre(tron ‘ Garden Maintenance & Desrgn M Clearwater lires, Wrntergreen r /mo , / High energy and a positive attrtude ‘ Lawn Care ~ Re air ~ Re lace - COW" Pl Mawrew A“? O/mo I Excellent verbal and written skllls We Remove Fallgn Tree Lembs xw/ Wm thhcner N2E I. NZN Pm Code I literate in computer skrlls rncludrnq MIUO'sOlt Word, Excel 4 Deck Maintenance ' m “ï¬lm" E nbr lr bi thtole Cres SpnngHrll P! CO ntr Wa 97/mo ‘ / Drrven for SUCH?“ I le‘ I. is S ‘Sprtng Clean ups â€0°†- rUYY r r ‘331 A" Mountarn MM Crescent SS/mo ./ Excellent organizational sk lls “MAW ‘ . PM! Lawn ‘ (My fort, Woodmopr Crt area I (gist/mo ‘ This rs a (areer posrtron the eatnrrrq rrntenrral rs tar berm-r “w tr r‘ u you Call Linda 6 519.591.4902 Maintenance Watercress, Waterwrlow, thderness or /rno r estabhsh yourself ‘ I d a , Wirrdllower Cres, Windflower Dr ZOO/mo r 3" scams rogers.com meiml Mulch, frrxglove Cres 187/mo Remuneeratror; TC'UO“ ' 'Rlvet Rock ' a“? “W M!‘ " 519-742-5388 MOW days I! 3 days. â€WM/FM“. t (at Allowairte been“ an H U , H v , U, , , ‘ , _ v ‘_ ‘ 0 (ommrssrons rrr(ludrng r,;f;rr,rtunrty to sell bu; ' lrrr theWtarerl w ,, 7 , , . 2 Tu." '." ‘_ , f: . ' U ', {j ' ' v f (hronrtle, (ambrldge llmes, trtrnener Post (r-ll‘ ;t ll turtle and rrli Hw- [SC es ‘ men“ f : : _ , ' t . . ; Metroland Media bruup markets up (“ml’any “ll, 80min “an†. » , l 0 Established weekly publrttrtrrrrt‘, (Pd(hlltl’] rrvr'r W ’ll)ll homo, ' ~,'»r‘ r Servrnq the Krtthener/Waterloo area “w“ RUN" ' Region lnterror panting, colour consult, Mulchi , . . c . , I 0 Bonus Opportunrtles pick up and de ivery of product W , ' l' A i , r -r t w l 0 Beneï¬ts patkaqe and group RSP ‘. Reasonable Pricing Reliable Sen/ice BM Chlnlin ‘ ' ' l ‘J - l l " "“ ‘ ' fl ; Post Secondary [duration an asset but not or we reqrrrste It urrerrt (tutor o driver s l ' 5195795223 Intense and access to a dependable velrlrle are lPlJUltPtl My entry level posrtron rs c, ‘ , tr ‘ w r ‘ ,. perlert for rndrvrdualx wrttr a batqufrrrr‘ 1 tr drrrrr to door autorttrfllve or other types , . . . ‘ neuussr FOR TENDER 0' was 90mm ‘ , . r -. » r,- GUELPH TRIBUNE lnterested candrdates are asked trll Mrrl the†resumes by Mar R N rJ Reference Advertrsrng Representatw ‘ lenders are now being consumed from independent contractors Ted ï¬nderson R tonaIAdv rt" in Malta , r rnterested in delrverinq papers lllyers to carriers 279“ St: NfQSuite 20 e ls 9 99 , wit-WEN ,AwN Remuneration exoectatrons should be based on the tollowmg Waterloo,ONN213Hl r “m mm ~Ell/tllGNtt. we“ tandnwWaterloodtronklexa l la â€lento -l ‘-. r“ rrr'wt'» ~ nil ‘ WA;a.rx: ' 709l't’5'les 9?! week llueSOBYS 300 ThUlSGaYSl WW" 3 2pm [marl lrles preferred Please label lrles wrtl lm,’ ' wire t rr 'Ptererrte . J â€00†lNG 5mm G 5009 4, Fall 1m» 9m Eomp'el‘o†deadline Our apoloqres but only those selerreo tor rm nrermw erl he ronrartod W 1; ‘ E AVE 5 â€tout,“ Mow-A; mew - countrrrg and sorting product lrrr carriers ._ _. ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ __ __ .. _ , 9 WWW - PM) JC a" groom! a' rru' "lat" depot 475 Thomosnr f?’ of ‘ 4 v, . . ' -' ~ wit ' â€my A tlt lrmmmcw 279 Weber St. NA, Suite 20, Waterloo, on N21 3H8 1mm“ 5,945,670, qu Am - Zulu-fl, Hammond! D' with r r it day detrverrw ‘rr @ E “mm All it new “lam" :r rial ' ‘ ï¬nd" 0 r,~»v A , , ., . ,, r 1g, - , KITCHENER ROOFING 4}? â€Mu 0005 new . 000 or ', PU DROPS Um!’ ll than" “w ' LOU Rate /[\ LANGS Free Estrmmm New bookrng tar trrrrt‘, ,' W“\l""rlrv‘" Woodlawr‘ / Mortgage: "\ HARDWOOD Rooï¬ng ‘2 ' w Sfoflrt UH Season’ Ar. rrrlrttmrrtet“ ll'l'm tlrr', “it'll! rill; "r " r'“ "W 31000) v" $4 it’lqitlijnda'mri’l «try itsg‘m‘c {Zï¬zylpflhce'de Guarrix â€My“ A" W “w; h“ 0mm“ N’ “my" “4 “a" Brr , v hr r. r w. intomwzryr m ' Home Srrrvtr’rrs “m“ a“ ? 519-267-7563 m WNW r“ Mrr‘fl Ht lHull/H) Br Aorrl J‘rt' ï¬lth: Canon pmmerw, ~, an: rid "NM , m , m.krtchenonootlng.com C W Dlnrlbcl M san- tumorrw um hum noon t m 'r ' r A . rMC,'-ml't°"l.--; a†“3“ rt In 7 242 astr'eve “rs" n (51!) (ZS-m Gamma Norway m w a.“ m r ‘ to. “all" on . . Corptrr. l",2‘. , ||1l\|)\ m... , . ,wr=s w an, lender wrl/rroi 09695331â€; Denny,†writ ta“ m b d l I“ I | "\ It I . r{ 200 Vt- m C r "0 0 c n Mm , ‘ t . rnoiHStrSnM 233mm 0.1 "n "new J and W “5 MW Trimming Removal MTM and 519-722-6927 E M. and“ he. Elm new†“In’f‘fllui Branche- F'ullv lmurwl â€up a My Canadian record Sus Sam , the Tnâ€"Cibes H H Years E 5â€, | ‘ ‘ pgnsron r rwmna» par -. I, . \ r . r _ _ lggVM u 593029 don seats rocoru I"'\'!"\,' in“ ‘~Dl!'lr"‘"i khlh L . American “war Allows _ wormwmrmem junk. , , Xe {s x-r w EE m r r l 5 A1 RATES at; £2er m3 tai- item: Renovation Debris Egyfw Dorsal-oat- lid Rm r consultation “I“ 0 Industrial. 6me 0 Institutional W Count 5.“ a..." (530mm Decks. Sheds: Furnrture Metal LEAKY BASEMENT? “an a: it“ 3 m (M _ 0099" M SQ, an,“ Estate Clean out etc Moving u a: an ° you“ . tun mom Mutable Eavest n cleaning A mamaâ€, arr-_- mm» FULL TIME SITE Suesmmeuosm gymgsm m- m ~ W'- M 1 â€any Devlan Construction Ltd ntookinq to hireatull mm a,“ Call 519-5‘40.“ NK lsflbqt l Site Superintendent, wrth "when: in the rommernal â€" F0 R T R E S S and industrial senor cwâ€, , cm me Plus. and nun. and M 0! â€My [ I “_._ i:-â€""" , . , b w M m to: | l 1 . . m l I Dov. And-non, rumor I m l , if; m do Man m . ‘ it!!! â€â€˜m‘ m e newspapef lotloxlflG-nvLMNIflM ; '°°"°'YW' ‘ml “mummmmmmmr Fl! 5") “51“ 0! CW 51 "" ““‘ ' m. Mu tn the Wattfloo Chroma- “ , E-mull m.m rum l WAT}: ONICIE 1__ "Q“ ; . m r, em. . _._._r , _ A“... -- ' tumuul